Baby food "Humana": composition, instructions, reviews

Baby food "Humana" is often recommended for mothers for their newborn babies. It perfectly replaces, if necessary, woman’s milk, as it is made only from ecological, natural products.

Humana nutrition for children: a brief description

The above nutrition for children is made in Germany. This manufacturer is a powerful dairy complex, which includes more than 8,000 farmer dairy enterprises.

baby food humana

“Humana” today is one of the main leaders in Europe among dairy plants. In addition to baby food, this manufacturer also produces high-quality milk products.

Advantages of baby food "Humana":

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  6. The manufacturer is constantly working on improving existing and developing new products.

Types of Humana brand products

humana baby food reviews

The company "Humana" offers its small consumers a wide selection of milk formulations, developed according to a special recipe. The above products comply with all the requirements of WHO and the European Society of Pediatricians.

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If the baby was born prematurely, for him, this manufacturer has developed a special mixture of "Human 0".

“Humana PRE” - baby food, which is a ready-made mixture that is contained in a special jar. It is made exclusively of fresh milk, so it has a slightly high cost.

humana pre baby food

One of the advantages of this food is that it is convenient to take it with you to the hospital or, for example, on a regular walk. "Humana PRE" is available only in liquid form, and experts advise it to begin feeding the newborn.

The main products of the above manufacturer

The basic infant formulas of this manufacturer include the following products:

  • "Humana 1" - designed for infants up to six months old.
  • "Humana 2" - designed for six months old crumbs.
  • "Humana 3" - is intended for a child aged 10 months.
  • "Humana 4" - designed for the baby after a year.

The aforementioned designation with numbers greatly facilitates the attachment to age and means a more satisfying product. But experts warn that switching to a new mixture is only necessary given the weight and appetite of the child.

humana baby food composition

If, for example, a child at 5 months of age does not eat up and is naughty, it is already advisable for him to try the next product.

Special mixes

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human food reviews

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Dairy porridge "Humana" - baby food, the composition of which is characterized by the presence of 13 vitamins, iodine, calcium and the absence of crystalline sugar. This is an extremely environmentally friendly product made from natural raw materials. The manufacturer offers a rather large assortment of this food: multigrain cereal “Sweet Dreams”, buckwheat, buckwheat with pear, buckwheat with apple, oat, oat with peach, corn and rice with vanilla, and milk porridge with cookies.

How to cook the above nutrition for children?

humana baby food instruction

"Humana" - baby food, the instruction for which recommends preparing it as follows:

1. The required amount of water must be boiled and cooled to about 50 degrees Celsius. You can also warm the human water.

2. Pour the liquid into the bottle.

3. Add the desired number of spoons of the measured mixture.

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4,3 .

. 2- 8- 3 90 . 7-8 .

3- 4- 120 . 6-7 .

4- 5 150 . 5-6 .

For crumbs after 4 months, the mixture is prepared from 6 measuring spoons and 180 ml of water. Such a baby should be fed 4-5 times a day.

After six months, the child takes food 2-3 times. Use 5, 6 or 7 spoons of measured mixture for 150, 180 or 210 ml of water, respectively, depending on the baby's appetite.

Humana (baby food): reviews

humana baby food for newborns

Today you can find a lot of responses from satisfied mothers who gave their babies mixtures of the above manufacturer. Women note that they are quite tasty (they tried it themselves). If the baby showed allergy symptoms, then the pediatricians quickly prescribed the hypoallergenic product "Humana" (baby food).

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