Siberian husky is a freedom-loving breed of dogs, in the veins of which flows a cross between the blood of wolves and northern dogs. The popularity of these blue-eyed dogs is constantly growing, as they are not only a companion of man, but also a true friend and reliable assistant. In appearance, they are similar to a wolf, but their character is friendly and peaceful. This was achieved through a long selection process, since the history of the origin of the husky is very mysterious and mysterious. But to understand it, it is worth exploring all the stages of formation in order.
The origin of the husky breed origin
In the area of. Baikal was discovered drawings on the rocks, which depict sled dogs. The estimated age of the find is 4 thousand years, but no one can say for sure that these are descendants of the husky. Sled dogs helped nomad hunters survive in the harsh conditions of Eastern Siberia.
It is believed that the breed got its name from the Eskimos, who were abbreviated as "eski". Therefore, their dogs began to call on a whim "husky".
In the distant times of the breed's origin, all sled dogs with a polar color and thick hair were called husky dogs, without separation according to species qualities. Subsequently, they began to allocate a certain category of dogs that had common characteristic features. Energetic dogs were not stronger than deer, but in endurance they were not inferior to anyone. They could wander for a long time along the snowy plains, despite the blizzard and wind, ice piles and huge drifts. At the same time, their needs for food and rest were minimal.
Brutal selection
Scientists put forward the version that the history of the appearance of the husky breed is associated with their hereditary kinship with the wolves, as indicated by their external similarity. This is based on information that northern dogs mated constantly with wild animals. For this, their owners specially tied the bitch during estrus to places where wolves hunted. As a result, the bred offspring was used for transportation in teams.
Subsequently, cruel selection was carried out, as a result of which aggressive and uncontrollable dogs, in the veins of which the blood of wolves prevailed, ruthlessly sifted out from the rest. This was a necessary measure, since any ignoring the pet's commands could cost the hunter his life. Dogs that could not cope with their duties were castrated. As a result of such selection selection, only elite dogs could breed. This allowed us to eventually get the ancestors of the husky breed.
Gold diggers transport
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Soviet government recognized the futility of this breed of dogs, in view of their compact size, which did not allow the transport of heavy loads in teams. A sharp reduction in the number of dogs was also associated with the established ban on feeding dogs with fish, which was their main food.
It is not known how it would all end if the gold rush had not started in America. This was the impetus for the continuation of the history of the origin of the husky dog. The Americans were able to appreciate the stamina, energy and unpretentiousness in the care of these northern dogs.
Gold miners massively bought the best representatives of the husky from the Chukchi and transported them across the strait to Alaska. Already in America, this breed was given the official name "Siberian Husky", confirming its true origin.
The continuation of the history of the breed husky
Over time, a new sport appeared in America thanks to these unusual dogs - dog sled racing. This not only continued the history of the Siberian Husky breed, but also created an unprecedented excitement around these animals. After all, a lot of money was at stake, so the price for surviving dogs rose sharply.
As a result, even small dogs (up to 60 cm), which had previously been rejected, began to be imported to Alaska. The last team from eastern Siberia was exported in 1930. The first official breed standard was recognized in America in 1934.
The early representatives of the Husky had a more than mediocre appearance, for which they received the nickname "mice". But their stamina and energy fully compensated for this shortcoming. In the future, the need for sled dogs grew, so the breed was constantly evolving. But still it was used purely for work.
So the story of husky dogs continued until the first representatives appeared with an unusual blue tint of the eyes and a black "saddle" on the back. This served as the start of breeding selection for the beauty of the breed and led to its stratification into three types: working, racing and show dogs.
Heroic feat
The history of the husky breed is striking in a variety of facts and interesting incidents. One of them must be mentioned below.
Studying the history of the husky, one cannot help but recall how thanks to these dogs the whole city was saved from diphtheria. These events occurred in 1925 when an epidemic broke out in the city of Nome, which threatened the lives of many children. Only a special serum could be saved, which had to be delivered from Anchorage. Bad weather did not allow to do this on an airplane. Therefore, it was decided to bring the necessary vaccine on a dog team, despite the distance of 1000 km, snow drifts and severe snowstorms. For this purpose, the best representatives of the husky breed were selected.
An unforeseen thing happened on the way - the person driving the team was paralyzed as a result of severe frostbite. And then the leader of the Balto dog pack took over the management, who realized that the owner was ill and needed to be delivered to the village. Thanks to the endurance and energy of the dogs, the vaccine arrived in Nome on time, which saved the lives of children.
In gratitude for this act of husky, the image of Balto was immortalized in the form of a monument, which is installed in the central park of New York, and became the public domain of the American people. Until now, the heroic history of the husky is studied in schools and serves as a symbol of endurance, valor, honor.
Characteristic features of the breed
Many breeders are interested in the history of Siberian huskies. The breed was assigned to FCI Category 5, which includes primitive, spitz-shaped dog species. Their purpose is still invariably sled.
According to the generally accepted standard, husky dogs are characterized by a harmonious physique with well-developed muscles and strong bones. Males are larger than females. The height of the adult dog at the withers reaches 50-60 cm, and weight 23-28 kg. Exceeding these indicators is a disqualifying drawback, therefore, these dogs are not allowed for further breeding.
Husky's front legs are long, even, wide set, and the hind legs are characterized by powerful muscles from the hip. Pads on the limbs are fully adapted for walking in the snow, tightly compressed, so they do not need to be cleaned after a walk.
The tail is medium long, strong. At the breed standard, it is unacceptable to throw the tail onto the back or twist it into a ring. It should be raised with a sickle or lowered down.
