Children's health for parents is the most important issue. It is the inherent resistance to various external influences in childhood that, in adulthood, can become a pillar of normal life. However, there are situations when the first signs of problems may go unnoticed, as an example, the situation of the appearance of blood from the nose in a child. Various factors can provoke its appearance. Sometimes it may turn out that the problem is not worth much concern. Although there are serious cases. To be sure, it’s important to understand the matter in the most careful way.
Why is the baby bleeding?
Why does a child have nosebleeds? There are a lot of reasons . Bleeding may be caused by:
- problems located directly in the nasal cavity and nasal passages;
- problems and diseases associated with other organs;
- negative external impact.
Each of the factors can trigger the appearance of blood from the nose in a child. Since in children under eighteen years of age the formation of the cardiovascular system occurs, and the density of the walls of the capillaries and their close proximity to the surface, especially in the nose, can cause trouble. In order to surely exclude the negative influence of factors, each must be carefully studied separately. We will discuss the possible causes of bleeding later in the article.
Provocateurs inside
When a child is bleeding from the nose for reasons that are local in nature, the following list of possible negative factors is distinguished:
- any traumatic external impact, including bumps, bruises and fractures;
- previous surgery;
- getting into the nasal passages of foreign objects. Every mother knows how children, especially small ones, like to pick their fingers in their nose;
- allergies and inflammatory diseases, namely acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza;
- education in the nose: tumors and cysts.
In fact, such ailments should not cause difficulties in treatment, with the exception of malignant tumors. And the problem is completely resolved in the selection of adequate treatment.
Blood from the nose as a result of other diseases
More alarming is the situation when a child has bleeding from his nose for no apparent reason. In this case, timely clarification of the cause of such a reaction from the vascular system will prevent the development of more serious health problems.
So, there are a number of pathologies and changes that can lead to the fact that the child will have blood from the nose. Let's get acquainted with them:
- The lack of minerals and vitamins involved in the formation of the walls of blood vessels, in fact vitamin deficiency, is not the worst thing that can happen.
- Increased pressure, which is chronic. Once in a lying position, the vessels simply can not withstand the load and burst, there is bleeding from the nose.
- Problems with intracranial pressure, which are dangerous because they can cause hemorrhage in the brain, despite the small age of the child.
- Quite often, blood from the nose in a child can be observed in adolescence. This is due to a change in the hormonal background of the body.
- Blood from the nose can go due to clotting, low hemoglobin, blood cancer and other problems.
- Vascular inflammation and problems with the immune system can also lead to a similar situation.
- Malformations of the heart, kidney disease, liver disease and internal bleeding can cause, for no reason, blood from the nose in a child.
The conclusion suggests itself. Having found that the child often has blood from the nose, do not wait for the problem to pass. It is necessary to take action. After all, any of the listed reasons in a neglected state can become an impetus to the development of pathologies in an avalanche-like manner. In addition, only an adequate examination can reveal other causes of the disease associated with external environmental influences. If the presence of problems with the internal organs is confirmed, then the appointment of the correct treatment can eliminate problems with both blood from the nose and the disease itself.
Environmental impact
Why does a child have nosebleeds? Sometimes doctors answer this question, which thus manifests the negative impact of the environment. Although it is not entirely clear what exactly is meant.
So, what can provoke that the nose will bleed?
- The use of colds without relevant recommendations.
- Dry air, which happens in the heat or when the air conditioner is working indoors.
- Differences in atmospheric pressure and temperature.
- Physical activity associated with body stress.
- Long stay in a stressful situation for the child.
In fact, these are the most harmless reasons that provoke a nosebleed in a child. However, each parent must know how to recognize bleeding that is hazardous to health and that which cannot be harmful. We will talk about this later.
Signs of nosebleeds that indicate going to the doctor
Note that nosebleeds may manifest in different ways. For example, there may be frequent similar phenomena or, conversely, occur once. Also, blood from the nose can both be liberated abundantly, and in small quantities.
It should be noted that the color of the blood, depending on the cause, may be different. For example, rupture of a large vessel or formation is characterized by a jet-like outflow of blood from the nose. If a similar problem bothers mainly at night, then it is important to pay attention to pressure. But blood diseases are accompanied not only by nose, but also by bleeding from other mucous membranes.
If a fall has occurred
If the blood from the nose was the result of a fall, then the scarlet color and foamy structure indicate damage to the lung. If it is dark and even brown, then it is necessary to examine the stomach and esophagus.
Excessive bleeding can provoke weakness and fainting, and in some cases nausea and vomiting. In order to avoid such serious consequences, timely first aid is very important.
