KLCP Update Check: what is this applet, and is it possible to remove it?

Quite often, many users have questions about the presence of unknown applications in the system, for example, the KLCP Update Check applet. What is this, few people guess, although the answer lies, as they say, directly on the surface. Actually, this application and how to get rid of it (and whether it should be done) will be discussed later.

KLCP Update Check: what is it generally understood?

In order to understand what this component is, you just need to delve into the translation of the program name. It indicates the check for updates. But updates of what?

klcp update check what is it

KLCP, in turn, is an abbreviation derived from the name of the K-Lite Codec Pack. Thus, the full name can be interpreted as a tool for checking updates for a package of codecs and decoders.

KLCP Update Check: what is this program for Windows-systems?

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klcp update check what kind of program is this

, KLCP Update Check. , . . ?

how to remove klcp update check

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klcp update check what is it

KLCP Update Check. , . . , . , , .

-. , , , , , . , , Media Player Classic, Full Mega .

KLCP Update Check. , . .

, , . , . , 4k ? ! , Mega, , , .

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, , , , K-Lite Codec Pack Program Files.

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