Powder "Ranosan": composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

Unfortunately, each owner of the animal at least once had to deal with injuries to the pet. The magnitude of this disaster can range from minor skin lesions to serious fractures. Absolutely any pet can get a wound, even one that does not go outside. When contacting a veterinary clinic with injuries of varying complexity, doctors often prescribe the drug "Ranosan". This tool has an antibacterial, analgesic and restorative effect. We consider the drug in more detail below.

What it is

wound treatment

Powder "Ranosan" is a combination agent for the prevention and treatment of purulent-inflammatory processes on the skin of pets. It has antimicrobial properties, anesthetizes and accelerates the healing process. This product can be used against bacteria that are resistant to other drugs.


The composition of the powder "Ranosan" includes the following components:

  • 30 mg methyluracil;
  • 10 mg chloramphenicol;
  • 50 mg of lidocaine hydrochloride.

In addition, the preparation contains additional components: potato starch - 100 mg, carboxymethyl cellulose - up to 1 gram, zinc oxide - 60 mg. In appearance, the medication is a white powder with a yellow or gray tint.

Component Details

wound healing powder "Ranosan"

Chloramphenicol, which is part of the drug, is an antibiotic from the amphenicol group. It has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect on most gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms leading to skin infections.

Methyluracil - a substance that normalizes metabolic processes, accelerates tissue repair, boosts immunity, helps speedy healing of wounds and has anti-inflammatory effects.

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that reduces the excitability of sensitive nerve endings and inhibits the conduction of nerve impulses along nerve fibers.

Hazard Class

Powder "Ranosan" is a low-hazard substance. By the degree of impact on the body, it belongs to the fourth hazard class, according to GOST 12.1.007-76. Subject to the correct dosage, the substance does not have a skin-irritating or toxic effect.

Vacation Form

dog at the veterinarian

In veterinary pharmacies you can find ointments and Ranosan powder. It looks white with a gray or yellow tint

The medicine is available in the form of powder and ointment. The first option has a uniform consistency of white with a gray or yellowish tint. It is packaged in plastic bottles equipped with talcum caps.

Ointment is a white, creamy mass with a specific smell. It is packed in plastic cans of 10 and 30 grams. The drug is sold in cardboard boxes, each of which has instructions for use.

Indications for use

Powder "Ranosan" for animals has:

  • antimicrobial action;
  • anesthetic effect;
  • stimulates recovery processes;
  • adsorbs wound secretions.
    cat at the vet's appointment

The drug is used in the following cases:

  • for the treatment of purulent, superficial and sluggishly healing wounds and abrasions;
  • for the treatment of pressure sores;
  • for the treatment of postoperative sutures;
  • with cracks and cuts on the pads of the paws;
  • for the prevention of purulent complications;
  • when castration and stopping the ears and tails;
  • with lacerations and cuts on the skin (healing occurs without a scar);
  • with chronic open wounds;
  • with wounds due to burns or bumps;
  • with bites, etc.

How to apply

cat wound treatment

According to the instructions, Ranosan powder is used to treat cats, dogs, rodents, fur animals and sport horses.

Before using the product, the wool is cut off on the injured surface and freed from dirt, scabs and crusts. After that, the damaged area is washed with antiseptic. Fresh wounds are treated with a drug without special preparation. The powder is applied in a thin layer with a glass stick, spatula or cotton-gauze swab.

Do not violate the regimen of the drug, as this can lead to a decrease in the therapeutic effect. If the next treatment is skipped, the use of the powder is resumed in the same dosage and in the same way.


animal at the doctor

According to the instructions for Ranosan powder for dogs, cats and other animal species, the drug should not be taken in the following cases:

  • allergic reactions to one of the components that make up the composition;
  • pregnancy and lactation (only after consultation with a veterinarian).

If an allergy occurs, the use is discontinued and another similar remedy is prescribed.

Do not allow the product to get into the eyes, as well as lick the drug with your pet.

The instructions for animal powder "Ranosan" indicate that the medicine can be combined with other means, except for topical preparations. It is not recommended to treat “Ranosan” with more than 10% of the skin surface.

Preventive measures

doctor's cat

When working with medicinal powder, the general safety rules and personal hygiene rules provided for when working with medical preparations should be observed:

  • During processing it is not allowed to eat and drink.
  • At the end of the process, wash your hands.
  • People suffering from allergic reactions to one of the components in the drug should avoid direct contact with the powder.
  • Empty packaging should be thrown away, it is forbidden to use containers of powder for domestic purposes.
  • In case of accidental contact with eyes or skin, rinse with plenty of water.
  • If an allergic reaction occurs, consult a doctor.

How much is stored

The shelf life of the drug in the original packaging, subject to all storage rules, is two years from the date of manufacture. After this time, the drug is not recommended.

Powder "Ranosan" from bedsores

Pressure ulcers are called wounds and ulcers on the surface of the skin that occur due to circulatory disorders in the tissues. Most often, they are observed with prolonged immobility of paralyzed and seriously ill animals, especially in cases where the pet is constantly on the bare floor.

Under the influence of constant pressure, necrosis of the skin occurs, and it gradually disappears. In this regard, superficial wounds are formed that are difficult to treat. In addition, pathology can lead to general blood poisoning. In view of this, special attention should be paid to the treatment and prevention of pressure sores. Often, powder or ointment "Ranosan" is used for this . He has proven himself in the fight against this problem. In any case, you should consult your veterinarian before use.

Reviews about Ranosan Powder for Dogs and Cats

wound dressing

On thematic sites and forums you can find many positive reviews about this drug. Pet lovers recommend having Ranosan in a veterinary medicine cabinet.

Pet owners note that the drug has an excellent wound healing effect. It can be used for any injury, from small cuts and abrasions to purulent inflammation of the skin.

Many dog ​​breeders use the drug without going to the veterinarian, treating the animal’s wound immediately after receiving it, in order to avoid serious complications. In addition, it is noted that "Ranosan" copes well with edema, relieves them very quickly and has an analgesic effect.

Especially a lot of reviews about the affordable cost of funds: its price is about one hundred rubles. The verdict of most consumers and veterinarians is inexpensive and very effective.


Animals, like humans, can be injured periodically. Getting a pet for yourself, you should choose a veterinary clinic in advance, in which a four-legged friend will be treated, and acquire a minimum of knowledge on providing him first aid. Gathering a home medicine cabinet, it’s worth putting Ranosan there - a wound healing drug proven by many.

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