Veterinary food for cats: how to choose?

Today, not every owner has the time and opportunity to cook their own natural and, what is important, balanced food. Choosing the right meat and all kinds of supplements is not so simple. Modern cats often live in the enclosed space of a city apartment. Some do not even know what a street is. Oddly enough, their stray relatives have the opportunity to provide themselves with more natural food suitable for an active lifestyle. A domestic cat does not have such an opportunity, and it completely depends on its owner and his idea of ​​raising a furry pet.

What is veterinary food for cats?

veterinary food for cats

A healthy cat is a joy in the house. Even in adulthood, she remains playful and fun. At such moments, you do not think about the content and nutrition of the animal. The pet eats the usual food, and the owners sometimes do not suspect that the adopted diet is not always useful. Especially when it comes to a sick pet.

A sick and weakened animal needs special care. In addition to treatment and procedures, the cat needs a special diet that will help support and restore strength. At home, providing such a meal is quite difficult. It is best to turn to specialized veterinary (medical) food for cats. They are designed in such a way as to help any problems of an unhealthy pet.

Types of medical feed for cats

For each disease, the appropriate type of feed should be taken. The most common therapeutic feeds are dry, wet / liquid, and canned cat food.

  • Dry cat food consists of pieces of meat pressed into small granules and additional useful elements. One of the advantages of such food is that in the process of eating, the cat's teeth are cleaned of stone and plaque. In addition, dry food does not deteriorate for a long time. The only thing the owner should remember when treating the cat with this type of food is the availability of an unlimited amount of drinking water so that the pet can drink it at will.

Veterinary cat food Purina

  • Wet food is a cross between dry food and canned food. These are quite tasty slices in the sauce, with a lower degree of moisture than canned food. Usually food is sold in portioned bags. The main disadvantage of such a meal is that in case of non-use of the portion completely, the remains must be thrown away. Over time, the moisture of the feed evaporates, and the food loses its nutritional properties.
  • Canned foods will appeal to even the most moody cats. The food has a sufficient amount of moisture, which fully satisfies the cat's water needs. Thanks to hermetic packaging, canned food has a long shelf life. However, after opening the food, you must quickly feed the animal. An unused portion should be kept in a cool place so that it does not deteriorate until the next feeding.

It should be remembered that a healthy cat is not suitable for therapeutic feed.

Purpose of medicinal feed

Today the veterinary market offers a wide selection of medicinal feeds for pets. In particular, veterinary feed for cats is used:

  • with urolithiasis and kidney disease;
  • with liver diseases;
  • with pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • with obesity of the animal;
  • for animals with exhaustion;
  • with diseases of the teeth and oral cavity;
  • for the prevention of thyroid disease;
  • with diabetes of the cat, as well as colitis, diarrhea or constipation;
  • for castrated and sterilized cats and cats;
  • for kittens, etc.

Which Veterinary Cat Food is Better

Today there are many medicinal feeds for cats. However, according to experienced veterinarians, you should give preference only to proven and high-quality food, such as veterinary food for cats "Purina". The company produces food for pets suffering from kidney failure, liver disease, congestive heart failure, and hypertension. Medical feed from Purin does not contain destructive phosphorus, a large amount of protein, sodium. The food is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which prevents inflammation. The composition of the Purina feed, in addition to therapeutic additives, includes corn, rice, soy, wheat flour, and egg powder. Also, food is rich in vitamins, minerals, fish oil, yeast and other beneficial substances.

Hills Veterinary Cat Food

An alternative food from Purina is the Hills veterinary cat food. The advantages of food from this manufacturer are its affordable price and a fairly wide range of actions. "Hills" is one of the few types of food that can be given to kittens. A variety of treatment lines can support a weakened animal in almost any disease. Hills food can be purchased at most pet stores. However, no matter how positive the owner’s reviews about this or that type of veterinary food for cats, it should be remembered that only a qualified veterinarian can choose the right diet for a sick animal.

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