Obedience is a must for any dog. The main commands must be performed by both the German Shepherd and the Chihuahua. An uncontrollable dog, especially a large breed, can run away from the owner, injure a person, or get hit by a car.
It all starts with contact
Basic commands for dogs are useless in the absence of contact with the owner. Some dog handlers say that installing it is not necessary at all, the main thing is to show the pet its place on the hierarchical ladder. This is especially true for professionals of the "old school" who prefer Soviet methods of training based on mechanics. They are deeply mistaken, motivation on the owner is the first rule of quality training. The dog is shown that the guide (owner) is a source of interesting pastime, he always has a treat, and a toy is hidden in his pocket.
The establishment of contact begins immediately after the puppy is in the new house. Although, there is one caveat - you can work with a 2-month-old baby, but not earlier than this age.
The best way to motivate your puppy is by playing. They play both at home and on the street. For the first time, soft long flagella and rags on the ropes are needed. The game is based on several rules:
A puppy, like a small child, quickly gets tired. Until three months of age, they play with him often, but not much - from 3 to 5 minutes. The time interval between game approaches is 30 minutes.
- Once the pet gets into the excitement, the owner interrupts the game. This is necessary in order to maintain the puppy's interest in the process.
The kid began to growl at the owner, frantically biting his teeth into a rag? Stop the game, take away the rag, do not scold the puppy.
The pet looks with emotion at the pocket in which his toy is hidden, all the while expressing readiness for the process. Dear guides, remember one thing: only the owner offers the game. It is unacceptable to be manipulated by the puppy, such behavior is a sign of dominance over the owner.
Game exercise to establish contact "Cat"
The basic commands that the dog should know are described below. They begin to train her from puppyhood, but first establish contact between the owner and the pet. This exercise is suitable for puppies of all breeds.
As a working tool, a rag tied to a rope is used. The game is to make the puppy catch and catch it. Reminds gameplay with a kitten, right? The paper is wrapped with thread, the resulting structure is placed on the floor, pulled, it moves.
Command input
Basic commands for dogs are introduced at the age of 3 months. In case of proper work of the owner to establish contact with the puppy, the latter enthusiastically starts the classes. The pet is motivated on the owner, this is expressed in the willingness to work with him.
Training begins with the team "next to", in second place - "to me." The last line is occupied by the complex - “sit,” “lie,” “stand.”
A puppy should not be fed before training; working on a full stomach will lead to inversion. A positive reinforcement is a treat: finely chopped boiled meat, offal or cheese.
List of basic commands for dogs
Any dog can pass OKD (general training course) or VN - German standard, stands for "companion dog." The obedience exam passed is the pride of the master. But the dog is taught teams in order to be comfortable next to it. A pet of a large breed, ignoring all commands, will cause irritation both around people and members of the family in which he lives.
The list of basic commands necessary for learning looks like this:
- "beside";
- "to me";
- "sit";
- to "lie";
- "stand";
- "a place";
- "give";
- "aport".
Dog handlers are advised to master the skills of conflict-free training. It consists in the desire of the dog to fulfill one or another command, the owner does not force the pet. This is the main difference between conflict-free and classical training, where a command is given first and then reinforced by mechanical action.
Training for the team "near"
Owners will be surprised at the way of learning: it is acceptable to use goodies and praise, but forget about jerking a leash, as is written in all Soviet training textbooks.
The first 3-5 lessons are called training, the puppy is taught to move next to the owner without a verbal command. It is introduced after the pet has mastered the necessary skills. The training process looks like this:
- the puppy is at the left foot of the owner - this is the starting position;
- in the owner’s left fist, a treat is clamped so that the puppy takes it out and does not eat insolently;
- fist on the line of the left side (human), depending on the size of the puppy;
- fixing the fist in the right position and making sure that it is convenient for the puppy to get a treat out of it, the owner begins to move forward;
- when walking, the pet’s shoulder blades are near the owner’s knee. Running ahead or lagging is prohibited;
- the first time they go through 5-7 steps. In the process of movement, the puppy is focused on his fist, takes out a treat from him;
- after passing the distance, the owner praises the puppy. The words “good!”, “Yes!” Are used as verbal encouragement. or "super!".
