Why don't children sleep at night?

Almost all parents at least once encountered in their life the problem of baby sleep. According to experts, one in four children under the age of five had difficulty falling asleep or having a long night's rest. Why do children not sleep at night, and how to help them turn off properly in the evenings at the right time for parents?

children do not sleep at night

After birth, the baby spends the first months of his life almost constantly in a dream. He accumulates forces that will help him grow and develop, adapts to the world around him. However, starting from the first days, many children do not sleep at night. And the reason for this is the baby’s fragile stomach, or rather, gas formation and gastric colic, accompanying the digestion of food. For some reason, it is evening and night time that become the most peak for the rampant of these painful processes. Typically, "gaziki" and "colic," as they are often called, torment the child for up to six months. Then they come to naught, and accordingly - normal night sleep is leveled. In order for the child to sleep all night, while he is still very tiny, he needs to massage his tummy, spread it upside down before feeding, and also make dill water or fennel tea, which help eliminate processes that prevent the baby from sleeping normally. Also, a nursing mother needs to monitor her diet to reduce the likelihood of gas formation in the baby’s stomach.

so that the baby sleeps all night

After six months, the above problems go away, but there are new reasons why children do not sleep at night. And the first of them is climbing teeth. During this period, the child’s well-being is so bad that at night he’s definitely not able to sleep. In this case, cooling gels for gums, designed specifically for children whose teeth are cut , will help ease the condition .

But now the baby has already stepped over the age of one year, his teeth have come out, the gaziki have passed. Why don't children sleep at night after a year? From this age, the child begins not only to actively learn the world, but also to analyze it, to experience emotions. Sometimes there are so many such experiences during the whole day that by the evening the overloaded children's psyche is simply not able to switch to the rest mode. This, for example, can happen during a trip or a long shopping trip, or after the first visit to a kindergarten. Yes, in general, even the simplest action performed by a baby for the first time can easily lead to such an overload, and as a result to a bad dream. If the child sleeps little at night after experiencing stress, you should consult a neurologist - after all, usually the psyche switches on the next day, but a often repeated such condition can be a signal of problems.

baby sleeps little at night

In order to put your child to bed after a hard day, you can try one of the following methods: bathe the child in a warm bath, usually evening water treatments have a relaxing effect on the kids; let him drink a glass of warm milk with honey at night - this natural sedative is not only healthy, but also delicious; You can also try to give your child a drink of herbal tea, such as chamomile tea, which also has a mild sedative effect. In order to rock the baby, try to sing him a lullaby for the night or read a fairy tale - the voice of mom or dad can also have a sleeping pill on the baby.

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