Milk teeth are the first set of teeth in children. Usually they begin to appear at the age of 5-6 months, although there are such exceptions when a baby is born already with one of the incisors.
The first teething is a rather painful process. Before the appearance of teeth, the baby's gums become very inflamed. Sometimes a large hematoma forms on them, which is commonly called the teething hematoma. Such a gum looks intimidating, but there is no reason for parents to panic. After the tooth cuts through the gums, the hematoma and general inflammation are eliminated without outside interference.
general information
When do baby teeth begin to change? Any mother can answer this question. Indeed, many parents are waiting for this process, since the first set of teeth of a child quickly deteriorates. What causes this? Children fall, eat sweets, forget about hygiene - all this leads to tooth decay, or to the development of caries. The second is especially dangerous. Therefore, if black spots are found on the teeth, experts recommend immediately contacting a dentist.
How long do baby teeth change? At the age of 3 years, the child has 20 milk teeth. During this period, many parents calm down, as the babies cease to be moody, their immunity becomes stronger, and the inflamed gums no longer bother them. However, by the age of 5-5.5, a new period begins in the child. By this time, milk teeth are gradually loosening and falling out, giving way to permanent or so-called molar teeth. Fortunately for many parents, teething is an absolutely painless process, with the only exception if dental intervention is not required.
In detail about the change of teeth in children
When do baby teeth change? This process in each child can occur at different ages. But, as a rule, milk teeth begin to loosen and fall out already closer to 5 years of age.
In dental practice, the period when the milk teeth are still preserved, and the permanent ones have not yet erupted, is usually called the period of a removable bite. This time is characterized by the active growth of the child's jaws, as a result of which natural spaces between the teeth are formed. Moreover, the latter are significantly erased or completely crumble.
In what sequence and how should baby teeth change in a child? After the loss of temporary teeth and before the eruption of the permanent teeth, about 3-4 months usually pass. The first molars are usually removed first. Most often, this process occurs at the age of 5. Further, the sequence of teeth changes corresponds to the eruption of dairy.
Change of molars (molars)
Do milk-molars in children change? Many parents mistakenly call children's molars molars and think that they do not fall out during a bite change. This is not true. The entire first set of baby teeth is loosened and falls out. Moreover, there are more permanent ones than dairy ones. If by 3 years a person has 20 teeth, then by 13 years - already 28.
When do molar teeth change in children? At the age of 5 years, the first molars fall out, and by 11 years - the second.
What is the teething sequence?
What milk teeth change in children (see the diagram below)? In the normal course of the process, absolutely all temporary human teeth should be removed naturally or with the help of a dentist. However, there are rare exceptions when a milk molar or canine remains in place even in an adult. Such teeth do not lose their functionality, although they can be very different from their regular “brothers”.
When do baby teeth change? By the age of 6-7 years, the teeth of the lower jaw should be removed first, and then the upper. By 7-8 years of age, the central incisors and the appearance of lateral molars occur simultaneously.
By 9-11 years old, the first first molars erupt on the site of the first molars, and the second by 10-11. As for the molars, they appear in 11-13 years, first on the lower jaw, and then on the upper.
It is important to know everyone!
When do baby teeth change (table 1 see below)? The answer to this question is definitely quite difficult. After all, a tooth change lasts a very long time, or rather several years. In addition, not everyone has this process according to a strict scheme. Although statistics show that in most children all primary teeth have changed to permanent teeth up to 13 years.
Causes of Loss and Growth
Quite a lot of parents ask the same question: “What time do their baby teeth change?” However, few of them wonder why this is happening at all.
There is not a single age-related change that does not lend itself to a logical explanation. Evolution and nature provide for all physiological factors that require changes in the human body.
A child is born without teeth, because he does not need them, because in the first months of his life he uses only mother's milk (special mixtures). Although even before the birth of the baby, teeth are actively formed in the jaw of the fetus, preparing for rapid growth.
The first baby teeth usually erupt at the age of 6 months. It is at this time that the child learns to chew solid foods. Molars or the so-called chewing teeth appear by 2-2.5 years, and by 3 years the baby already has a complete replacement kit.
As a person grows up, the size of his jaw changes. If in early childhood only 20 teeth fit in a child’s oral cavity, then by the age of 13 there is enough space for 28. By the way, it should be understood that during the growth of a baby, baby teeth do not increase in size. Only the distance between them grows.
Description of the process of pushing children's teeth
Do all baby teeth change in children, and how does this happen? The entire first set of teeth in a child should fall out. Otherwise, consult a dentist.
During the bite change, many interesting processes take place. For example, few people know that milk teeth can partially resolve. This process starts from the top of the root, and then goes to other areas. Further, the crown is replaced by a permanent tooth, which grows directly beneath it.
Bite change:
- At the age of 3, small spaces appear between the front milk teeth, which are called diastemas, and trems form between the first molars and fangs.
- Distances often vary in size. With age, they grow, and reach their maximum limit just before the loss.
