How to teach a dog the Voice! Command at home?

A dog running commands is pride for the owner. The training process is not easy and requires patience. How to teach a dog the Voice! Command? Training a dog is best started in the first months of life, while he is still a puppy. The owner needs to understand the psychology of his pet, to know how to train the dog, how he remembers the team.

Smart animals

Training should be regular and consistent. You will not be able to train your dog through rudeness and abuse. Relationships with pets must be built on respect and love. A person must be a leader and friend, but in no case a tyrant.

How to start training

One of the main teams that people want to teach their dogs is the Voice! Not all dogs are able to learn this order. But in no case should you blame and punish a dog for this. Due to mistreatment, the animal can become aggressive. Training should begin only after the pet already knows other orders: “sit”, “lie down”, “give a paw”.

Dog owners, turning to dog handlers, think that pets will immediately become obedient. To begin with, the dog handler must work with the owner of the dog. Experts explain how to understand dogs, how to find an approach to animals. How to teach a dog to voice a command at home? You can find out about this by contacting a dog handler.

Training can take place in different formats:

  1. Individual training is a good option for training a dog at home.
  2. Training in a group with other dogs. Such activities will teach the dog to concentrate more on your teams, despite the noise around.
  3. Today, dog training is common. The dog lives for about a month with the trainer, but part of the training takes place with the owner.
Voice command

Home workouts

Not all owners want to go to specialists for training. The question arises: how to teach a dog the command "Voice!" at home? For training, it is better to choose a quiet place so that the pet is not distracted by extraneous sounds. At the beginning of the training, it is allowed to show a treat, which you must take with you, but it is forbidden to treat. Only as an encouragement, you can offer to eat a piece of cheese or crackers.

Promotion method

This method is one of the most effective (especially at home) for owners who do not know how to teach a dog how to perform the Voice! Command. Take a treat for the dog and let it sniff. Lift up so that the dog cannot jump, and say: “Voice!”. The dog should not jump on you, let her know that she is doing something wrong. Step on a leash or tie it to a tree to limit your pet’s jumping ability. Usually dogs begin to bark in such a situation, praise him for giving a voice and give him a treat. Repeat 3 times, the dog should understand the essence of the exercise.

Imitation method

If the promotion method does not work, you can try the method of imitation. You need to find a dog trained by the Voice! Team and put it next to your own. Command the first dog and encourage her demonstratively. It is necessary to repeat such actions several times so that your pet understands what is being sought from him.

Team training

Resentment Training

You can apply the trick to the dog. When the pet feels the time of the walk, it begins to bark. Gather all the necessary things that you take with you to walk your four-legged friend and pretend that you leave this time without him. Before exiting, look at the dog and give the command “Voice!”. The dog will begin to bark from emotions and resentment, at this moment you need to praise and stroke it. And then you can go for a walk together. A similar method can be tried on the street, tying the pet to a tree, and you can start leaving yourself. Then act the same way: when the dog barks, give a command and encourage.

Eavesdropping method

This is the easiest way of all. You need to monitor the dog and when he barks, command: “Voice!”, And then treat him to a treat. After a while, the pet will understand what it needs to do when hearing your command. On the first day, it is unlikely to wait for the barking at the command. Repeat daily exercise for 15 minutes, and gradually the dog will understand your commands. Later, the dog will give voice without refreshments.

Team lay

Dog Training Equipment

With what equipment is it worth teaching a dog to voice a command? To facilitate training, you need to purchase such things:

  1. Collar. To control the dog, the owner must show an advantage.
  2. Leash. It is necessary for certain types of training. And also for safe walking of a dog in public places.
  3. Delicacy. To encourage the dog to understand that she is doing everything right, take tasty treats: crackers, pieces of cheese, pieces of meat, dry food. Training is best done when the dog is not full, otherwise he will ignore the food.
  4. Mood. Dogs are sensitive to changes in human moods. It is important to show your love and pay attention to the pet.

Adult dog training

Some people take an adult dog for themselves, for example, find it on the street or take it from the kennel. Preparing an adult dog will require more strength and patience than teaching a little puppy. How to teach an adult dog to the Voice! Team fast?

First you need to make it clear that you are its owner and have authority. It may take a month, sometimes two, for the adopted pet to get used to the new owner. You need to pet the dog more often, play with it, pay attention and care, feed it yourself to speed up the process of getting used to it. At the same time, you need to feel the edge of kindness and discipline, to remain strict on the street. As a rule, adult dogs have already formed their own character and behavior. Manifestation depends on the education of the old master. Therefore, sometimes dogs can be embittered or scared.

Dog handler trains dogs

The process of taming the evil and nervous dogs is complex, requires a special approach. It is recommended to restrain the negative emotions of the animal, not to make sudden movements in the eyes of the pet, play a lot and take care, talk with him, and not raise his voice. The training of an adult dog needs to be approached more seriously and patiently, and the process itself is no different from regular training.

How to teach a dog the Voice! Command

The German Shepherd is an extremely intelligent animal and is highly amenable to training. Dogs of this breed are capable of deciding on the protection of their master themselves and do not like to bark for no reason. Shepherd dogs control their emotions, but show a strong love and affection for the owners.

To teach a puppy discipline and commands is easier than an adult dog. Training requires a professional approach, so you should turn to dog handlers. Training should be rigorous and confident. From 2-3 months you can learn simple commands. Later, you can learn the Voice! Command.

No need to rush, it is better to learn the team without pressure on the dog, to devote about six months to the team. You should not expect an instant result, you will have to be patient. Mandatory promotion of the shepherd for diligent behavior is the basis of training.


When the pet begins to understand you and give a voice on command, it is worth polishing his skills. It is necessary to teach the dog to obey the order at your first word. When you notice that the animal understands the essence of the team, say the command "Voice!" once and wait for its completion.

Dog friend man

Do not encourage barking without a team. If you want to teach a dog to bark three times, then treat it only after it spills three times. It is usually not necessary to train barking more than three times, since animals generally count faultlessly only up to three.

It should be careful to train your dog. It is important to know that the animal should not bark if there is no danger. Many owners make mistakes in self-instruction in teams, so it’s best to contact a dog handler. We hope you now know how to teach your dog the Voice! Command.

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