Why is it necessary to take Magnesium B6 during pregnancy?

You probably know that Magnesium B6 is often prescribed during pregnancy. And this is no accident. The fact is that pyridoxine - vitamin B6 - is one of those important vitamins that you need to pay attention to during an interesting and responsible position. During this period, the need for it increases by as much as 30%.

Magnesium and B6: what are the benefits?

Vitamin B6 is necessary for the production of amino acids, regulates the nervous system, participates in hematopoiesis. And most importantly, it ensures the correct formation of the child’s nervous system and brain. And what about magnesium?

This trace element is involved in various metabolic processes. Namely: it is responsible for muscle relaxation, participates in the synthesis of proteins, in the exchange of sugar in the blood, in the production of enzymes, prevents vegetative dystonia. He eliminates the anxiety that is so harmful to the expectant mother.

And besides this, it reduces toxicosis at the initial stage. Its effect is significantly increased in the presence of vitamin B6. Therefore, it is very important to take Magnesium B6 during pregnancy, especially if your doctor has recommended it.

What will the lack of these substances lead to?

Deficiency of vitamin B6 causes anemia, impaired gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. If you are periodically tormented by cramps in your legs, you notice increased irritability, difficulty falling asleep, and at the same time constantly feel nauseous, then you certainly won’t be prevented from drinking vitamins, especially Magnesium B6.

Interestingly, even tooth decay, which suddenly began to bother you during pregnancy, does not indicate a lack of calcium, but a lack of vitamin B6.

And at the same time keep in mind that calcium is difficult to absorb by the body without the presence of magnesium. And the first microelement is necessary as an unborn baby, but especially his mother. Without enough magnesium, no matter how much calcium you take or how much milk you drink, bones will still suffer. Therefore, it is really worth paying close attention to Magnesium B6 during pregnancy.

In addition, a frequent reason for the appointment of Magnesium B6 during pregnancy is the threat of termination of pregnancy. Since these two substances affect the muscles of the uterus and eliminate general nervous irritability.

In young children and newborns, deficiency is also not reflected in the best way. There are processes of inhibition in the central nervous system. As well as convulsive conditions, the difference of which is that they cannot be treated with other drugs. While Magne B6 successfully saves the situation.

But it is worth paying one more moment. In most cases, the cause of heart problems is a lack of magnesium. Therefore, not only women need to have it in their medicine cabinet. Drinking a course of the drug is also useful for those who have a lack of foods in the diet that contain B vitamins and magnesium.

It is especially useful to eat whole grains, legumes in any form, to feast on the whole variety of nuts, not to pass by green vegetables.

Magne B6 during pregnancy. Dosage

The daily requirement for vitamin B6 is about 2 mg. And magnesium is about 300 mg.

If you eat well, and in your diet there are the above products, then you can not worry. But you should pay attention to Magnesium B6 during pregnancy.

It is available in tablets and ampoules. Your doctor will probably prescribe pills. One contains 470 mg of magnesium lactate (this is about 48 mg of the substance itself). And pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - 5 mg.

The number will be determined by your doctor. But according to the instructions, you can take up to 8 tablets per day. Drink after meals, dividing the daily dose by two or three times. The course is a month. Then a break is made.

But do not forget that during pregnancy you should not prescribe treatment yourself. The intake of any, even the most harmless drugs, must be agreed with the doctor.

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