- The cause of the formation of gaps is the growth of the jaw. If they are absent, then this indicates impaired development, which requires immediate contact with a specialist.
Molar (permanent) teeth are in special capsules of connective tissue. During teething, they move under the roots of the first set. The whole process can be seen on the orthopantomogram of children 7-11 years old.
Do I need to delete?
When baby teeth change in children, we found out. However, many parents are interested in another, quite logical, question: "Do I need to remove the first molars, incisors and fangs, resorting to the help of a specialist?" As practice shows, such a need arises in very rare cases. Moreover, many dentists are of the opinion that even severe caries is not an indication for tooth pulling. After all, the first set performs many functions, so it must do its job to the full until the change of bite.
If the milk tooth was badly damaged, which caused serious inflammation, then it will have to be removed. Also, extraction is carried out if the first canine, incisor or molar causes a slow growth of non-replaceable row.
If the child’s tooth is removed prematurely, then the neighboring space may take up the vacant space. Thus, it turns out that each temporary unit saves a specific section of the gums for the permanent. She is responsible for the rate of growth and formation of future molars. Therefore, when removing one unit from the first set, problems with eruption of the constant are possible.
It should also be said that premature loss of a baby tooth is fraught with malocclusion and pathological development of the jaw. Therefore, doctors recommend maintaining the first set until the very moment of its change.
Children's dental prosthetics
Dental prosthetics is a whole branch of dentistry that deals with the restoration of lost tooth tissues, as well as the replacement of such, restoration of its structure and the functioning of the masticatory apparatus. This method is used extremely rarely (for example, after injuries). This is a necessary measure that warns the displacement of the entire dentition.
Crooked teeth - what is the main reason?
For many parents, it does not matter at what time their baby teeth change. For them, the main thing is that the constant row is smooth and beautiful. And, indeed, more and more molars in children grow crooked, and sometimes even with caries. So what is the reason for the incorrect location of the permanent kit? Experts explain this phenomenon very simply - during growth, the teeth simply did not have enough space. In other words, there were no necessary gaps between the predecessors, which caused such a defect.
It should be noted that the reasons for the growth of crooked teeth can be bad habits of the child. For example, constantly biting nails, biting the tips of pencils or the inner surface of the cheeks, etc.
It is not possible to change such a defect independently. Correct the situation is possible only through the intervention of a specialist. Therefore, after detecting a problem, you should immediately send the child to the dentist.
Features of oral care in childhood. Dental Tips
It is necessary to know how and what milk teeth change in children. However, it is even more important to know how to properly care for a child’s oral cavity .
Hygiene of the baby's teeth should be introduced from early childhood. At the same time, the formation of normal eating behavior is also included in the list of mandatory oral care.
In the event that the parents themselves doubt the choice of a particular paste or brush for their child, you can consult a dentist. The latter give the following tips:
- During the change of teeth, the children's menu should necessarily include as many foods rich in vitamin D as possible, as well as with such minerals as calcium (cottage cheese, cheese, milk, etc.).
- When a child’s temporary set of teeth begins to change, he needs to eat enough solid food. These include vegetables and fruits such as carrots, apples and radishes. This is required for a kind of training, so that the teeth are cleaned and strengthened in a natural way.
- Many parents panic when their 5-6 year old children noticeably lose their teeth. Experts, however, argue that this phenomenon should not be afraid. This is a completely normal process. The jaw of the child grows, and these peculiar gaps are extremely necessary for the normal and healthy growth of a constant row. Moreover, panic should be when these gaps do not appear. In this case, you need to contact a specialist.
- In order for the child’s permanent set of teeth to be smooth, healthy and beautiful, parents need to make every effort. They should protect the baby’s teeth not only from accidental loss (for example, with an injury or fall), but also from a carious lesion. In the latter case, it is recommended to reconsider the attitude to sweets, as well as carefully monitor the process of brushing the child’s teeth. In addition, you should often examine the baby's oral cavity, and with the slightest hint of caries, go to the dentist. Indeed, diseases of this kind are easier to manage in the early stages than in the neglected ones.
- Parents of young children should know that if the temporary tooth is very loose, and this brings discomfort to the child, then it can be pulled out at home. To do this, grab a tooth with a small piece of sterile gauze, and then shake it in different directions and pull up / down. If such a procedure is not successful, then it is better to consult a dentist.
- We should not forget about the averaging of all existing norms. Minor or even medium deviations from the terms of tooth replacement do not indicate the presence of pathology. Everything has its time.
- Timely detection of curvature of permanent teeth in the process of their growth, as well as immediate contact with a child’s orthodontist guarantee your child a beautiful and healthy smile in the future.
Also, experts do not recommend rushing nature. Before falling out, a children's tooth can stagger for a very long time. If the child does not interfere, then pulling it out is not necessary.
Very often, the first two permanent teeth appear curved. But, as practice shows, this is an erroneous view. Until the rest of the baby changes, it is premature to draw conclusions about the former.