An attentive reader will pay attention to the lack of mention of a leash in the process description. The lesson takes place without it, in a quiet place, where there are no external irritants, away from cars and people. An ideal place is a fenced dog site without other animals and people. If possible, practice in the forest or field.
Training for the team "to me"
As described above, among the main teams for dogs, in second place is “to me”. There are two options for positive reinforcement on which training is based - a treat and a toy. The first is used for food puppies, the second for miners.
Puppies ready to work for food are called food workers. When a pet turns away from treats, having barely seen a toy, he is a getter, for such a pupil you need a soft rubber ball on a rope.
Testing a team using goodies
For the first training session, choose a quiet place, without sudden external irritants, away from the roadway. Ideally, the puppy should be without a leash. If this is not possible, the leash is not used in the work. What the basic commands for dog training look like, the reader has learned. It remains to understand the methods of their training:
- Starting position: the puppy is located at the owner’s left foot.
- The owner strokes the pet, takes three steps forward, without pulling the leash, stops and turns around facing the puppy.
- If the pet jumped up and rushed after the owner, he gives a braking command and returns it to its original position.
- The guide is opposite the pet, he throws his right hand to the side, the left fist with the treat is held just below the navel, and gives the command "to me".
- When the puppy runs up, the owner gives him a treat and praises.
- Favorite has learned the call, freezes in front of the owner, not taking his eyes off him? It’s time to learn how to land. The principle of operation is the same as when practicing the basic exercise. After the puppy runs up to the owner, he slightly tilts the body forward, at the same time, making a fist with a treat for the pet’s head. To keep him in sight, the puppy will have to sit down. He lowers the back to the ground, the conductor immediately gives a treat and praises the baby.
Is it possible to teach dogs basic teams at home? Judging by this subsection, where the owner of the puppy is engaged, and not a professional dog handler, it is.
Teaching a team to me with a toy
The training looks the same as in the subsection above, only the ball replaces the treat.
The conductor with the puppy is in the starting position. The owner strokes the student, moves away from him three to five steps forward, simultaneously with the movement puts a ball under the chin. This is done so that the puppy does not see the toy.
The owner stops, turns around facing the puppy, gives a command with a gesture and voice. The pet runs up, the conductor waits for the correct landing, discards the ball and praises him.
Training complex
The complex refers to the "sit", "lay" and "stand" commands. The necessary equipment is a treat or a toy, depending on the puppy's preferences. How to teach a dog basic commands? Make her want to fulfill them.
First, they teach the team to "sit." The guide with the pet occupies the starting position, in which the student is at his left foot. The owner takes two steps to the side and squats perpendicular to the puppy. You should not lean toward him, dogs do not perceive overhangs badly, considering them as a threat to their safety.
In the left hand of the owner, a treat or a ball is clamped. He fists behind the puppy’s head in the same way as when practicing the “to me” command (landing). The animal lowers the back, after which the command "sit" is given. The puppy's action is reinforced after the command.
Please note: the command is not given before shrinkage, but after the dog has completed the action. This is the essence of positive training; there is no visible violence against the will of the animal.
The lay command is worked out like this:
- The puppy is in a sitting or standing position.
- The owner squats, in his right hand is a motivational object.
- The owner shows his pet, and when he shows interest, he takes his hand to the side, in front of the puppy's nose, touching the ground with it. The fist moves in a straight line, the puppy, intending to get what he wants, lies down and stretches after him.
- At this point, the command "lay" is given. If the pet has taken the ostrich position when the front of the body is lying and the back is in the air, the owner presses its back slightly, forcing it to fall down completely.
- After the puppy has laid down, the action is immediately reinforced.
Testing of the “stand” command occurs from a sitting or lying position. The owner extends his hand with a motivational object and slowly raises it up in front of the puppy's nose. He will be interested, reach for a hand and stand up. If this does not happen, then the owner gently touches the belly of the pet with his free hand, forcing him to take a standing position.
What basic commands a dog should know, the reader now knows. You can teach them an animal yourself, it would be time and desire.