Corporate party is the most controversial phenomenon. On the one hand, it is very interesting and great time for all colleagues to spend time together, and on the other hand, you should definitely go for it, even if you do not want to. Many drink a huge amount of alcohol and then do not remember what they were doing, some go to look at their colleagues outside the work environment, but still others just want to have fun.
The corporate party for the New Year is especially interesting, when the company celebrates another year of team work and rewards everyone with a unique holiday.
So, how to write a script for a corporate party? In general, organizing a holiday can go in several ways. Firstly, you can organize everything by yourself, but this means that instead of work, you will have to count, endless rushing around banquet halls and restaurants, cross-country shops in search of gifts and a lot of doubts about how to come up with a corporate script for the New Year. As a result, a lot of time and nerves spent can lead you to hysteria, because the boss will not like some idea. And everything will have to be redone, completed an infinite number of times.
How to make the scenario of the New Year corporate party shock everyone with its originality and creativity? First of all, look at last year’s scenarios on the Internet, it’s possible that you will have some ideas about the upcoming fun. And secondly, you need to find helpers, because it is impossible to do everything perfectly yourself.
Try to convince the management of your company that the corporate party for the New Year is a very serious thing, and you need to attract professionals. In this case, you just have to agree or not, to command and give instructions. After all, it is very important that everything went perfectly, and the employees for a long time will remember the atmosphere of fun and happiness that will prevail at the holiday.
If you still have to write the script for the New Year corporate party yourself, then we can give you some tips and advice on what and how to do it. Try to find assistants in the face of other employees - this will give you the opportunity to distribute things and make your life a little easier. In addition, together you can quickly come up with something extraordinary and interesting. Do not forget that this time people will gather not to talk about business, but to have fun and communicate with each other. Try to make the evening full of contests, jokes and interesting numbers. Remember the very first movie about a corporate party? Of course you guessed it. It's about Carnival Night. Try not to repeat Ogurtsov’s mistakes and don’t write a lot of poems and songs in the script, because after the first thirty minutes everyone will be too bored. Add jokes, laughter, and fun to the script. And the leaders, of course, should be Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.
Assign two or three girls to stand at the entrance and distribute garlands and masks to the visitors so that no one has a feeling of deprivation. As gifts, guests can choose souvenirs with the symbols of the New Year or small toys with the image of the beast - the owner of the year. Well, it would be nice for the employees to collect a certain amount and buy a gift for the owner of the company (director).
Special attention is required to contests and rooms to entertain the public. Try to choose those that will not offend anyone. Obscene contests in the scenario of a New Year's corporate party, for example, when you need to remove a banana from your pants or competitions for the best kiss, should not be included.
If your imagination refuses to help you in New Year's turmoil, then, of course, it is worth looking for fresh ideas in the vastness of the world wide web. There are a lot of role-playing scripts on the Internet, original contests for a corporate party, etc. Just need to enter in the search engine "corporate New Year script."
We are sure that you will succeed with the organization of the holiday, and we hope that our advice will help you at least in some ways. Happy holiday and all the best in the new year!