Cats and cats, just like humans, are prone to the formation of sand and stones in the kidneys and bladder. This urolithiasis (ICD), which causes pain, significantly affects the quality of life of the pet. When certain symptoms appear, the owners should consult a veterinarian. The faster they do this, the more likely it is that the animal will recover. To recognize the disease, you need to know the symptoms of ICD in cats. This disease will be discussed later.
General characteristics of the disease
Many owners of four-legged pets are faced with the question of how to treat urolithiasis (MBC) in cats. What it is? Urolithiasis is also called urolithiasis. It affects cats and cats at different ages. This ailment is manifested by accumulation of sand or stones in the bladder and kidneys. Previously, it was believed that sterilized animals suffer from this disease much less often. However, recent research has dispelled this myth. A number of completely different factors influence the development of urolithiasis.
According to statistics, cats suffer from this ailment 3.5 times more often than cats. This is due to the fact that they have a narrow and curved urethra, which is more quickly clogged with salt crystals. It is also worth saying that in the Persian cat breed, MKD is diagnosed much more often than in others. This is especially true for animals of blue, cream and white color. Also, urolithiasis is more often diagnosed in an exotic long-haired cat breed.
Considering the description of urolithiasis in cats and cats, it should be said that this is a systemic disease, which is often chronic. It develops in the urinary tract of an animal. Its cause is the accumulation of salt deposits in the form of sand and stones (urine calculi) in the bladder and kidneys.
With untimely diagnosis, the disease can lead to the death of an animal aged one year or older. Therefore, owners should know the symptoms of ICD. This will allow for timely action.
Stones and sand may be different. In most cases, phosphate calculi are found in animals. They are diagnosed both in young and old age. However, oxalate formations may also appear. Such stones are characteristic of cats and cats of advanced age.
Exogenous ICD development factors
There are various causes of urolithiasis in cats. Symptoms are almost always the same. A number of exogenous (external) factors can provoke the development of the disease. These primarily include crystallization. In normal condition, the urine in cats and cats is weakly acidic. With an increase in the concentration of magnesium in it, as well as with an increase in the pH level above 6.8, a crystallization process can occur. This situation occurs when certain foods are consumed, as well as with the development of chronic urinary tract infections.
When urine is acidic, this prevents the accumulation of crystals. Moreover, it has anti-infectious properties. If in the urine there are many ions that take part in the formation of stones, even in an acidic environment unfavorable processes can develop. Crystallization occurs when foods that contain a large amount of magnesium salt are consumed. The same consequences are caused by urinary retention, when the cat refuses to go into the dirty tray, a sedentary lifestyle, inadequate water consumption or its poor quality.
Considering the signs, symptoms and treatment of ICD in cats, a number of external factors that lead to sad consequences should be noted. In the diet, the amount of calcium should be more than phosphorus. Also pay attention to the humidity of the feed. If the animal consumes dry foods, while not having access to quality water, this leads to the development of ICD. Excess feed and obesity are a risk factor for the development of the disease.
Endogenous factors of the development of the disease
Urolithiasis (ICD) in cats and cats can develop under the influence of endogenous (internal) factors. First of all, it may be hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands. Because of this, the amount of calcium in the blood and urine increases, specific calculi appear in the kidneys and the bladder.
With a bone injury in the serum, the amount of calcium also rises. Such a complication can be observed with osteomyelitis, peripheral neuritis, osteoporosis. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract lead to the development of ICD. It can be gastritis, ulcer or colitis. Such diseases affect the acid-base balance in the body. Also, calcium salts are less excreted and bound from the small intestine.
Infectious diseases can lead to stones and sand in the kidneys and bladder. Various pathogens can cause the inflammatory process. They enter the body of the animal from the external environment, genitals, as well as the urethra or intestines. It also affects the processes in the body of the animal. As a result, a serious illness develops.
In cats, urine is more concentrated than in cats. Therefore, under certain conditions, they develop the disease faster. With an excess of protein, salty foods in the animal's diet, similar problems arise. Food quality should be high.
Considering the symptoms and treatment of ICD in cats, it should also be noted that in some cases the cause of the disease is a lack of vitamin A. It strengthens the cells of the urinary tract tissues. Also, a hereditary predisposition leads to the accumulation of sand or stones. Hormonal imbalance and frequent overheating make urine concentrated. It also leads to the development of pathology.
There are characteristic symptoms of urolithiasis. In cats, the disease manifests itself in a number of special conditions. It is worth considering that in the absence of obstruction of the urinary tract, the pathology proceeds without obvious clinical signs. At this stage, laboratory tests are able to detect such diseases. Although there are no obvious signs of the disease, certain symptoms may occur. If the owner of the animal is attentive, he will be able to determine that something is wrong with the pet.
The cat's appetite decreases. This symptom should always alert the owner, suggesting that a disease develops in the body of the pet. Salt crystals may be deposited on the hairs near the urethra. If you look closely, they become visible. Also, the cat more often than usual runs to the toilet. This happens especially often after an outdoor game.
Also, the presence of discomfort can be indicated by kneading the pet from foot to foot, raising and lowering the tail. The animal lays down carefully. This indicates the appearance of pain.
How does urolithiasis develop in cats? If the owner did not pay attention to the strange behavior of the pet in time, classic signs of ICD may appear over time. The cat has urinary colic. The act of urination is violated (the animal goes to the toilet anywhere). The composition of urine may also change. Blood splashes appear in it, or it acquires a pinkish tint. The cat has bouts of anxiety. He often takes a pose for urination, looks around his stomach. The attack can last several hours. Between them, the cat behaves oppressed, lies. If he rises, then very carefully, with his back hunched over.
