Many are familiar with the blue crystalline powder that is sold in hardware stores. The packaging usually says "Copper sulfate." But not everyone knows about its use in everyday life. And it affects many areas of human life. Vitriol is necessary for gardeners, lovers of home-made electronics, builders and many others. To begin with, we will understand what constitutes the described substance.
Some people, by their inexperience, confuse copper sulfate with other means. Therefore, he is credited with properties that he does not possess. For example, in contrast to popular belief, the use of copper sulfate is not able to rejuvenate garden trees or destroy pests. He has a different purpose.
This remedy is called copper sulfate II. Its chemical formula (CuSO4) consists of the following elements:
- copper (one atom);
- sulfur (one atom);
- oxygen (four atoms).
The substance in dry form is an odorless, colorless or tasteless crystal. It consists of one salt molecule and five water molecules. Such a substance is called copper sulfate pentahydrate. It has a bright blue color. It is called copper sulphate in everyday life. It is sold in ordinary plastic bags with instructions.
Mining methods
The substance is produced in laboratory conditions. It can also be mined industrially, but with various impurities. Pure crystals are obtained in three main ways:
- Sulfuric acid with copper.
A tube with sulfuric acid is heated. Copper is added to it. It turns out a solution of copper sulfate. The main condition for production is the heating temperature, which should not be higher than 60 degrees.
- Sulfuric acid with nitric, copper and water.
The test tube contains distilled liquid. It contains sulfuric acid and copper. Everything heats up to 75-80 degrees. Nitric acid is gradually introduced into the mixture. Gas bubbles should stop being released, after which the copper is removed. The mixture is evaporated to form a crystalline film.
- Copper hydroxide with sulfuric acid.
Connect two components. As a result, water forms with a precipitate in the form of crystals.
The properties
The use of copper sulfate is associated with its characteristics. It is an astringent that disinfects well and has antiseptic properties. It refers to fungicides, that is, substances that can fight fungi. Vitriol does not penetrate into the processed tissues, therefore it is considered to be a contact substance. After washing off with water, its action ceases.
Many fear copper sulfate because of its toxicity. It really is harmful to animals. This conditional harm. It is really dangerous only for fish that die from the smallest amount of substance entering the water. What about a man?
Danger to people
The use of copper sulfate against a fungus involves careful handling of the substance due to its toxicity. But this does not mean that you need to be afraid of every drop that falls on your hand. The fact is that only ingestion of more than one gram of vitriol can cause poisoning. It will manifest itself with such symptoms:
- nausea;
- cramps in the stomach;
- metallic taste in the oral cavity.
A dose of more than eleven grams is considered fatal for a person. But to eat or inhale by chance such an amount of substance is impossible.
Of course, keep the dangerous product away from children and pets. But the same can be said about drugs or household chemicals.
Precautionary measures
So that copper sulfate from mold does not harm a person, you must adhere to the general safety rules:
- When working with the substance, do not eat foods or drinks. So it does not get into the digestive system, even by accident.
- When working with the solution, you should close all parts of the body, including the eyes and respiratory tract. For this, glasses and a mask are suitable. A hat and clothes with sleeves will not be superfluous. Hands should be in rubber gloves.
- During the processing of trees or premises, it is important that children and animals are not nearby. In addition to workers, no one should be in the work area at all.
- Dishes that were used to breed vitriol should be disposed of. It can not be used in everyday life.
- After working with the drug, wash your face and hands with running water and soap. Clothes should be washed immediately. You can rinse your mouth and nose. If possible, it is better to take a shower.
- The substance must not enter a body of water or a source of water supply.
- The product can not be used after the expiration date indicated on the package.
- The diluted solution can be stored for several months in a glass closed container.
- Work should be carried out in a well-ventilated area. After their completion, it is enough to ventilate the home for twenty minutes.
- It is not allowed to work with the solution at an air temperature above 30 degrees.
If, nevertheless, the person feels signs of poisoning, it is necessary to go out into the fresh air, remove work clothes, wash his face with soap, rinse his throat and be sure to go to the hospital. The medical institution will prescribe a further course of action.
Where are blue crystals most commonly used?
