Hydraxian Waterlords: general information about the faction

The Hydraxian Lord of the Waters faction is one of many in the world of World of Warcraft. She appeared at the start of the project and at that moment was popular for pumping reputation. You can learn more about this aspect from the material proposed below.


The race of Hydraxian Water Lords has served the Ancient Gods in history. They were commanded by the Elemental Lords.

Nowadays, the method of the Duke of Hydraxis is unknown, thanks to which aquatic creatures of this type managed to get out of the influence of their lord Neptulon. After all, at that time they did not have their own consciousness, and they responded only to orders.

Now this race has settled near Azshara, on islands in the eastern part of the continent. Among elementals, only these do not instantly attack living beings. Their main enemy is Ragnaros and all his subordinate warriors. It is impossible to enter content with them, but players have access to upgrade their reputation with this fraction.

fraction information

Killing enemies

To build a reputation with the Hydraxian Water Lords, you must initially kill enemies in the Silithus location called Dust Whirls or Large Obsidian Elemental.

For further pumping, you can go to Blackrock Peak, but it is best to go to the Fiery Core solo-raid to kill Ragnaros. In new additions, this can be done alone by any character.

reputation with Hydraxian Water Lords

To "reverence" it is enough to kill all the bosses of the location, but the level of "exaltation" is obtained only by the murders of Ragnaros and Majordomus Exekutus. This applies to the last 999 reputation units.

The main problem is that there are no incentives for pumping this parameter. The faction has no representatives and even a merchant with unique items. Her reputation sways automatically when passing through some locations. It is not recommended to focus on this aspect, but to take into account the fraction with useful prizes at the level of "exaltation".

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