How not to get fat after childbirth: diet for nursing mothers, types of exercises, advice from doctors and nutritionists

According to statistics, almost 10% of young mothers come into their convenient and familiar form within a month after the birth of the baby. Another 90% of women are forced to use various diets to lose weight or to maintain their shape when breastfeeding.

How not to get fat after childbirth, or Why does a woman need to lose weight?

Almost all women gain weight during pregnancy. These extra pounds must be reduced in the first years, otherwise a woman risks staying with stored fat for many more years. Excess weight is bad not only because of an ugly appearance, but also because of possible health problems. Gained kilograms can contribute to the appearance of back pain, which is especially relevant for young mothers. Also, excess weight negatively affects the endocrine system and contributes to the development of varicose diseases.

Mom breastfeeds the baby

Usually, women who have had a difficult pregnancy experience problems with being overweight. Such women in labor often take hormonal drugs to support pregnancy. Subsequently, they may even suffer from diabetes.

Nursing mom's diet for weight loss

Most women know that all diets are not allowed during breastfeeding. And especially those that are based on limiting calorie intake. Such a diet is not balanced enough and is not suitable for the period of hepatitis B. Therefore, women have the following questions:

  • How not to get fat after giving birth? The answer may lie in habits that were acquired while the baby was wearing, such as lack of exercise. It is enough to return them, and the weight will return to normal.
  • Is it possible to make a slim figure after childbirth? The answer is unequivocal: "Yes." But you should identify the cause of a sharp increase in excess weight.
  • If I got fat after giving birth, how to lose weight? These and many other questions torment female minds.

Nutritionists in such situations prescribe nutrition systems that are based on products allowed during lactation. These diets bring the expected result to nursing mothers and do not harm the baby.

GV salad

The main laws of such a food system:

  1. The diet of a nursing mother should contain foods that do not provoke gas formation.
  2. A sufficient amount of water per day is required (at least two liters).
  3. Adequate intake of protein products (at least 100 grams per day).
  4. You can’t overeat.
  5. It is advisable to take vitamins for nursing mothers.
  6. Eat more vegetables, cereals and meat.

The caloric content of the diet of a nursing woman who is constantly worried that she has gained weight after childbirth, and thinks how to lose weight, should be at least 1800 kcal. A woman who wants to lose weight needs to adhere to the lower limit of acceptable calorie intake per day. About a third of the diet should be fat. After the nursing mother begins to introduce complementary foods, it will be possible to tighten this diet and reduce the amount of fat consumed to 30 grams.

What foods are not allowed for breastfeeding?

How not to get fat after giving birth? The tip is very simple. It is necessary to follow the recommendations that are given by the pediatrician after the birth of the baby. Doctors advise nursing mothers to limit their diets to certain foods. The banned list includes those that may harm the health of the child.

To exclude the following products from the menu of a nursing mother:

  • fatty, salty and smoked dishes;
  • fruits grown in other latitudes;
  • any allergens (especially chocolate, strawberries, shrimp);
  • products that cause fermentation processes (flour products, grapes, cabbage);
  • canned food and marinades;
  • garlic, pepper and all kinds of spices (they can negatively affect the taste of milk);
  • coffee.

Here's how to stay thin after childbirth while breastfeeding: eat healthy food.

Forced diets for breastfeeding

It happens that a young mother can not follow a standard diet for hepatitis B due to health problems in a child. In this case, the woman seeks advice on how not to get fat after childbirth or how to stay slim. Specialists usually prescribe a mom to follow a special forced diet that limits a certain group of products. Often, due to the need for strict nutrition, many mothers after childbirth are worse than before pregnancy.

GV diet

Diets can be as follows (depending on the health problem in the baby):

  • gluten free;
  • lactose free;
  • hypoallergenic.

