During pregnancy, almost every woman faces a very unpleasant problem - constipation. This is due to hormonal changes in the body and with a complete change in the work of all its systems. Such changes have a negative effect on intestinal motility. It is also worth noting that at a later date of bearing a child there is an increase in pressure on the internal organs of a woman who are responsible for digestion.
In this case, the future mother has no other choice but to start taking the laxative. However, not every remedy can be safe both for the mother herself and for the unborn child. Let's try to figure out what laxative can be during pregnancy, and which drugs are better to refuse.
How to choose the right tool when carrying a child
First of all, it is necessary to talk with an obstetrician-gynecologist and clarify his opinion regarding the use of such drugs. A narrow-profile specialist who knows the history of the disease will be able to correctly choose a mild laxative during early pregnancy and the most effective remedy for longer gestation. In this case, the doctor takes into account possible risks, as well as existing contraindications. If a woman has chronic diseases, then in this case it is also necessary to talk with a therapist.
However, as a rule, most experts agree that it is easiest to get rid of constipation with ordinary water. In other situations, it is recommended to use special pharmaceuticals. However, despite the fact that manufacturers on the market recommend it today, it is worth paying attention to several important recommendations.
Do not give preference to means that are made on the basis of saline solutions. For example, preparations containing magnesia, coral salt, potassium, sodium and others. Such formulations can lead to a disturbance in the water-salt balance. Of course, products made on the basis of saline solutions very quickly help cleanse the intestines. However, after this, the woman will face serious complications.
It is also worth abandoning funds with lubricants. As a rule, they contain minerals, which has a negative effect on the intestinal microflora. In addition, they do not allow vitamins to penetrate the body of the woman herself, and, accordingly, to her fetus.
The best laxative during pregnancy is considered a remedy based on lactulose. This component is one of the categories of saline solutions, but it does not contain a large amount of salt in order to harm the health of the woman and the fetus.
Also, specialists and mothers respond positively to topical preparations. They are considered the safest, since they are practically not absorbed through the walls of the intestine itself. However, do not forget that drugs that are taken orally can be dangerous to the fetus. Therefore, it is worthwhile to be vigilant, talk with your doctor and clarify whether the chosen laxative belongs to those allowed during pregnancy. If not, then it is better to opt for another tool.
Laxative, which is taken orally - "Dufalac"
Among the most advertised products that are found in many pharmacies, the most popular is Dufalac, which is a medicinal syrup. Its action is as follows: first, this mild laxative during pregnancy is mixed with water, as a result of which the intestinal mass swells, and, accordingly, their softening.
As a rule, to get the best effect, just 1 dose of 15-20 ml of the drug is enough. If you read the instructions for this tool, then you can find information in it that after testing on animals, no negative effects on the fetus were revealed. Proceeding from this, Dufalac received the category “B” effect on the fetus, which implies that pregnant women can drink it quite calmly.
The drug is also made on the basis of lactulose. As a rule, in order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, it is enough to take 2 tablespoons of the drug on an empty stomach. A similar drug is also quite effective and safe laxative for constipation during pregnancy.
The tool is considered quite effective. However, regarding its safety, there are a lot of differences of opinion among experts. It is worth considering that such a drug is recommended to be taken only if it is prescribed by the attending physician. If such a decision is made, then it is enough to dissolve the powder in water, drink it and wait for a while.
Laxative candles
Most often these products are made from glycerin. Laxative suppositories are introduced into the anus of the expectant mother to a sufficient depth, after which they dissolve directly in the intestine itself. As a rule, in order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, only 1 suppository per day is enough. It is recommended to use the drug approximately 15 minutes after the first meal 1 time per day.
Due to the human body temperature, candles begin to melt very quickly. In turn, glycerin penetrates the stool and softens them, simultaneously lubricating the intestinal wall.
If we talk about the best laxatives during pregnancy in the form of suppositories, then experts recommend using "Norgalax". A similar drug also allows you to soften the stool and prevent excessive stress during bowel movements. Already 20 minutes after the introduction of the suppository, one can expect the first bowel movement.
