Diarrhea in the budgerigar: causes, treatment methods, reviews

Budgies are quite popular pets. This is not surprising, because these little birds are always cheerful, open and eager to communicate in order to become a true true friend to the owner. Budgerigars do not require special care, they need, first of all, care and attention from the person. However, it happens that the bird begins to feel bad. The most common problem is the appearance of diarrhea in budgies. It is urgent to find out why the bird has broken stools and what it can lead to.

Cage parrot


Translated from Latin, the name of the bird includes three words: "singing", "parrot" and "wavy". Therefore, in literal translation, these birds are called singing budgies.

A bright bird reaches only about 17-20 centimeters in length, and usually weighs 40-45 grams. Due to the long tail, which can reach 10 centimeters, it seems that the bird is larger than it actually is. In young budgerigars, the tail is smaller in comparison with adult individuals.

Wings usually have a length of 10-12 centimeters. They are used only for flights, but not as a support when sitting or walking. Due to their structure, budgies can fly fast and travel long distances in search of food.

Most budgies are bright green or green-yellow in color. Also there are individuals with white, blue or bright yellow plumage - these are parrots eaten by breeding. The back of the head, wings and back have wavy stripes of brown color.

Budgerigar care at home

Each person has the strength to care for the described birds - they do not require extremely complicated care and money costs. In natural nature, they live in whole flocks, but are able to live in cells.

Cells should be placed in a well-lit place. Parrots should not be allowed to drafts, because they are very susceptible to colds. Budgerigars love sunlight, but in the warmer months, the cage needs to be placed in a small shadow. The air temperature in the room where budgies are located should reach 20-25 ° C.

It is necessary to clean the cage daily, not forgetting to change the water in the drinkers to a cleaner and fresher one. Experts recommend placing toys and ladders in the cage so that the parrot never gets bored. A budgie needs daily flights. Therefore, it must be released into the wild every day.

Budgerigar disease

Despite the good tolerance of various diseases, with improper care, these birds can get sick. If there is diarrhea in a budgie, then the pet needs more careful care from the owners.

Green budgies

Signs of the disease

Some owners of these beautiful birds do not know how to recognize if a parrot is sick. It is very easy to see. The first signs of the disease:

  1. The parrot does not move much, prefers to sit in one place.
  2. It becomes inactive.
  3. Ceases to make chirping sounds.
  4. Refuses food and water.
  5. Does not pay attention to anything.

Also, the feathers of a budgie can be tousled, lose their bright color and become very brittle. The condition is similar to a sleeping state, vomiting may occur.

Often a sick bird can breathe heavily and make mournful sounds.

Diarrhea in a budgie

So what is this affliction? The appearance of diarrhea in a budgie is not a rare occurrence. Such a problem must be taken seriously, otherwise the budgerigar risks dying.

Any atypical condition in the pet should alert the owner. And the sooner you start treatment, the less chance of unpleasant consequences.

Causes of diarrhea

Many feathered owners experience diarrhea in the budgerigar. There may be several reasons for the appearance of loose stool:

  • Infection. It is betrayed from sick budgies.
  • Inflammatory processes of goiter. Goiter is an extension of the esophagus located near the sternum on the right side.
  • A disease that affects internal organs such as the kidneys, liver, or intestines.
  • Poisoning. In the process of walking around the house or apartment, a parrot can easily swallow something. Such a habit of budgies is to taste everything.
  • Stressful environment in the cell. If the parrot does not live alone, but with its brethren, then perhaps he feuds with other individuals for food, water, or for the female - all this can easily lead the budgerigar to a stressful state.
  • Poor feed or drink.
  • A plentiful amount of greens in the diet.
  • Parasites.
  • Vitamin D deficiency. The budgerigar often needs sunbathing.
  • Houseplants. It is worth examining the surface of plants for damage from beak and claws. Perhaps the flowers that terrorize parrots are poisonous.
How to treat a budgie

Types of diarrhea in budgies

In total, two types of liquid stool in birds are distinguished:

  • Polyuria - increased urine in feces.
  • Diarrhea - an increase in fluid in the litter itself.

Polyuria is a temporary phenomenon that can occur in birds due to stress, lack of nutrients in the feed, and egg laying.

If the parrot is suffering from diarrhea, then its abdomen and the area next to the cloaca are contaminated with feces, which adhere and dry on the feathers. This litter has an unpleasant odor, it may contain blood, blisters and mucus.

The causes of the appearance can be determined by the color of the diarrhea in the budgerigar. How to treat an ailment, also tells the shade of the chair:

  • White-gray droppings indicate pancreatic diseases, indicating an excess of fatty foods in the diet.
  • Green diarrhea in the budgerigar appears in the presence of parasites in the feathered organism.
  • Dark droppings with plenty of fluids are possibly problems with the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If the parrot has stool only in the form of a greenish liquid, then you need to urgently contact a veterinarian. In this case, the feathered must be fed with soft food through a syringe.
  • The chair is red. If you put hydrogen peroxide on a litter, and he hissed, then he was in the blood. It is recommended to immediately contact a specialist.
  • If there are undigested particles of grains in the litter, then, most likely, the problem lies in goiter inflammation, lack of nutrients, fungus, infection.