Blood from the nose. What to do with the child in such a situation?
It is possible to stop nosebleeds on their own when performing a certain procedure:
- It is necessary to arrange the child so that his body is slightly inclined forward, providing peace.
- Place a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide in the bleeding nostrils.
Hospital stopping methods
If bleeding is not caused by serious illnesses and pathologies, it should stop within ten minutes. If this does not happen, then you need to seek help from doctors.
The most common ways to stop nosebleeds are:
- the introduction into the nasal passages of tampons soaked in acetic acid, or a special sponge that contains substances that promote blood coagulation;
- the use of laser cauterization of blood vessels that will be permanently stopped;
- with significant blood loss, they resort to intravenous injections of drugs to increase coagulation and transfusion.
Prohibited Methods That Cannot Be Used
If nosebleeds occur, there are rules by which it is strictly forbidden:
- throwing the head back;
- adoption of a horizontal position of the body;
- push the tampons to be laid deep into the nasal passages;
- blow your nose, as this may interfere with blood flow.
Compliance with these rules is mandatory not only for children, but also for adults. Since this can alleviate the possible consequences of nosebleeds.
In situations where blood from the nose is the result of diseases, adequate treatment is necessary. A precise diagnosis can only be established by a doctor who has the appropriate specialization.
Identification of the disease, which is the provocateur of nosebleeds
Sometimes the causes of blood from the nose in a child are quite obvious. Since they are the result of an external injury. A traumatologist can help to diagnose the problem with such an impact, who will conduct an external examination and, if necessary, prescribe an X-ray or MRI to confirm or refute possible fractures.
In a situation where blood from the nose begins to flow unexpectedly, you need to contact a pediatrician who can refer you to the right specialist on the basis of analysis data and complaints.
When and which specialist is needed?
Note that if the cause is high blood pressure, then general tests are done to identify the organ that provokes such a reaction. After that, the selection of the drug for treatment is necessary. If you suspect an allergy or problems with the immune system, the child will be referred to specialists such as an allergist and immunologist. In case of blood coagulation, help can be expected only from a hematologist. If bleeding is associated with a violation of the thyroid gland, then you need to contact an endocrinologist.
Pediatricians can identify common problems with internal organs that cause bleeding from the nose during medical examinations, regardless of whether it is a liver or kidneys. And with diseases of the cardiovascular system, a consultation with a cardiologist is necessary.
If it is established that a child has blood flowing from the nose due to a cancer of the blood, then an integrated approach is needed. But first of all, in this case, the help of the main specialist is required - an oncologist. Only he will tell you which tests to take and what to do next, which drugs to use.
Only a correct diagnosis can guarantee a correct and effective treatment. If you fail to implement it on time, the consequences can be very deplorable, because the precious time will simply be missed. This is especially important if there are suspicions of hormonal disorders, blood diseases and leukemia. With these ailments, it is early diagnosis that is the key to complete recovery.
Recommendations for parents
In conditions where there is no visible reason for concern, the child is cheerful, calm, mobile, grows well and develops, and blood from the nose is still worrying, hygiene in the house is necessary. It is very important to maintain the required humidity level. And engage in general strengthening of the body and blood vessels. You can highlight the main recommendations:
- in case of insufficient humidity in the house, use special devices to create comfortable conditions - air humidifiers;
- do not get involved in the use of nasal drops;
- being in cold air for a long time, protect your nasal passages from supercooled air;
- adhere to a healthy lifestyle;
- hardening;
- walks in the open air;
- physical exercises appropriate for the child;
- diet;
- eating enough foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
Parents also need to know that, most often, the appearance of blood from the nose of a child occurs between the ages of 3 to 10 years. In order to exclude the presence of serious problems, one should not neglect the medical examination. It often happens that it is during such examinations that the causes of various ailments are clarified, including frequent nosebleeds.
How to be
Faced with the need for treatment, do not panic. It is important to interact with your doctor and follow all his recommendations. They relate not only to the list of drugs and lifestyle, but also to the necessary tests that need to be done at regular intervals.
After all, most of the serious problems can be identified only when special studies have been carried out. If bleeding from a child’s nose is accompanied by fever, pallor, nausea and weakness, then, of course, you should not self-medicate, and, conversely, a single appearance of blood from the nose should not plunge into panic.
Now you know why a child has nosebleeds, the reasons for such a phenomenon, we called in our article. We also talked about first aid and further treatment. As with any ailment or health problem, first of all, parents are required to monitor the behavior and mood of the baby. It is the careful attitude of mom and dad to the child that will protect his health and prevent irreparable consequences.