Entertainment on March 8 in kindergarten: a scenario of the holiday, congratulations

Everyone loves the holidays. But March 8 is a special day when we congratulate grandmothers, mothers, sisters, loved ones. I would like to give them chic bouquets and the best gifts to see happiness and joy in the eyes. Most of all, children are happy for the holidays. To have a matinee in kindergarten is a very difficult and at the same time pleasant experience. Entertainment on March 8 should be special: fun, touching, groovy and sentimental.

Parents to the joy

Trying to express their love for mothers creatively, children actively express emotions. With what zeal and diligence they learn poems and songs for the holiday! Every kid wants to seem the best, get his mother's praise and admiration. Therefore, entertainment on March 8 in kindergarten should be interesting and fun.

entertainment on March 8

There are many scenarios for the holiday. Having chosen the option you like, you need to dilute it with all kinds of contests, tasks and fun entertainments. It will be best if the parents also participate. This will defuse the atmosphere and amuse adults and children.

More movements

Children are perpetual motion machines, which can not be said about some parents. Therefore, entertainment on March 8 is better to alternate. A large number of actions will tire the audience.

You can start the presentation with a fashionable flash mob. This modern fun entertainment on March 8 will appeal to everyone. Cut the music first. You can select theme songs of different tempo. Rehearse simple dance moves with the kids . Choose simple combinations in which mainly hands are involved. Movements should be made in one place, you can circle several times, sit down and stand up, arms extended up. Children and parents are in a row opposite each other. And adults begin to repeat the movements of children. Get a moving and fun performance.

entertainment on March 8

Team spirit

A few more outdoor games are great entertainment on March 8 in kindergarten. In the older group it is useful to arrange a duel of teams. National teams can be mixed - children and parents, or, conversely, the battle of youth and wisdom. Entertainment is easy. A broom will need to lead a tight balloon, a small distance - 4-5 meters. The team that will cope faster and get a prize.

Mom's helpers

Merry entertainment on March 8 under the name "Help Mom" ​​will reveal the household children. Moms scatter crumpled paper in the same amount in two lines. Children are divided into teams, each of them is given a bucket. To the music, the first participants quickly collect paper in a bucket and pour it into a hoop at the end of the relay. The following should fold the paper back into the bucket, scatter it along the road to the finish line and pass the bucket on. Whoever can cope with the task faster receives a present and applause.

Intellectual fishing

In addition to mobile competitions, it is necessary to organize intellectual ones. Entertainment on March 8, called "Smart Fishing" will give you a break and take a breath. You will need a set with a toy fishing rod and magnet fish that cling to the fishing rod with ease. We attach paper with riddles folded into a tube to the fish. We put the fish in an imaginary pond, it can be a basin or an image on a paper. We divide the audience into two teams, and each participant takes turns catching a fish with a task. Whoever solves puzzles more and faster is the winner! The difficulty level of the puzzles should be approximately the same.

entertainment on March 8 in kindergarten


This entertainment on March 8 will allow the boys to show which gentlemen of them were raised by their mothers. The boys are divided into two teams and take turns saying a beautiful and unusual compliment or affectionate word to their mother. A team that lasts longer receives the title "Gallant Gentlemen." Moms can even cry from such tender words. This competition is with a touch of sentimentality.

More glamor

Now you can have fun on March 8 for girls. They like to decorate themselves, dress up in stunning outfits, change shoes. Give them that opportunity. Spread jewelry, accessories, hairpins, wigs, scarves and scarves on two tables. Girls should dress up as festive as possible, create their own stylish image. Then the little beauties can defile through the hall, show themselves from all sides. And the jury of moms and boys will choose "Miss Spring Flower"!

Young chefs

Another entertainment on March 8 in the kindergarten that we want to offer you is easy, but fun. We challenge those who wish to participate. Let's see who knows how to bake pancakes. To do this, you will need two badminton rackets and two pancakes made of thick cardboard. Each participant should go to the middle of the hall and knock out a racket, turn the pancake up. Viewers aloud count the number of baked pancakes.

entertainment on March 8 in kindergarten in the senior group

Tasty gift for mothers

Entertainment on March 8 in the second junior group should be a little easier. You can make it fun and sweet. Prepare small muffins in advance, glazed on top, and all kinds of edible decorations: beads, sprinkles, waffle flowers, food colors. There are a great many of them on sale now. Offer to create a cupcake of your dreams for children. Let each of the kids feel like a pastry chef. Decorating cupcakes, they will show all their love for mom and creative impulse. And then they will solemnly hand over their creations to the closest person! Muffins can be replaced with simple pancakes, pancakes, buns.

Friendship circle

Dance entertainment on March 8 may close the festive program. Children, parents and carers become in a circle. In the hands of one of the participants is a flower, which they begin to transmit in a circle from hand to hand. The host says the phrase: “A flower-flower goes from south to east. Whoever remains in your hands will dance to us now! ” One who holds a flower in his hands goes out into a circle and dances to the fiery music.

entertainment on March 8 in the second junior group

Spending children's parties is a talent. It is necessary to build a program so that it is interesting to everyone and every child is involved. Fun with parents is especially good if they are easy to climb. Give kids as many positive emotions as possible , because they will remember kindergarten as the best years in their life. Such fun contests fly fast and fun. Delaying the holiday is also not necessary, the children will get tired, and they still have a sweet table and tea party. Remember to buy small presents for the winners.

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