"Stop-cystitis" for cats: price, instructions and reviews

The health of the pet is the most important thing for the owner. And it is very important to watch the cat every day, noting the slightest deviation. In particular, if your pet began to react painfully to touching a tight, as if inflated tummy, often run to the tray and gently roll over during rest, clearly demonstrating discomfort, then it's time to run to the doctor. The Stop-Cystitis drug for cats will help relieve pain, but this will not eliminate the need to conduct a full examination and treatment.

stop cystitis for cats

Cystitis. Formidable disease

It occurs very often. And this, as a rule, is facilitated by the conditions of detention. The apartments are very hot, but there are drafts on the windowsills, where purrs like to relax, as well as on the floor (because of the open balcony).

It causes the onset of the disease malnutrition, inadequate vaccination schedule, decreased immunity due to the use of antibiotics or other drugs. It can occur in acute and chronic forms. The latter is difficult to diagnose, greatly exhausts the body, undermines the immune system and shortens the life span of the animal.

The drug "Stop-cystitis" for cats is a powerful tool to relieve the symptoms of the disease and return the pet to normal life. But if you calm down on this, after a while the disease will return and will proceed much harder.

stop cystitis for cats instruction

Dosage form

The drug "Stop-cystitis" for cats is most often prescribed in drops. It’s easier to feed it to a pet, it can be diluted with water or added to a treat, for example, minced meat. The suspension is packaged in bottles of 30, 50, 100 and 150 ml with caps. A syringe dispenser is attached to each of them. The suspension may have a color from light brown to dark green. Before use, it must be shaken, since it is possible to stratify the liquid. Each bottle has a label with a name, information about the expiration date, release date, series number.

Another option is the Stop-Cystitis drug for cats in tablets. It has an identical composition. It is necessary to place the tablet directly on the root of the tongue as a whole or grind it beforehand and dilute it with water.

stop cystitis bio for cats

The composition of the medication

"Stop-cystitis" for cats is a combined drug, which ensures its effectiveness. The composition of the tool contains nitroxoline, which is active against a variety of bacteria and some fungi - pathogens of the genitourinary system. To relax smooth muscles and relieve pain, drotaverine hydrochloride is contained in the composition .

The second part of the composition is the active components of medicinal plants that have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antispasmodic properties. This is an extract of licorice grass, lingonberry leaves, juniper fruits, nettle leaves and adonis grass.

stop cystitis for cats reviews

Drug properties

Today, most of us have access to the Internet. Accordingly, information of interest can be obtained immediately. Having noticed similar symptoms, the owner can independently buy the Stop-Cystitis drug for cats. The instructions for use contain all the necessary information, there will be no problems with the dosage calculation, and the condition of the pet will improve significantly.

As a result, it will be possible to remove the symptoms, but not find the cause. Be sure to take tests before prescribing the drug. The source of the problem may lie in metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal problems, nephritis, and even severe stress.

"Stop-cystitis" has excellent preventive properties. If you successfully cope with the disease and get a stable result, then you need to follow the doctor’s recommendations on keeping and feeding your pet, and periodically give him this drug. Its main advantage is the presence of active components of medicinal plants. This allows you to restore kidney function, remove toxins and small stones. Due to its low toxicity, the drug can be used even for kittens and pregnant cats. And since its price is low, anyone who encounters a pet's urological problems can constantly keep Stop Cystitis for cats at home. Instructions for use allow its use for preventive purposes for 5 days with an interval of 1-2 months.

Indications for use

In veterinary practice, the drug Stop Cystitis for cats is widely used today. Reviews about him are very good, he quickly removes even the most severe symptoms. The medication is necessary in preparation for operations to remove stones in the bladder. You can’t do without it in the postoperative period in order to prevent the development of infection. It is also effectively used to treat acute and chronic urinary tract infections. If the pet has a predisposition to them, then the owner is simply obliged to purchase the Stop-Cystitis drug for cats. Reviews confirm that the timely appointment of a medication helps prevent urolithiasis and get rid of the need for surgical intervention.

stop cystitis for cats Price


The drug is prescribed individually, it all depends on the size and age of the pet, its condition. The general scheme involves taking one tablet once a day for prevention and twice a day for treatment. The duration of use is 7 days, unless otherwise indicated by the doctor. If the pet weighs more than 5 kg, then the dose may be increased. After completing the course, you need to consult a veterinarian who will evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy and suggest additional measures, if necessary, in order to achieve a full recovery.

Almost the only drug with a mild effect, pleasant taste and plant origin is Stop Cystitis for cats. The price is affordable for most of us (about 150 rubles per bottle in 30 ml, enough for about two weeks of prevention or a week of treatment).

stop cystitis for cats tablets

Side effects

Bio Stop Cystitis is generally safe for cats. Individual sensitivity to the components of the drug and, accordingly, an allergic reaction are possible. In this case, the simultaneous administration of antihistamines is recommended, if this does not help, then an alternative treatment should be sought.


There are times when you can not use "Stop-cystitis" for cats. These pills are harmless at first glance, but if your pet has acute heart or liver failure, kidney pathology, which occurs with severe disorders, then you must consult a specialist before taking. In the case of uncontrolled use, temporary relief of symptoms occurs, while the condition of the diseased organ only worsens.

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