Hypoallergenic diet

With breastfeeding, the proper nutrition of a nursing mother is extremely important. And in the first three to four months after the birth of a child, pediatricians recommend moms hypoallergenic food. The menu of this diet will allow the baby to gradually adapt to food outside the womb. Food is designed to prevent gas and stool disorders in the baby, as well as various allergic reactions to foods. In addition, if a woman does not know how to become slim after childbirth, then here is the answer - a hypoallergenic diet. With her help, a nursing mother can easily lose weight.

Fruits banned on GV

With such a diet, a woman's diet should not contain products from the general forbidden list and a number of others:

  • eggs
  • honey;
  • fish roe;
  • raspberries;
  • citrus;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • cocoa;
  • mushrooms;
  • semolina.

Limit is: beef, chicken, meat broths, wheat and wheat flour products, orange and red fruits and vegetables.

Gluten free diet

It will be useful for both baby and mother. This diet in recent years has gained particular popularity among those who want to establish their nutrition. A gluten-free diet is the find of any woman who does not know how to stay slim after childbirth by breastfeeding. This food is a safe way to lose weight and maintain proper shape.

This diet will only benefit the body by ridding it of toxic gluten (a protein that most people cannot digest in the body).

Gluten-free diet benefits:

  1. Mom’s menu will be balanced and varied, even taking into account prohibited products.
  2. This type of nutrition will help the body eliminate toxins.
  3. A nursing mother will not be hungry.
  4. The results are noticeable after the first week of the diet.

The menu consists of the following list of products:

  • meat (steamed);
  • vegetable soups (possible on chicken stock);
  • buckwheat, rice and wheat cereals;
  • eggs (soft-boiled);
  • milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • fruit;
  • buckwheat and corn bread;
  • honey;
  • fruit drinks and compotes;
  • tea.

Lactose-Free Nutrition

A dairy-free diet is a diet that excludes dairy products. This diet is prescribed if the baby suffers from lactose intolerance. This regimen is administered temporarily, usually up to the age of three to four months.

Milk products

Breastfeeding Sports

Proper nutrition is, of course, important. But besides him, a young mother needs exercise. It should be remembered that too heavy a load can damage lactation.

For sports, you must correctly select the appropriate exercises. In this case, the sport does not affect lactation.

Before you start playing sports, a woman needs to consult a doctor. If she was sutured after a natural birth, then classes should not begin until all wounds have healed.

After a cesarean section, the exercises should not be started for the first six months, then a doctor's examination and an ultrasound procedure are necessary. In the absence of contraindications to physical activity, a woman can start it immediately after returning with a child from the maternity hospital. But almost all doctors strongly recommend that you first establish lactation.

Yoga class with baby

In order for the sport to breastfeed to be a joy, a woman should follow these recommendations:

  • Choose a sport should be based on their own preferences and interests.
  • Do not overload the body. The norm is a state of mild fatigue after a workout.
  • Do not perform exercises with a load on the chest (push-ups, lifting the barbell or dumbbells).
  • Getting started should be gradual. At first, light exercises for 10-15 minutes. Gradually, you can increase the load and bring the duration of the workout to 40-50 minutes.
  • The following sports should be chosen: yoga, Pilates, exercises for relaxation. These types of physical activity are aimed at relaxing the body and strengthening muscles, which is extremely necessary for young mothers.

How to keep a figure on maternity leave

Motherhood is not only pleasant, but also terribly difficult work. A woman on maternity leave is under stress all the time and, as a result, has great chances of falling into “seizing problems” and overeating, since an ordinary mother has practically no other sources of entertainment.

But if a young mother is looking for advice on how to stay slim after giving birth, then she is worried about her health and the condition of her baby. And this is the first indicator that a woman deserves a good figure and good health.

Nursing mom's nutrition

If a woman finds the strength to pull herself together and give up harmful products, then she will definitely devote 40 minutes a day to training. In this case, an excellent figure and, as a result, a good mood will set the pace of life and will not allow a young mother to gain weight again.

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