How to cure cystitis in cats

Cats are animals that give joy and love to their owners. They cheer us up, play with us. And how painful it is to watch when they feel bad. Unfortunately, there are so many different diseases that can affect our pets - they are no less than in humans. Among them there are purely cat diseases, as well as very similar to human ailments, for example, cystitis - in cats it is more common than in cats. Although the risk for the cat is much greater. This disease is quite unpleasant, but with the right treatment, you can quickly get rid of it.

Let's learn in more detail about how cystitis manifests itself in our pets and how to deal with it.

Cystitis in cats appears due to infection or inflammation of the urinary tract. If there is also inflammation of the urethra, then this is urocystitis. An acute or chronic form of the disease is possible, the latter most often found in old cats and is accompanied by relapse.

If acute cystitis occurs in cats, symptoms are manifested by impaired urination. In addition, the process itself becomes painful. If chronic cystitis, then it can be accompanied by bleeding. In any case, you should seek help from a veterinarian who will conduct the necessary examination of your animal and prescribe the correct treatment.

Cystitis in cats is very dangerous. There may be complications in the form of blockage of the urethra. This is due to mucous plugs that interfere with the outflow of urine, completely blocking this process. In this case, pressure increases in the bladder and renal pelvis, as a result of which blockage of the kidneys occurs. This is a very dangerous complication for cats, which can be fatal, and very quickly. The cat may die within one day or two.

Why does cystitis appear in cats? The cause of this disease may be a cold. Do not allow your pets to lie on a cold tile, this can also lead to cystitis. In addition, the cause of its appearance may be a complication against the background of some other disease, for example, pyelonephritis. Bladder stones can also lead to cystitis. To this list, you can add parasites that live in the urinary organs.

In castrated cats, unlike full-fledged cats, the urogenital system functions differently. Therefore, the risk of cystitis in them is much higher than in those cats that have not been neutered. It provokes the occurrence of the disease and ready-made food, which many owners pamper their animals with. In this case, the acid-base reaction of the urine changes, as a result of which special salts are formed, the function of the bladder is impaired. If you give your cats dry food, then do not forget that you must leave enough water in a bowl.

One of the very first symptoms of this disease is the frequent urge to urinate. This is accompanied by pain, cats try to write anywhere, but it either does not work out at all, or very little urine is released. You should pay attention to the color of urine - due to impurities of the blood, it becomes darker and cloudier, in addition, mucus and pus may appear. With this disease, her smell becomes very strong and sharp. The mood of the animal also changes. Cats refuse food, become lethargic. Sometimes the temperature rises, vomiting appears.

It is best to treat cystitis in cats under the supervision of a veterinarian. Most often, diuretics are prescribed for such a disease. Sometimes bladder washing is done with antimicrobials such as furatsilin or potassium permanganate. This procedure is carried out in severe forms of this disease. If cystitis has arisen against the background of another disease, then everything should be treated in combination.

Sick animals should be properly looked after. Firstly, your pet should be warm, the atmosphere should be calm. You can put it on a soft litter next to the heating pad. Be sure to have water in the bowl of the animal. Take care of your pet, follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and then he will be healthy again.

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