At the present stage of life, mankind has faced such a problem as allergy, and every year more and more of its species are discovered. One of the most unpleasant is an allergy to house dust.
And bed mites are nothing more than dust mites. They arise from the usual dust that everyone has in their homes, from animal hair. That is, feather pillows, wool blankets, terry sheets and towels are all potential dust accumulators. And since all these household items are most often found in the most comfortable and intimate place - on the bed, ticks in bed are the most common inhabitants. Moreover, here for these kids there are all conditions for life: comfortable temperature, humidity, no one touches them., - , , . – . , «» , - .
harm the human body. They do not drink blood, do not bite, do not live on the body and do not lay larvae on it. Allergies are directly caused by the waste products of bed mites, that is, excrement. Ticks defecate about 20 times a day, and about 300 million individuals live in bed. Now imagine that all this “good” rises into the air, does not settle for a long time, and we breathe all this. Mite allergy symptoms in bed: watery eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, fatigue, headache, asthma attacks, skin reactions and diseases (such as scabies, for example).
How to get rid of bed ticks?
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You can put air conditioning, dehumidifier.
Well, if the problem with ticks has become unbearable, then you can use special chemicals to combat them: acaricides, anti-allergic washing additives, sprays for processing home furniture. The action of such drugs begins immediately after treatment and lasts for 30-60 days. But when using them, you must strictly follow the instructions and all precautions, since the preparations contain chemicals - surfactants. In conclusion, we can say that there are more than 150 types of ticks, and it is impossible to completely and permanently get rid of them, but for the sake of your own health and the health of your loved ones, do not neglect the simple rules that we have examined, and ticks in bed will not bother you.