Many birds like to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, and the budgerigar is no exception. Green diarrhea may appear due to the large amount of green in the feathered diet. Therefore, its menu should be reviewed.

Blue wavy parrot

Possible consequences

With loose stool, the budgerigar cannot absorb the beneficial trace elements found in the feed. Diarrhea becomes the cause of weakness, dehydration, intoxication, exhaustion.

If treatment is not started at the time, then the feathered pet may die. Fluid stool, which lasts more than 24-28 hours, is a big threat to his life. If the bird has diarrhea, an ornithologist will tell you what to do.

Diarrhea makes the bird very weak, provokes the appearance of malfunctions in the work of internal organs. Prolonged diarrhea can lead to stretching of the muscles of the sphincter of the cloaca, which because of this can fall out.

If the owner is not indifferent to the fate of the feathered friend, then treatment should be started immediately. If diarrhea occurs in a budgerigar, only an ornithologist should identify the causes and treatment.


How to treat diarrhea

When such a problem occurs, treatment of diarrhea in the budgerigar should be started immediately. The doctor prescribes treatment for the sick, based on the reason, due to which upset stomach appeared.

We suggest that if diarrhea appears in the budgerigar, what is recommended in the first place:

  1. It is necessary to disinfect the bird cage, wash the bird. And the place around the cloaca can be wiped with a warm solution of chamomile. If the feathered one does not refuse food, then it is advisable to sprinkle the food with ground carlsil.
  2. If more than one parrot lives in the cage, then the diseased must be reliably relocated away from other budgies. This should be done if the bird has an infectious disease.
  3. A sick bird needs to provide proper care and care. The air temperature in the room where the parrot is located should be about 23-25 ​​degrees above zero. It is worth considering that if the stool contains bloody spots, it is strictly forbidden to warm a sick bird. The parrot should not be in a draft, to experience stress. Near the bird there should be no sharp and loud sounds, noise, which can weaken the sick parrot even more.
  4. It is worth analyzing what has changed in a few days in caring for a parrot. If at this time the diet has changed, or the parrot has tried unfamiliar food, it is worth returning to its previous menu.
  5. With diarrhea, fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits should be excluded from the diet of the bird. A budgie needs to be given only high-quality millet and grain. Poultry feed should be checked for freshness, to check the smell. Feed mixtures should not smell of rot or bitterness. It is also worth checking the food for the presence of insects and their larvae. Drinking water should be fresh and clean.
  6. During the illness, it is recommended to give the parrot rice porridge cooked on water. You also can not give dairy products that can significantly aggravate the situation. It is forbidden to add salt and spices to rice porridge.

Unfortunately, not all budgerigar owners have the opportunity to consult an ornithologist. Usually such specialists are only in large regional centers, and the owners of birds cannot reach them. Therefore, it is necessary to find out why the budgerigar has diarrhea on its own.

To fix the feathered chair, he should be given a decoction of chamomile and St. John's wort. You just need to purchase herbs in any pharmacy and pour them with boiling water, and then let it brew. After cooling, the broth needs to be filtered and added to the drinker of the parrot.

In case of poisoning, absorbents will help normalize bird stool. Drugs should be given in small amounts three times a day for two days.

How to treat diarrhea in parrots

Absorbents for poisoning

What absorbents are used? It:

  • "Smecta";
  • Polyphepan;
  • "Filtrum";
  • Enterodes
  • Enterosgel;
  • Activated carbon.

To restore the intestines, it is recommended to use enzyme preparations (for example, Linex).

Green diarrhea can be stopped using the Gamavit immunomodulator. The product is poured into a drinker (0.5 ml per 50 grams of water) and the parrot is treated with it for a week.

Ground activated carbon will help if loose stools are caused by poisoning. In this case, a remedy called Karsil also helps. It is crushed and poured to the feed.

Vitamin-mineral complexes, as well as medicinal feed compositions, which can be found in any pet store, can help improve the condition of the parrot.

With loose stool, ornithologists usually prescribe Vetom 1.1 powder. This drug with microorganisms helps to improve intestinal microflora and digestion. Vetom needs to be added one drop into clean water twice a day for seven days.

If the bird is infected with helminths, then anthelmintic drugs are prescribed. Medications are recommended to be mixed with food and water if the parrot eats readily.

Three green budgies

Parrot owners about the effectiveness of diarrhea remedies

The use of a particular medicine depends on the causes of diarrhea in the budgerigar. Treatment should be prescribed by a specialist, but if there is no such possibility, then it is worth listening to the owners of the parrots faced with this situation.

According to them, many birds only helps warming and decoction of chamomile as a drink. The owners of parrots secrete Vetom 1.1, which is actually effective in the treatment of loose stools.

If you start treatment on time, then the budgie will become noticeably better in a couple of hours.

Budgerigars are unpretentious care pets. They require the owners only care, sincere love and simple rules of care. Therefore, with the appearance of loose stools in a feathered bird, one should find out the cause of diarrhea in the budgerigar and immediately begin treatment. And then the parrot will be able to please the owners for a long time.

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