How much should a newborn gain weight? Norms and Exceptions

A little man was born! And one of the first actions of a midwife is to measure the height and weight of the baby. This is an important indicator! Now, guided by it, the pediatrician will draw conclusions about the health status of the crumbs every month. How much should a newborn gain weight? This question is of interest to many young parents.

What standards exist today? Normal for a newly born baby is a weight of 2.5 to 4 kilograms. It is good if your child falls into these normative values. And if the weight is more or less than the standard, then this may indicate existing problems.

How much should a newborn gain weight

Having been born, the baby loses a significant part of its weight in the first few days. This loss is not pathological. It is due to the natural process of getting rid of excess water through the skin and the release of accumulated urine and meconium (original feces). If the loss was not more than 10% of the initial value, then everything is fine.

Do not achieve exact compliance with regulatory indicators and the results of weight gain of your baby. All children are individual, so some deviations should not cause special concern to mothers. Ask your pediatrician how much a newborn baby should gain in weight ? And what deviations are permissible?

Every month before the child is six months old, he adds from 600 to 1000 grams. And after this milestone, the baby becomes more active, moves more, and it is in connection with this that the value of the gained grams (kilograms) decreases.

Quite relevant among young parents is the question of why the newborn does not gain weight? The main thing is not to conduct a comparative analysis of the increase in your baby with other peers. We recall once again that each child has its own physiological characteristics and receives a different diet. Therefore, comparison with other children will not lead to anything good.

If you still come to the conclusion that your baby is gaining weight poorly, follow these recommendations. It is possible they will change the current situation.

1. Do not refuse to feed the baby, put it on the chest as soon as required.

2. Pay attention to the amount of urine and feces excreted. If these processes are regular, then the baby receives a sufficient amount of food.

3. Do not be afraid to overfeed the newborn, even if he eats more than he needs, he will simply burp out the excess (we are talking about babies who are breast-fed).

Newborn does not gain weight

And yet, if your baby is sick with an infectious disease (ARI, SARS, etc.), then its increase will surely change when compared with the usual indicator downward.

There is a wide variety of opinions about how much a newborn should gain weight, but you will feel like a mother if something goes wrong.

And what should parents do if a newborn gains a lot of weight? This is also a fairly common situation. A lot of weight does not mean the health of your child, rather, on the contrary, indicates the existence of a problem.

Newborn gain a lot of weight

Such a crumb will move less, his body is more susceptible to allergies, even an ordinary cold is more difficult and longer for him.

Most often, children who are breast-fed have a lot of weight, since they receive a larger amount of the milk mixture than they need. If your child has a tendency to be overweight and is gaining pounds at a fast pace, it is best to take appropriate measures now. What to do is best consulted with a pediatrician.

How much should a newborn gain weight? The answer to this question is purely individual for each baby.

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