Imagine the situation: the owner comes home from work. Goes into the "corner of thought" in order to clean up in the cat's tray. And there is discovered black precherny feces. The owner is in a state of shock, grabs a cat and rushes to a veterinary clinic. At this time it is time to say: “Stop”! In what situations is the help of specialists necessary if the cat has black feces? Should I take a pet to a veterinary clinic?
Stool norms
Yes, there are certain standards for cat feces, according to which excrement should be from light brown to dark brown. The final color depends on the nutrition of the animal. As for consistency, normal bowel movements look like a long sausage. Everything else is a deviation from the norm, especially the black feces in a cat. This color of bowel movements indicates internal bleeding. However, before panicking, let's deal with the causes of black excrement.
Main reasons
Black feces in a cat are caused, as a rule, by serious reasons. These are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of worms, malignant tumors and nutrition. Now let's talk about each of the items in more detail.
Let's start with the last reason. The question that owners of Murok and Barsikov are often asked is whether raw meat can be used for cats. Everything is possible for them, but utility is in question. In small quantities, the use of raw meat is allowed by cats and cats. Only before treating a pet with a tasty one, it is necessary to defrost and scald the product with boiling water.
The reasons for black feces in a cat lie in overeating meat. When the pet feasts from the heart the day before, in the morning the owner will receive a surprise. In this case, panic is not appropriate, because there is nothing to worry about. A perfectly normal reaction of the body to "eat" raw meat.
By the way, if the animal takes any food additives containing iron, then black stool is the perfect norm. The same can be said for high iron foods.
Malignant tumors
One of the causes of black feces in a cat is malignant tumors of the stomach and small intestine. Tumors lead to ulcers, the result is internal bleeding.
What are the causes of blood in the feces of a cat? One of several may be the presence of worms in the intestine. Parasites attach to the walls of the intestine, violating the integrity. Blood enters the large intestine, is digested there, the shade of feces changes.
Gastrointestinal diseases
The most dangerous causes of black excrement. Diseases are divided into several types:
Gastritis or colitis resulting from an injury to the stomach or small intestine. Chicken bones consumed by a cat become the most common cause of such injuries.
Peptic ulcer, duodenal ulcer, enterocolitis - diseases that provoke the appearance of black feces in cats. Bleeding ulcers that appear on the walls of these organs cause this phenomenon.
Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis - exfoliation of the epithelium of the gastric mucosa and intestines. There is trauma to small vessels and bleeding.
Symptoms requiring veterinary intervention
What to do when the cat feces black, solid peas? It is possible that there is constipation associated with intestinal adhesions. You must go to the veterinarian as soon as possible.
Symptoms in which you can not do without visiting a specialist:
Elevated body temperature in the animal.
Fluid chair in a cat.
Frequent, profuse vomiting with an admixture of blood.
Refusal of food and treats.
The cat does not allow to touch the lower abdomen.
Alienation from people, the pet is trying to hide, there is a small tremor.
Blood spots in excrement.
Weakness and lethargic behavior.
The listed symptoms and black color of excrement require surgical veterinary intervention. Self-treatment at home, without an established diagnosis, will lead to the death of the animal.
It is said above that diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be diagnosed only in a veterinary clinic. First of all, an analysis of feces for occult blood is taken, with a positive diagnosis, the following procedures are performed:
Attention! The following information is published so that the owner of the animal can calculate the estimated costs of treatment. It is strictly forbidden to use the listed drugs without the recommendation of a veterinarian!
First of all, veterinarians prescribe blood-stopping drugs. Most injected intravenously or intramuscularly. Full treatment is started after the bleeding is completely stopped. Otherwise, there are great risks of losing the animal.
Drugs used to stop the blood:
Tranexam. Use every 6-8 hours, until the bleeding stops completely. Recommended proportions will tell the veterinarian. The medicine is administered both intramuscularly and intravenously, depending on the general condition of the animal. The price of the solution starts from 800 rubles for 5 ampoules.
"Vikasol 1%." Intramuscularly administered for 3-5 days. The price of the drug is from 60 rubles, depending on the volume of ampoules. In the package of 10 ampoules.
"Dicinon" is used within 3 days, administered intramuscularly. The price starts from 600 rubles for 10 ampoules.
Aminocaproic acid 5%. Used intravenously, the duration of treatment is determined by the veterinarian.
After the bleeding is stopped, they switch to the use of drugs prescribed by a specialist. In some cases, when bleeding is caused by the presence of a foreign object in the stomach or intestines, as well as a tumor, surgery is performed. Of course, the operation is done only on the recommendation of a veterinarian. In other cases, the following drugs are prescribed:
Prazitel, Drontal, Pratel, Dirofen - are used against parasites.
"Tetracycline", "Gentamicin", "Amoxiclav", "Penicillin" are long-acting antibiotics.
"Gamavit", "Cycloferon" - antiviral drugs.
Almagel, Ranitidine, De-Nol help in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.
Issue price
Let's talk about the cost of these drugs. The same "Prazitel" is sold in veterinary pharmacies or in hospitals. The price starts from 80 rubles per tablet or from 170 rubles per suspension.
Drontal in tablets will cost the owner of the animal 320-400 rubles, depending on the region of residence.
Pratel is a rather expensive drug. For ten tablets, you will have to pay from 450 to 600 rubles.
"Dirofen" costs about 120-150 rubles.
The rest of the drugs are sold in ordinary, human pharmacies. Price categories are quite different, depending on the region where the pharmacy is located.
Sometimes blood in the stool occurs due to a sensitive stomach in a pet. In such cases, veterinarians recommend special cat foods for the super-premium sensitive stomach. Royal Canin is most common for animals with similar features.
But there is nothing better than natural nutrition for cats and cats. Porridge with meat is perfect for individuals suffering from a sensitive stomach. The pet instantly forgets what the blood in the feces is. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of the owners.