Viber is one of the most popular communication applications in Russian-speaking countries. At the moment, Viber is not only a messenger, but also a source of news about celebrities and social events. However, not all users of Viber are aware of all its functions. In this article, we will look at how to find a group in Viber, as well as how to become a member.
Experienced users have long noticed that there are both groups and publicities in the Viber messenger.
The differences between the public and the group in “Viber”
The difference is as follows:
- All can be added to the group without restriction. In public, there is a division into categories.
- The group publishes news on specific topics related to individual products. Discussions are held in public about important events.
- In groups, communication takes place in a free form. Public style is dominated by business style.
- Chats are available in groups. In addition, a member of the group appointed by the administrator can change the name, as well as the title photo of the community. In public, the chat is managed by the administrator, but subscribers can take an active part in the voting.
It is worth remembering that the group and the conversation at Viber are not the same thing. Chat is created exclusively for versatile communication, and the community to discuss individual topics.
You can’t definitely say which is better. Both the community and the public have their own merits. The group is more suitable for communicating in an intimate setting, and public is an ideal choice for those who promote their products and want to make an advertisement for their product.
Now we’ll figure out how to find a group in “Viber” and join it.
Group Search
There are several options for finding a group or public chat. In “Viber” on the menu you will see a list of the most interesting publics, which are located in popularity. So how to find a group in “Viber” and join? You can get into groups only at the invitation of those people who are members of them. To do this, you must:
- Write a message to someone who is in the group you are interested in. The person will add you, and you will be able to be part of the community as well as everyone else.
- In the event that no one in your group is among your friends, you will have to add someone in the community by phone number and ask that you be allowed to join.
- How to enter a group in “Viber” by name? If the group’s administrator is someone from your friends list, you just need to click on the search bar in the “Chats” section, write the name of the community and simply become a member of it.
Now you should understand how to find a group in Viber by name. If you need to leave the community, this is also very easy. Just select the “Leave the group” command. The command is located in the “Details” section.
We are looking for a public in “Viber”
The search will take several minutes, everything is extremely simple and clear. To get started, enter the messenger. In it you will see your recent dialogues with other people. Find the “Public Accounts” button and click on it. The button is a circular icon in a double frame. After that, you will see the rating of popular publics. You can join any chat you like.
If the dialog box also displays correspondence with a specific contact, click Find more Public Accounts. The button is located under the Public Accounts section.
If you are looking for a specific public, just type its name into the search bar.
If you intend to enter into a public conversation from the list of recommended ones, you have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with all the available options. For the greatest comfort, public pages are divided into categories. In order to become a member of one of the public communities, simply click on the “plus sign” next to the group you like. Finding a group in Viber, as you see, is not difficult.
Most Popular Public Pages
Thanks to these chat rooms you will learn a lot of interesting and useful things. In the ranking of the best publics, there are communities in which you can buy various goods, plane and train tickets and much more. There are also pages with the latest news from the world of show business, sports, the personal lives of stars, and even a cooking section in which the best chefs share their secrets of cooking delicious food.
How to use the computer version
You can find groups in Viber on both the phone and the computer. The PC application has all the same functions as the mobile version. In addition, you can create group chat on your computer. This is done as follows: go through the conversation window with the person you want to invite into the gazebo. Click the “Add” button (to the icon with the image of a person with a plus sign). A command window will open, in it you will need to enter the name of the person who will take part in the conversation. Check all the people you want to add, and then click on “Create”. After all the data has been updated, the newly added users will be able to participate in discussions and discussions.
Find a hidden community
Many people have a question: how to find a group in “Viber” that was hidden? Once you have joined the chat or you are the administrator of this community, you can hide the chat. To do this, you will need to use a secret code. Instruction:
- When the program starts, go to the chat window.
- Enter the PIN code in the search bar.
- Open the desired chat and click on the "Join" button.
Now you know how to find a group in Viber, add new people to the community. It is safe to say that Viber is one of the best messengers with advanced features that can compete with other social networks. And all this thanks to the presence of groups and public pages.