Duct obstruction
Symptoms of ICD in cats with duct obstruction are quite specific. They are hard not to notice. If this happens, it is important to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. Otherwise, the animal will die. You need to see a doctor at the first sign of ICD. In this case, treatment will require less time, and the pain in the animal will be minimized.
It should be understood that when the duct is blocked, the owners have literally several hours to save their pet. When an attack occurs, breathing becomes more frequent, the pulse rate of the animal increases. In this case, the temperature rises quite rarely. Urethral obstruction is called anuria. This is the most serious type of urolithiasis in cats. The diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian. At home, help the animal in this case is impossible.
When the pet is taken to the doctor, pain will occur during palpation of the bladder and kidneys. Due to the inability to go to the toilet in the upper urinary tract of the animal, pressure builds up. The kidneys stop producing urine. At the same time, toxic substances that form during the metabolism begin to accumulate in the blood.
This condition leads to vomiting. The cat’s stomach becomes hard and big. It causes pain. If assistance is not provided, the animal falls into a coma and dies. Sometimes the bladder ruptures. This leads to peritonitis, the development of uremia. From the moment of blockage of the duct, the pet lives with a maximum of 2-3 days without proper medical care. Therefore, measures must be taken very quickly.
How to diagnose urolithiasis in cats? This procedure does not cause difficulties. Sometimes you can find a stone if it is large enough. Most often it is detected using a catheter. When introduced, the device encounters an obstacle. This is the stone.
To determine the presence of stone in the region of the kidneys or bladder, you can palpate this area. Such a procedure causes pain. However, not only in such ways, the veterinarian can examine his patient. A urinalysis is mandatory. In biological material, salts, fresh red blood cells, a small amount of protein are found.
Based on the symptoms of ICD in cats, the doctor may suspect complications during the course of this disease. This is confirmed by urinalysis. With the appearance of leukocytes in it, we can talk about the development of pyelonephritis.
The analysis allows you to determine the type of crystals in the urine. Based on this, the doctor prescribes treatment. Owners will not be able to independently restore the function of the urinary system in their pet. You can make a mistake, which will lead to the most negative consequences.
Other diagnostic techniques
Treatment of urolithiasis in cats at home is possible only after visiting a veterinarian. He prescribes the correct treatment regimen. In addition to the listed types of diagnostics, an X-ray examination can be used. This is one of the most modern methods that are used in the recognition of sand and stones in the body of a pet.
Most often, the veterinarian appoints a survey urography. This survey reveals information about the size, location of stones. Also in the pictures you can see their shape. Survey urography covers the entire area of the bladder, kidneys and ureter. It is worth considering that the x-ray is not always visible shadow from the stones. This is due to their insufficient density for these rays. This situation is observed in 10% of cases.
An effective, informative method is the use of ultrasound. With it, a cat can determine the number, size and shape of stones. Also, using this examination, you can determine the localization of calculi. For ultrasound, stones are a denser substance than tissues. Therefore, such formations in the urinary system on ultrasound are clearly visible. With this type of examination, you can see almost all types of stones.
It is not difficult to make a correct diagnosis for an animal in the presence of certain symptoms. However, at the initial stage of the disease, manifestations may be implicit. Therefore, proper diagnosis is extremely important for the development of treatment methods.
Drug treatment
Treatment can be prompt and conservative. The second option is prescribed if the stones are relatively small, there is no obstruction of the duct. The drugs used in the treatment of ICD cats are aimed at relieving pain and inflammation. Treatment should be comprehensive. It is necessary to eliminate the factors that led to the development of pathology. The pet is assigned a special diet. This helps to restore proper metabolism.
Medicines prescribed by a doctor eliminate stagnation of urine. They also restore normal patency of the urinary tract. If the animal has a spasm, special agents can be prescribed that relieve it. Soreness in this case decreases. The sedatives and antispasmodic drugs that are most often used in such cases include Atropin, Baralgin, Spazmolitin, etc.
In the clinic, a veterinarian can do a lumbar blockade with Novocain. It relieves soreness. The animal is also shown warmth. Such actions stop colic. Diuresis is also restored. The condition of the animal is noticeably improving.
If an infection is present in the clinical picture, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. They are selected individually in accordance with the result of urine culture. Flora should be sensitive to the antibiotics that the doctor ascribes.
Surgical treatment
Surgical treatment of urolithiasis in cats and ICD cats is carried out in 20-25% of cases. This is necessary if there is a blockage in the duct or the stones cannot come out on their own. This procedure is necessary if the stones are quite large. Otherwise, infections will develop. Toxic substances will enter the animal’s blood. The operation leads to a positive result.
Treatment of urolithiasis in cats at home is possible only after consulting a veterinarian. He will prescribe the right diet. This will prevent the occurrence of such problems in the future. In some cases, at home, the pet is given medications that promote resorption and elimination of calculi in combination with a special diet. These activities are prescribed according to the type of stones.
Magnesium in the feed should not be more than 0.1%. In this case, the phosphorus in the composition should be less than 0.8%. Also regulate the weight of the animal. Cats should not weigh more than 3.5 kg, and cats - 4.5 kg.
Having examined the main symptoms of ICD in cats, you can quickly determine the development of pathology. The sooner the animal is examined by an experienced veterinarian, the less likely it is to develop negative consequences.