Herbs have long been very widely used in medicine in the treatment of various diseases. In folk medicine, there are many tools that have long been shown to be excellent in treating a variety of genital diseases in women.
If we turn to alternative methods of treatment, the boron uterus is the most widely known plant, endometriosis is one of such diseases that can be cured with the help of its decoctions and infusions. Endometriosis is characterized by the formation of nodes in the female genital organs and the growth of the endometrium. Such a disease can lead to infertility. Used for ingestion tincture or decoction. Pine uterus endometriosis treats well with a red brush. The action of the uterine uterus consists in treating it, and the red brush creates conditions under which the development of endometriosis stops, which greatly simplifies further treatment of it. Take infusions of herbs for one to two weeks. In the first week - a uterus, then a red brush.
Tincture is prepared by insisting 2 tbsp. l herbs in 0.5 liters of 40 degree alcohol or vodka. The infusion time is 14 days. It is taken three times in 15-30 drops.
How to brew a uterus? 1 tbsp. l uterus, bay 1 tbsp boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and insist for three hours. Take 4 times a tablespoon.
In addition to oral administration, douching with a boron uterus in the form of infusion with chamomile is used. For its preparation is taken 2 tbsp. l chamomile and 1 tsp boron uterus. Then pour 0.5 l of boiling water and, having insisted for half an hour, having filtered and cooled, is used for douching. They do this lying down, so that the liquid is inside for some time and can have an effect on the mucous membrane.
Of the diseases that the uterus treats, endometriosis is not the only ailment. It is used to treat many diseases of the female genitourinary tract. This herb has been known since ancient times, and it was even believed that it helps with infertility. And this, indeed, is not far from the truth. In addition, it has a strong anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and even antitumor effect. Has a plant and diuretic effect. The plant has the ability to improve immunity. Pine uterus positively affects the whole body of a woman, healing him.
The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation even approved normative and technical documentation for the uterus and its application.
It consists of: hydroquinone, arbutin, saponins, vitamin C and many other elements. Hydroquinone is due to the anti-inflammatory and antispetic effects of the plant. A wide range of diseases is subject to the plant uterine uterus, endometriosis is only one of them. From gynecology he treats inflammation, cervical erosion, cycle disorders, toxicosis, adhesions, uterine fibroids, bleeding, obstruction, and tube inflammation. It improves reproductive function in women in general. Use it and not only for female diseases. For disinfection - in the kidneys, with purulent inflammation of the ear, prostate gland, pyelonephritis, hemorrhoids. It has an analgesic property.
In addition to infusions and decoctions, pharmacy drops, ointments, and oil-based tinctures are also used. However, preparations from the uterine uterus cannot be used without consulting a doctor, since they are potent. The use of preparations of the uterine uterus has side effects. If used improperly and if the dosage is exceeded, it can cause uterine bleeding.
There are also contraindications: you can not use it during pregnancy, individual intolerance, low blood coagulation. With menstruation, it can also not be used.
Therefore, when starting treatment, it is necessary to discuss it with the doctor and choose the right dosage, take into account all conditions and contraindications.