Names for cats: making the right choice

Many of us prefer to keep pets at home. Basically, these are fluffy cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots or dogs of various species and breeds.

Everyone knows from childhood that pets are our friends. For some, they are the only joy and comforters alone. They replace many children, because they need the same thorough care, the same attention as the children.

A huge number of people prefer to give shelter to cats. These animals "walking on their own" feel the mood of their master, and when he is sad, they simply cling to him and, according to many, they immediately feel easy on their souls.

The cat is a calm animal. We are faced with the question: how to choose names for cats? To people from the outside, at first glance this may seem like a very easy task, but when you yourself face the problem of choosing names for cats, you understand its whole difficulty. This is a very serious step, because you will pronounce names for cats dozens of times a day. When choosing names for cats, you need not necessarily consider only popular names. Names for cats should be simple so that the animal responds faster. You can also come up with interesting names for cats. The nickname can be fun and short, such as Snowball. Also, choosing a nickname for your beloved pet, you need to consider the physiology of the cat itself. The name should at least somehow characterize your pet. For example, a cat who likes to sleep can be called Sonya. And Musey can be called an affectionate cat.

Some owners, choosing names for cats, also take into account the fact that she lives in or out of town. Usually city cats are called more elegantly, for example, Nesy, avoiding the more ridiculous and interesting names for cats. This problem is more complicated for owners with Siamese and Thai cats. Some avoid black cats, considering them a symbol of failure. There is a legend among the people that if a black cat has crossed the road for you, then expect misfortune. But this is just superstition. The color of this animal does not matter. Whether it is a white, black, or red cat, from this it does not cease to be a friendly and affectionate animal. Children from an early age begin to love them. Even if you do not have cats in your house, then your child, watching cartoons with them, already imagines how he will keep her at home.

Children often want to call their cats animal names from cartoons or just movies. For example, Matroskin from everyone so beloved cartoon “Prostokvashino”. This image is now used in the same way as the symbol of one dairy company and is depicted on all their products.

Nowadays, keeping cats has become, in a sense, prestigious. Many celebrities keep a cat in their homes, sometimes even several individuals of different breeds. Celebrities love to go to various events with their cats. They often call their pets by name and patronymic. For example, the names of celebrity cats are Sergey Palych. Or just a middle name - Palych. We often see on TV that stars dress their cats in various T-shirts, dresses, or buy expensive collars for them.

In the 21st century, cats became part of society. Shops have opened where only accessories for these animals are sold. They even have special beauty salons. Of course, there are mainly cats, whose owners are celebrities. Cats of famous owners do not suffer from a lack of attention. They, like their masters, are always in the spotlight of journalists.

So, this article is devoted to how to come up with interesting names for cats - our favorite pets. Some suggestions on how to best choose names for cats may help you. We also gave examples of some interesting names for cats. We hope our tips will help you, and not only you, but your animal will remain pretty.

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