The head is medium in size, the features of the muzzle give a relationship with wolves. The ears are triangle-shaped, medium in size, set deep, rounded at the tips.
Husky's eyes are slanting, their shade can be blue or brown. Heterochromia is not uncommon when the iris of the eye has a different color.
Type of coat and color
The outer hair coat is characterized by medium length and soft structure. It fits snugly to the body, so the lines of the silhouette are clearly visible.
The undercoat is dense, but may be completely absent during molting.
There are about 20 different colors of this breed, while the characteristic “mask” is not a standard sign of thoroughbredness.
The most common color of a husky is gray-white or silver-white with a cold tint of undercoat. A rarer pigment is chocolate, brown, red. The most spectacular look is the gray husky, which have the greatest resemblance to wolves.
An exception is marble, sable, piebald, black, white pigment wool. Therefore, such huskies are much more expensive.
Dogs have high intelligence and intelligence. But often this is questioned due to the pet's difficult learning ability. But this is an erroneous opinion, since this breed does not need trivial training, but in the interest of the pet during the learning process.
Feeling a strong leader in the host, they quickly master all the necessary skills and develop habits.
Despite their stubbornness and waywardness, Husky is very friendly and welcoming. These dogs get along well with all family members, and especially love children. Husky moms are very caring towards their offspring.
Husky dogs are not suitable as a guard dog, since they not only do not show aggression to a stranger, but can lick him as a greeting.
Training and education
It is necessary to start raising a husky dog from the first day this dog appears in the house. This will teach the wayward dog to elementary commands. At the age of six months, it is recommended to entrust the pet to a professional dog handler, who will be able to direct the dog's stupid energy in the right direction.
In the absence of such an opportunity, training should be carried out independently. The following recommendations should be followed:
- One line of education. All family members must adhere to a single line of behavior, otherwise the dog will not be able to understand why he is either praised or scolded for the same thing.
- The use of physical punishment is unacceptable. Taking a carrot and stick with a husky is not acceptable. When completing tasks, the dog should be encouraged with a treat, and if not completed, his attention should be switched.
- Repeated repetition of commands. You can achieve a clear assignment only by repeating it several times a day. In this case, the owner's task is to interest the pet in fulfilling them.
- Reinforced physical activity. Judging from history, Siberian huskies have high stamina. And in the absence of great physical exertion, their energy is destructive. Therefore, the more the dog will train, the he will be healthier and more active.
Husky are in good health. But there are diseases to which they are most susceptible.
Types of pathologies:
- Hip dysplasia. The disease negatively affects the entire musculoskeletal system of the dog, which prevents him from moving normally. To eliminate the pathology, medication and physiotherapy are prescribed.
- Juvenile cataract. Sealing of the pupil, which reduces visual acuity. It develops at the age of two years. It can only be removed surgically.
- Retinal atrophy. Dystrophic changes in the retina, which lead to complete blindness. Often affects both eyes at the same time.
Care Rules
According to the history of the breed, husky dogs are not demanding on the conditions of detention. Caring for them comes down to following standard rules:
- Feeding. Despite their natural endurance, huskies suffer from weakness of the stomach, so their diet should be enriched with protein-fatty foods. When choosing a dry food, you should pay attention to premium products, since in cheap feed there is no necessary amount of vitamins and minerals for the dog’s health. When feeding natural products, the husky diet should include beef, veal, poultry, sea fish, offal, vegetables, fruits. Also, cereals are necessary, which is enough to insist in boiling water without further preparation.
- Hair care. Combing should be done once a week. But during the molting period, which occurs twice a year, this procedure should be carried out regularly once a day. A pet should be washed no more than 1 time per month.
- Eye brushing. This procedure is performed as needed when dust, mint, or excreta are collected in the dog’s eye. Eye wash should be from the outer corner to the nose with boiled water.
- Teeth cleaning. The procedure should be done when plaque or tartar appears. In the first case, you can use a special brush and paste, which are sold in a pet store. In the second case, the cleaning is carried out by a veterinarian.
- Ear care. Auricles should be washed as they become dirty no more than once every 2 weeks. To do this, it is recommended to soak a cotton pad in boiled water, squeeze out excess liquid and gently wipe your ears.
- Walks. Husky is not intended for living in an apartment, they need a house with a personal plot where they can feel at ease. In addition, the dog needs to be walked twice a day, for at least 20-30 minutes. In this case, the walk should be active with increased physical exertion.
Advantages of the breed
Before deciding on the final choice, it is worth considering the main advantages of a husky:
- High level of mind and intelligence.
- Friendly to all family members and other pets.
- Increased care for their offspring.
- The coat does not have a characteristic dog smell.
- Stamina and a high level of immunity to common diseases.
- Unpretentious in leaving.
- Eats little.
- Not dominant, therefore rarely come into conflict with other dogs.
In addition to the advantages, there are certain disadvantages, due to the history of the husky breed:
- On a walk, they prefer to pull a leash, since they are sled dogs.
- Instead of a sonorous barking, the husky prefers to howl, which indicates their origin.
- Stubborn and willful, which makes it difficult to educate.
- Not suitable as security guards.
- Need increased physical exertion.
- Not suitable for maintenance in a booth or small apartment.
- Need special training.
Having studied the history of the husky breed, you can understand that this type of dog has tremendous energy, the ability to survive in harsh conditions and perseverance in achieving the goal. Therefore, to curb such a pet, you need to have enough strength and perseverance, otherwise this northern pet will establish its own rules in the house.