In the garden
In gardening, copper sulfate is used to kill fungus. It destroys the protein in its cells. Mushroom spores do not have the strength to germinate, so they die. The growth of the already formed mycelium is slowed down. Copper is not able to penetrate deep into the tissues of the plant, so it can not suffer. However, spraying should be carried out after flowering.
Using copper sulfate, it is impossible to overcome aphids and other pests. But he copes with the following tree diseases:
- curly leaves;
- coccomycosis of stone fruit trees;
- anthracnose and septoria of currant and gooseberry;
- scab apple trees;
- moniliosis.
Trees should be processed:
- in spring (before budding);
- in the fall (after dropping leaves);
- during the growing season (as part of Bordeaux fluid).
You can use copper sulfate as a top dressing. But you should know for sure that there is a shortage of copper in the soil. Most often this affects peat bogs and some sandy soils. But to accurately determine this will allow soil analysis. Sometimes copper is not enough for the green spaces themselves.
In electronics
A solution of copper sulfate can be used to make circuit boards. Only it is supplemented with two parts of ordinary salt. The resulting liquid must be very hot, although in the process it still cools.
The workpiece is placed in a solution and waiting. There are many options for etching a board with copper sulfate. This usually takes 15 to 40 minutes. Some electronics enthusiasts choose this method because of the availability of copper sulfate and the fact that the solution is easily washed off.
In construction
Copper sulfate is also used in construction. He established himself as an effective mold fighter. When plastering walls, they treat all surfaces to prevent the fungus from giving any chances.
Processing of walls with copper sulfate is possible not only during construction work. It is effective on already plastered surfaces. To combat the fungus, you will have to remove the wallpaper and other decorative elements. Use a spatula to clean the damaged plaster. After it would be good to clean with a metal brush using chlorine-based products. Then the wall is treated with a solution of blue salt. It is better to smear the surface twice, waiting for the first layer to completely dry. This can be done with a sponge, roller, brush, using a spray. How to prepare a solution?
Wall Treatment
Usually warm water is mixed with powder. Ten grams of water spills out 100 grams of blue crystals.
Dishware for breeding can be made of plastic, glass or ceramic. The use of metal containers is unacceptable, since the solution becomes ineffective due to the effect of iron on copper.
Mildew has been used for a long time. He has proven his reliability. However, the return of the fungus in the apartment is possible. The fact is that the solution will allow you to get rid of fungal colonies, but not the reason for their appearance. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to solve the problem with excessive dampness in the room.
In medicine
The use of copper sulfate for medicinal purposes is described in sources on traditional medicine. The tool was known in ancient India and Greece. They were treated for eye and ear diseases, removed inflammation from the tonsils, and healed skin diseases.
Today it is used in informal medicine to treat the following ailments:
- diabetes mellitus;
- fungus on nails and skin;
- cervical erosion;
- sciatica.
All these methods are quite controversial, since their effectiveness has not been studied. In any case, you should consult your doctor before using them. Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
Copper sulfate is used for the manufacture of candles. He attracted their manufacturers with his beautiful rich color. During the manufacture of candles, a little dry copper sulfate is added to the base material. Manufacturers have calculated a concentration of this substance that is not hazardous to health. Candles are obtained unusually heavenly color.
Manufacturers noticed that it is changing its color and flame. It turns blue. A similar candle can be made at home. To do this, you need to take an ordinary candle, melt it, keeping the wick. Add a little vitriol to the melted mass. After that, you need to create a new candle using the old wick.
One Chinese company was so keen on creating candles with an unusual flame that it began to produce them not only for domestic purposes, but also for holiday cakes.
Candle flames can be made in different colors, for example, if you add the following substances:
- potassium chloride - the fire will turn purple;
- strontium chloride - the flame turns bright red;
- lithium chloride - the candle lights up in raspberry color;
- magnesium sulfate will give a white flame.
The disadvantage of such products is their quick use. In order for the flame to show its unusual color, the candle must warm up, so you have to wait one or two minutes.
Copper sulfate is a fairly popular remedy. Its use by man has more than one century. Of course, it cannot be considered a panacea for all sores and problems, but many residents of damp apartments can appreciate its help in everyday life. Especially relevant is the use of copper sulfate in construction and gardening.