Drawing for children 4 years: templates, sketches, master classes

Drawing for children 4 years old is a favorite pastime where there is the opportunity to express oneself. Therefore, it is important to familiarize the kids with this exciting business as often as possible.

What do children draw?

Most often, drawing for children 4 years old is due to the fact that they are surrounded by what they know, are familiar with and are interested in. In addition, the skills and abilities of the children should be considered. Indeed, in case of failure, many kids are deeply worried about their imperfection, inability to do something well. Therefore, drawing for children 4 years old is best to focus on what's around: nature, pets or favorite toys. There are many ways to depict a selected plot in a picture.

drawing for children 4 years old

Drawing for preschoolers by pattern

The easiest way is to image selected objects using templates. In other words, this is practically coloring, only the contours of the object are not given to the child already ready, as in the so-called coloring, but are applied independently when using handouts. Drawing using templates involves the independent application of parts of the drawing within the contour itself, for example, the image of the muzzle of an animal, the shell of a turtle, the face of a person, etc.

Drawing a teddy bear using geometric shapes.

In classes in kindergarten, children receive the first drawing lessons. Children of 4 years old can be invited to portray their beloved teddy bear using geometric shapes: circles and ovals. Moreover, one should not focus on the fact that the drawing will be built using geometry. But during operation, you can call the details of their scientific names.

drawing for preschoolers

  1. The head of a bear can be represented with a circle.
  2. The second circle may be slightly larger - it will be the torso. Both figures should be in contact at the place where the head connects to the body.
  3. Two small circles located in the upper part of the head are the ears; they also touch the circumference of the head.
  4. All four legs are best oval. They are attached to the body, so they are drawn in such a way that the ovals are in contact with the lower circle.
  5. Now eyes and a nose are drawn on the muzzle, arcs are drawn from the nose - this is the mouth.
  6. They color the bear brown, leaving a white oval near the nose with a mouth, circles on the ears and a large oval on the tummy.

Game-lesson “Draw a picture!”

An interesting technique in teaching fine art is drawing up a sketch of a drawing made by an adult. For such an activity, you need to prepare pictures for drawing for children in advance, transferring the picture through the glass. It is necessary to draw lines with the outline of the object, but not completely, making them intermittent in some places.

drawing with children

Tale of the Turtle Francoise

You can make such an activity more interesting and even fabulous, telling the kids an amazing story.

“The boy Fedi had a painted turtle named Francoise. They were very close friends, went for a walk to the park together, watched cartoons together, bathed in a river together in the summer. But once Fedor forgot to remove the painted turtle into the album for the night. And the playful, stupid kitten played out, fell apart with an eraser and erased almost the entire image from the picture. The next morning the boy wept bitterly: from Francoise on the sheet there was only a pale outline, and even then in some places he was wiped clean. Guys, let's help the boy and paint his dear turtle, paint it with paints and give Fed back to his beloved friend! ”

pictures for children drawing

It is important, along with sketches, to give a sample of a picture for drawing to children, so that they can compare their drawings with the original.

Master class "Drawing turtles"

After the fairy tale about Francoise and Fyodor, it is appropriate to invite the kids to portray a new girlfriend for the boy. Children of 4-5 years old perceive such drawing as a fun and exciting game. It will not be difficult for the children to portray the turtle if they are offered a master class. The pattern can also be built on geometric shapes.

drawing children 4 5 years old

  1. First, an oval is depicted.
  2. The lower part of the oval is cut off by a straight line segment, the excess is erased by an eraser. This will be the body of the tortoise in shell.
  3. Just above the lower section of the shell you should draw the head of a turtle. Its shape may be round, oval or uneven, but from below it, like a shell, is limited to a straight line segment.
  4. On the edges of the lower part of the carapace, you need to depict the legs with short straight lines, which are slightly wider below than above. They can be made not even, but with a few fingers.
  5. Behind the reptile it is necessary to draw a short tail.
  6. Be sure to put eyes and mouth on the face, otherwise Francoise will starve to death and will not be able to see his best friend Fedya!
  7. The carapace of the animal has a drawing, so you need to ask the children to apply an ornament in the picture.
  8. For coloring, shades of green and brown are suitable.

From simple to complex

drawing lessons for children 4 years old

After mastering the simplest drawing skills, it is appropriate to move in this direction further. Take, for example, the object for the picture, a cat Maruska, who lives in a neighboring yard and often basks in the sun next to a playground at a time when children are out for a walk. Kids probably have a good look at it for a long time. And so that there are fewer problems with drawing, you can offer young artists a master class, where detailed step-by-step instructions are given. Although joint drawing will be of great benefit. For children of 4 years old, it is very important to observe how adults themselves do what the kids are asked to do.

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