When a person decided to have a cat or a cat, he should be ready for some “surprises”. These animals, like other representatives of the fauna, can get sick. The health of the pet must be monitored.
Naturally, if some disturbing symptoms appeared, then serious pathology should be excluded and the necessary treatment of the animal should be carried out.
Sometimes cats may experience watery eyes. It is best in this case to show the pet to the doctor. Perhaps there is nothing to worry about and this state is inherent in nature, especially if it is a Persian cat.
In any case, when the cat's eyes watery, what to treat and how to care for, only the doctor will tell. So without the help of a professional you can’t do it.
The main causes of this phenomenon
Such a problem or feature may appear not only in an adult, but also in a small kitten. If the kitten has tearing, then the matter is most likely that the pet is still too small to care for itself correctly. It’s easy to help him: you need to wipe your face a piece of clean material (bandage or soft sponge) a couple of times a day. In some cases, the doctor prescribes to drip a kitten with special eye drops. Also, in addition to poor care, a small beast may have reduced immune defense. In this case, any microorganisms that "settled" in the eye can cause lacrimation.
Such "delicate" breeds as sphinxes and Rex have a feature of the eyes - a twist of the eyelid. In this case, the hairs damage the cornea, and one eye of a cat is watery, and sometimes both. In such a situation, treatment is aimed at preventing concomitant diseases that may occur if a bacterial infection joins. But this is a kind of prevention. Conventional medications will not work out the problem. Only surgical treatment will help if the owners, of course, decide on this, and also if there are no medical prohibitions.
If one cat's eyes watery, then why else does this happen? A clear cause may be elementary allergies. Perhaps the animal got some kind of chemistry in the eye: shampoo, detergent, powder, perfume, or even the food of other animals.
Possible diseases
In addition to lacrimation, other symptoms of some unpleasant disease may appear.
- The cat's eyes are watery and festering. There may be several reasons. The most common is inflammation of the conjunctiva (conjunctivitis). Such a nuisance happens if pathogenic bacteria get into the eye. The most dangerous eye diseases caused by herpes virus, as well as calcivirosis. As a rule, in an adult animal, this disease can proceed secretly, without external manifestations. Although in small kittens, it nevertheless manifests itself with a copious flow from the eyes.
- Chlamydia - parasites that can also cause conjunctivitis. A correct diagnosis can only be made after analyzing the fluid extracted from the eye. Based on the results, the doctor selects drugs for treatment.
- The cat has one eye watering and with pathologies such as inflammation, keratitis and cataracts. But also blurred eyes are added to lacrimation.
- The problem appears due to neoplasms.
- If a cat sneezes and watery eyes, only a specialist will tell you what to do . Most likely, the pet has caught a cold due to hypothermia. Have you noticed similar symptoms in your pet? Then get ready for the treatment of the common cold in the animal.
- If the cat has snot and watery eyes, then inflammation of the nasal mucosa has begun. This disease is called, as in humans, rhinitis. But it can be a consequence of not only the common cold, but also allergies. As with conjunctivitis, the cause may be chemicals used in everyday life. They are very irritating to the larynx and bronchi, which increases the discharge of serous secretions. If it is not possible to show the animal to the doctor, you can help it yourself - rinse the nasal cavity with a solution of boric acid 2%. If improvement does not occur, you will have to show your pet to the veterinarian.
The main symptoms of pathologies
The intensity of lacrimation in cats depends on the underlying disease. If it is quite serious, then the symptoms are pronounced: eczema, dermatitis appear, hair loss and a change in the skin around the orbits are observed. Sometimes the disease affects only one eye. As already mentioned, this is not associated with inflammation, but with a more severe pathology (tumor, glaucoma, etc.).
The discharge may be different: thick, which literally glue the cat's eyes, or profuse lacrimation with reddening of the mucosa and severe itching.
If the disease is not treated and the pet is not helped, very soon the cat’s condition worsens. She will refuse food, will be afraid of light and water, the temperature will rise to a critical point.
If the pet has a course from both eyes, then this is most likely an inflammation that does not require serious treatment. But when a cat has one eye watering, this is a good reason to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. After the examination, the doctor will decide which studies to prescribe. And only by their results it will be possible to judge how the cat fell ill and how to treat it.
It is very important to provide the doctor with all the information about the pet. Does he have vaccinations, what does he eat, does he have allergies or injuries.
How to treat lacrimation?
Prescription of drugs depends on the causes of the disease.
- If the eyes are watery due to an allergy, first of all, you need to get rid of the allergen and give the animal supporting drugs (antiallergic). In addition, if you remove the irritant, the symptoms disappear on their own.
- Is the cause of the pathology an infection? First, a specialist will determine its nature and only then prescribe treatment. Most often these are antiviral drugs or antibacterial agents (antibiotics).
- When one cat's eyes watery, first of all, you need to think about the non-infectious nature of this problem. The veterinarian selects drops for each cat individually.
- If the pet has an eye injury or a foreign object inside, help can only be done in a clinical setting.
Preventive measures
In order to notice the disease in time, to avoid complications and other troubles in the pet, you need to carefully monitor it. Inspect hair, skin and, most importantly, eyes. They should be the same in shape, not cloudy, without redness and discharge.
If the kitten is small, you can rinse his eyes with special droplets or plain boiled water, in which you can add "Furacilin".
Animals after a year cope with eye hygiene on their own.
A longhair cat can sometimes trim hair around the eyes. The same can be done with claws, if the animal injures itself with them.
If the eyes nevertheless watery due to insufficient care, then most likely conjunctivitis arose. Then you can try to use chloramphenicol ointment.
But once again you need to remember that when one cat's eye is watery, this is an occasion to immediately go to a veterinary clinic! Particular attention to your animal and compliance with all of the above rules will help to avoid problems not only with the eyes, but also enable him to stay healthy and happy.