Recently, keeping at home unusual pets has become increasingly widespread. But in many cases, the owner faces some problems. Caring for some iguana or a strange bird is fraught with certain difficulties. Let it not scare you, the experience and feedback of experienced breeders will help you cope with the task. The main thing is to realize responsibility from the very beginning.
If you are thinking about settling exotic birds, carefully consider the study of materiel in advance. Our article will help those who decided to have such an unusual parrot, like solar arathinga. This is a very beautiful and vociferous bird, which with proper care can live with a loving owner for a long time.
Solar aratings in the wild
This bird is not without reason called solar. Bright yellow color is the main sign by which this type of parrot is determined .
Solar aratinga lives in northeastern Brazil, in Guyana and in the southeastern regions of Venezuela. In the natural habitat, birds settle in hollows of trees or nests. Solar aratings gather in large flocks, which occupy vast territories in palm groves and light forests.
Beginner's Memo
Solar aratinga is a southern bird accustomed to heat. Take care of proper temperature conditions.
In natural nature, this parrot has the ability to fly for pleasure. There may not be enough space for physical activity in the cell.
Exotics are not cheap. Calculate in advance whether you can afford the purchase of special feed and everything you need to ensure the life of the bird.
The most important thing you have to face is a loud, expressive voice. Get ready for it! If you like peace and silence, perhaps a more silent pet will suit you better.
Chick Care
Solar aratings breed perfectly in captivity, of course, if they have the necessary conditions for this. If you want to get very young birds that will grow and develop before your eyes, remember: the chick must be at least 3-4 months old. Until this age, parrots live with their parents and do not differ in independence.
The chicks of the sun aratinga differ from adult parrots in the color in which green predominates, and there are much more gray spots. Over time, the bird becomes sunny yellow.
In a room with parrots, it is advisable to moisten the air using a special device. Solar aratings feel comfortable at a temperature of about 22 ° C. While the birds are very small, this is especially important.
If you take up the education of small parrots, perhaps they will learn to talk. In any case, solar aratings are endowed with this ability. In addition, they have a wonderful ear, so they can very accurately reproduce their favorite tunes.
Remember, this type of parrot (solar aratinga) is loyal and friendly. A chick raised from young nails will be very attached to you all his life.
Many owners note that the chicks of the parrot are sunny curious, though cautious. It is interesting to watch them. To diversify the bird's life, equip the cage with toys and a small mirror.
Ration arating
Experienced breeders recommend feeding parrots with special food purchased at a pet store. It must be balanced and diverse. Most good feeds for solar arating include at least 15 different cereal components. Mineral top dressing is also needed.
From time to time, you can treat the parrot with slices of fresh fruits and berries, give raw pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Fresh bread is unacceptable in the diet of arating; ordinary wheat groats and any products that have undergone heat treatment are very undesirable.
Solar aratinga is a neat bird. She will not once again surround herself with disorder. But you will have to clean the cell every few days. It is not necessary to bathe the bird itself, it will cope with its own hygiene without human help, however, a container with clean water must be installed in the cage. In some periods, aratings simply adore taking baths.
Cell content
Do not forget about what an unusual bird, this solar arathinga. The reviews of the hosts characterize these parrots as intelligent, active, curious creatures who love attention and communication with humans. Going behind the cage, remember the powerful beaks that nature has endowed with most parrots. The rods should be strong, and the castle as tricky as possible. Solar aratings simply adore puzzle toys, so coping with a hook or a latch is easy for them.
The volume is also important. The larger the cage, the better your feathered friends will feel.
Parrot in the Aviary
Nurseries practice breeding birds in the aviary. This requires a certain space and in an ordinary apartment it can hardly be feasible. But in a private house quite!
Solar artinga, which is provided with an entire aviary with brethren, can grow up to 30 cm in height. On average, the area of the enclosure designed for a couple is 100 x 50 cm, and its height should be on average a little more than human height.
The space is equipped with a chain-link stretched along the walls, along which parrots can climb, snags, branches. The bottom is usually lined with sawdust. Before the breeding period begins, a closed nest is installed in the aviary. If the conditions seem favorable to potential parents, you will soon find 2-6 testicles in it.
Couples are engaged in hatching together, the male replaces the female at her post. On average, the hatching period lasts about 1 month. Chicks are born naked, eventually covered with green feathers.
The feedback from the breeders allows us to understand what an interesting, contact and smart bird solar aratinga is. Photos of birds convince that she is also very beautiful.