In the process of raising and breeding chickens, their unpretentiousness and ability to adapt to various climatic conditions is of great importance. Many rare breeds of birds meet these criteria, but one of the best is considered to be the faverole. The breed of chickens that came to us from France has gained popularity due to the combination of its consumer qualities and natural beauty.
Even among the large variety of breeds available in the poultry compound, the chicken faverole breed stands out for its unusual exterior. A strong, muscular, harmoniously folded body has a somewhat elongated shape and is covered with a lush, slightly loose plumage. The yellowish beak, located on a small head, seems a little too big, a thick beard underneath it almost completely covers the earrings. The short tail is slightly raised, the wings fit snugly to the body, small but very developed legs are covered with plumage and have 5 fingers - the fifth, slightly bent up, is located on the inside of the metatarsus.
The coloring of hens and cocks has peculiar differences. But the main sign is salmon coloring, which is famous for the faverol chicken breed. The description of the chickens necessarily includes a reddish plumage in the upper body, and only on the chest and stomach it is much lighter. Roosters have feathers on the mane, on the back and wing wings, silver-white with black stripes stretching along the feather shaft, but the tail, stomach and chest are black.
Chicks hatch in the light, covered with a yellowish fluff. Sexual differences in color in them begin to appear only at the age of two months. The main ornaments characteristic of the breed - beard and pots - appear for males.
In addition to salmon coloring, there are others: black, striped, white, blue.
Breed history
The faverole breed of chickens originates in France and is named after the town of Faverolles, where local peasants specializing in poultry breeding have created many wonderful meat varieties of chickens. In the second half of the nineteenth century, it gained popularity among poultry farmers in Germany, England, Russia, Switzerland and America. At first, the breed was valued as a meat and was not an exhibition. English breeders paid great attention to the color of plumage and exterior. As a result, the faerole breed of chickens became an exhibition, while remaining a variety that has wonderful tasty meat.
In Germany, a club of faverole lovers was created in 1912, the participants of which began to engage in breeding work aimed at improving the egg production of this breed. German breeding created a faverol, which differs from the English and French in some external and internal parameters. It was called lakhshüner, which means "salmon-colored hens." The economic qualities of the bird are manifested due to the development of certain parts of the exterior. The ability to lay eggs even in the cold season is characterized by a salmon faverol. The breed of chickens, originally created as meat, thus began to have one more advantage.
Breed features
A distinctive feature of the breed are whiskers and a beard, which covers the lobes and small earrings.
Faverol chickens have a trapezoidal body shape with a broad back and fluffy plumage. Despite the fact that the bone skeleton is quite thin, the body of the birds is powerful, muscular.
White skin and the presence of five toes is another feature that the chicken faverole has. It does not have a continuous plumage between the body and legs, as, for example, in the Cochin breed, but its presence on the outer fingers is mandatory.
These calm and slightly phlegmatic birds are very trusting in relation to humans. They know their master and quickly become attached to him.
Production quality
Being a meat type of chicken, the faverol is not inferior to other breeds in egg production. Chickens can already produce up to 180 yellow-pink eggs weighing 55-60 grams in their first year of life. Even sophisticated gourmets appreciate the juicy and tender meat of the faverole, comparing it with pheasant. The live weight of chickens reaches 3.5 kg, roosters can gain weight up to 4-5 kg.
Exterior requirements
The manufacturing qualities of the faverole chicken are famous for only with the corresponding exterior. For the necessary development of egg formation, the bird should have a broad back with a strong lower back. A small standing crest and small earrings prevent frostbite in the cold season. Protects from frost and lush plumage, covering even the legs. A sign of pure breed is the color, which has a faverol. The salmon breed of chickens has a special color, which should clearly pass from generation to generation. Roosters for breeding are selected only with red-brown spots in the neck. Preservation of pedigree features is of great importance for the economic indicators of poultry, since the quality of meat directly depends on this.
A sign of out-of-breedness is the absence of a fifth toe, a beard or a lush frill on the neck. Sometimes there is an incorrect arrangement of the fourth and fifth fingers, too lavish plumage of the legs or, conversely, the absence of feathers on them. All this also speaks of the uncleanness of chickens. Birds with a short body with a narrow chest and a long tail are not allowed to breeding.
Content Features
Faverole is a breed of chickens that must be isolated from other birds to maintain the purity of the offspring. It is enough to enclose their area with a low fence, because these calm birds do not tend to fly over obstacles. The territory where they are kept should be large enough in area so that the birds have the possibility of free walking, in which case their incidence is reduced. In addition, they naturally receive all the useful minerals and vitamins, thereby reducing the need for synthetic additives.
Feeders are arranged hanging or in the form of narrow troughs, so that birds do not have the opportunity to spread food, digging in it with their paws, which is common to all chickens.
The perches should be round and wide, it is best to place them low enough and provide with additional special ladders in order to facilitate the rise of such a massive bird as a faverole. The meat breeds of chickens are quite heavy, so falling from a high perch can lead to fractures.
The faverole diet consists mainly of a grain mixture. Ready-mixed feeds added to them contain corn, bran and vitamin supplements. In addition to this, birds are given boiled potatoes and chopped greens. For steaming feed, especially in the cold season, decoctions of waste meat, fish or whey are used. Faverole is a breed of chickens that is quite unpretentious in food. Excessive feeding can lead to obesity, which is undesirable for meat-type birds.
Breeding Faverole
For this purpose, it is advisable to acquire young animals from different sellers, since the crossing of individuals with closely related bonds can lead to the appearance of various types of deformities in chickens. The brood hen stops the laying of eggs during the hatching period, therefore it is recommended to use an incubator. It is most beneficial when you have to breed chickens for relatives, friends, as well as customers from other households.
Chicken faverol content
Faverole chicken breed is quite expensive, so a home incubator is best suited, the capacity of which is from 60 to 100 eggs, which provides 75% hatching. The collected fresh eggs are kept at a temperature of 10 ° C for one or two weeks. It is very important to prevent overcooling at this time. As soon as the chickens are born, they are planted on a dry litter in a warm room, where the temperature is maintained at 38 ° C, and reliable walls protect against the penetration of predators and rats. The best feeds in the early days of chickens are corn porridge and chopped boiled egg.
Then the young growth is transferred to specialized feed, enriched with vitamins.
It is best to
grow chickens in February, then by spring they can already walk in the fresh air, and by the end of the summer, the hens will begin to lay eggs.
Faverole is a breed of chickens, reviews of which are positive by almost all criteria. This bird is appreciated both for its aesthetic appearance, and for meat and eggs, excellent in their taste qualities. This is an excellent choice for those who want to have chickens with good productivity and low maintenance.