But before you begin carrying out such a procedure, you must always consult a doctor. Microclysters are laxatives during pregnancy, which are used rectally. As a rule, their volume is 5 ml. These preparations contain substances that allow you to soften the contents of the intestine and increase its volume.
Such funds are considered one of the most effective, since 10 minutes after use a positive result is observed.
Reviews about Dufalac
Such a laxative during pregnancy is one of the most talked about on the Web. This is not surprising, because this remedy really received the most positive reviews from expectant mothers. Many note its soft, action and gentle composition, which does not harm the body of a woman and the fetus itself.
Unlike many other laxatives during pregnancy, Dufalac has a pleasant taste and does not cause vomiting. As you know, toxicosis is a common problem, so this property is very useful.
The only problem that many noted is that an effective effect has to be expected in some cases up to 2 days. However, this once again confirms the soft effect of the drug on the body of the expectant mother.
In addition, it is worth noting that Dufalac is not able to enter the bloodstream, respectively, it will not be able to penetrate the fetus. If we talk about the opinions of experts, they recommend this tool at any time. Thus, it is permitted to use this laxative during early pregnancy.
If we talk about the dosage, it all depends on the specific situation and structural features of the woman’s body. Some 15 mg of the drug are enough, and other women need much more - up to 45 milligrams. The only thing worth paying attention to is an overdose. Some women complain of too frequent flatulence after taking large doses.
Speaking about what laxative is possible during pregnancy, many advise this drug, which is a drop in a bottle of 15 or 30 milliliters. A similar drug is introduced into the intestinal mucosa, after which the feces are liquefied and the gastrointestinal tract is irritating.
However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such a drug is strictly contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy. According to studies, the medication can be considered safe, since it almost does not enter the bloodstream and, accordingly, does not penetrate the fetus. However, there are many mixed reviews on the Web regarding such a tool. Therefore, before taking it, you should pay attention to the side effects that are indicated in the annotation to the medicine. Also, you must consult with a specialist.
Such a laxative during pregnancy can increase the volume of mucus in the intestines. The drug is a candle, which can be sold in the amount of 10-12 pieces, or tablets. Despite the fact that such a tool can be purchased without a doctor's prescription, it is worthwhile to be very careful about its use. Specialists prescribe such medicines only in extreme cases.
"Bisacodyl" is not gentle and quite aggressive, but effectively affects the intestines for several hours. In case of constipation in the third trimester of pregnancy, you should be careful with this remedy. As a rule, it is prescribed exclusively before cesarean section. This means that you can take the drug only in difficult situations.
Laxative products during pregnancy: folk remedies
As a rule, women who are afraid of harming the child inside themselves prefer natural components of plant origin. For example, you can try making a decoction of prunes. This fruit is known for its laxative effect. And also many prepare a tasty, healthy and nutritious salad of dried apricots, prunes and raisins. To do this, mix 100 grams of each ingredient and pass them through a meat grinder. After that, 2 tablespoons of honey is added to the mixture. The tool must be taken 2 teaspoons before bedtime. It is better to drink water.
Also effective is the laxative tea during pregnancy. You can cook it yourself from herbs or purchase a ready-made collection at a pharmacy.
However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that there are a number of folk remedies that in no case should be taken during pregnancy. For example, decoctions from senna, buckthorn bark, zoster or rhubarb are strictly prohibited.
Laxatives in late pregnancy
If we talk about the last trimester of pregnancy, as well as the postpartum period, then in this case, specialists and giving birth to mothers recommends using rectal suppositories. As a rule, such funds are valid after 15 minutes. However, they do not enter the bloodstream and, accordingly, do not harm the child. In addition, such products are most often made from glycerin, which does not pose a health hazard. The drug is dispensed without a doctor’s prescription and is relatively inexpensive. However, it is not recommended to use them in case of hemorrhoids.