Echinacea for immunity to a child is quite often prescribed by pediatricians. Especially in the autumn-spring period, when babies are most susceptible to a variety of colds and infectious diseases. Moreover, practice shows that echinacea often gives a much more tangible result than ordinary pharmacy vitamins in tablets.
Flowers, roots, seeds, like all other parts of this plant, are extremely highly valued and have many
useful properties. Echinacea for the immunity of the child is the best suited, because its composition is truly unique. The most important components can be considered essential oils, antioxidants, organic acids, vitamins A, C and E, useful resins, as well as micro and macro elements such as magnesium, calcium, iron, selenium, sodium, silicon, manganese and some others.
Echinacea for immunity to a child is a really powerful tool that has a beneficial effect in several directions at once:
- strengthens the immune system and helps the delicate baby body to resist a variety of diseases;
- helps to recover faster after illnesses and various treatment methods (including after radiation and antibiotic therapy);
- is an indispensable assistant in the fight against many chronic ailments;
- enriches the body with useful substances, minerals and vitamins;
- used externally, because it has, among other things, a healing effect.
As a rule, when asked if it is possible to give echinacea to children, pediatricians answer in the affirmative. As such, there are no contraindications to its use, however, alcoholic tincture of the plant can be given only from 12 years old. In addition, you should consult your doctor to exclude the possibility of individual intolerance and allergies (they are extremely rare).
Echinacea for immunity to a child can be presented in various forms. Parents together with the pediatrician should determine which one (tablets, herb, infusion, syrup, etc.) is best suited in a particular case.
You can prepare a decoction of
Echinacea herb. It is best to do this in a thermos. Two teaspoons of raw materials are poured with boiling water and insisted. If you prefer pills, then it is better to crush them into powder before giving the baby - so the drug will be absorbed much faster, and the child will not have problems with swallowing it. Tablets must be washed down with clean warm (but not hot) water. As for syrups, as a rule, the optimal doses can be read in the instructions for the drug. Most often, manufacturers advise giving a child 1-2 teaspoons of syrup up to three times a day.
As for the alcohol tincture, which we already mentioned above, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Twice a day should take 5-10 drops of a healing agent.
Regardless of the form in which echinacea is used - drops for children, syrup, decoction or tablets, it is recommended to take the medicine shortly before meals.