Discus: keeping and feeding

Discus is an unusually spectacular and interesting fish. Its name is directly related to the external disk-like appearance. Discus, the content of which is considered a rather complicated affair, requires very clean water and adequate nutrition. If these two basic conditions are not met, the fish are unlikely to live long.

discus content

So, how to prepare the aquarium and how to feed the fish? Consider this later in the article.

First of all, you need to determine the size of the aquarium. Since this fish is large enough and can grow up to 15 cm in length, its volume should be large enough. The volume of the aquarium from 200 liters will be optimal for such an inhabitant as a discus. The maintenance of 5-6 fish in such conditions will most likely be quite successful. In a five-hundred-liter aquarium, you can plant several times more discus.

Now let's talk about how water should be. First of all, you need to pay attention to such an indicator as temperature. 28-30 degrees. - The best option for such a fish as discus. Keeping in colder water will cause your pets to become lethargic and eventually fall ill. Therefore, those who want to breed this type of fish will have to additionally purchase a special heater for the aquarium.

Water purity is another important factor for fish such as discus fish. In an aquarium, maintenance is only possible with at least two filters. The fact is that this equipment quite often has to be cleaned of contaminants.

aquarium discus content

At the same time, along with the sludge, bacteria necessary to establish a normal bio-balance are removed from it. If there are two filters, they can be washed in turn. It is best to purchase one internal and one external.

Discus is a fish whose content, among other things, requires a sufficiently high concentration of oxygen in the water. Therefore, equipment such as an aerator, of course, will also be required without fail. Its power is selected according to general rules and depends on the size of the aquarium. In addition, water will have to be changed quite often. This must be done once every two days. You need to update a quarter of the volume of all water in the aquarium.

discus fish content

Very much attention should be paid to the nutrition of such fish as discus. Its content involves the use of both animal and vegetable feed. In almost any pet store you can purchase feed intended for a particular type of fish. They have all the necessary trace elements, nutrients and vitamins. However, of course, the diet should be diversified. You can also give bloodworms, tubifex, cyclops, ground beef heart, fish or chicken, etc.

Some aquarists advise keeping discuses without soil and plants. However, such a “naked” aquarium is unlikely to fit well into the interior of the apartment. Therefore, the soil can be poured. Plants, however, are selected only to withstand a sufficiently high temperature of water. You can add to the discus and neighbors. Do not put too nimble fish into the aquarium. In this case, the slow discus may not have enough food.

As you can see, keeping this fish is quite complicated and troublesome. However, the beauty of the discus, and therefore the aquarium itself as a whole, will actually be a worthy reward for all the efforts.

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