During the bearing of the baby, the woman’s body experiences tremendous changes. Some of them remain invisible to others, while others are visible to the naked eye. The reproductive system is the first to signal the nucleation of a new life in the woman’s body. About how breast change occurs during pregnancy, in the article. Consider what factors provoke their appearance and what symptoms should alert.
Causes of Breast Changes During Pregnancy
From the moment of conception, changes in the body of a woman begin to occur. Changes affect almost all systems: hormonal, genitourinary, reproductive, etc. In nature, everything is natural. That is why, simultaneously with the growth of the uterus, the mammary glands are prepared for feeding the baby.
The main reason that causes a change in the breast during pregnancy is hormones. There are several of them, and they all fulfill their role. The main hormone that is responsible for milk production during lactation is called prolactin. But progesterone, which affects the positive outcome of pregnancy in general, causes breast growth, an increase in the areola and prepares the glands for the natural feeding of the baby. Along with this, the flow of milk into the thoracic ducts is regulated by oxytocin.
All these hormones during pregnancy cause the very changes that are necessary for successful lactation. That is why it is important to control their level during the bearing of the baby.
What does the breast look like during pregnancy at different times?
The main transformations that affect the mammary glands occur already in the first trimester of pregnancy. By 10-14 weeks, in most women, symptoms such as itching and pain subside. We can say that at this stage the mammary glands are fully adapted to the first hormonal changes.
But this does not mean that breasts in the early stages of pregnancy and on the eve of childbirth look the same. As the abdomen grows, a further increase in the mammary glands occurs, the areoles become darker, and the venous network is visible more clearly. Stretch marks may appear if there is a predisposition to this. All these changes are the norm during gestation.
Breast augmentation during pregnancy
A few days before the test shows a positive result, a woman can herself guess about it. One of the first signs confirming the fact that conception has already occurred is the swelling and enlargement of the mammary glands.
The most noticeable breast growth is observed during the first 10 weeks and in the third trimester of pregnancy. This is explained by an increase in the volume of adipose tissue and the influx of blood to the mammary glands. In many women, breasts instantly increase by one size. And this happens only in the first two months of pregnancy. Big breasts are one of the characteristic signs of an interesting position.
In general, during 40 weeks of pregnancy, the mammary glands increase by 1.5 - 2 sizes. They are poured, they become heavier, because more fluid is retained in them. In most women, by the end of pregnancy, each breast weighs an average of 0.4 kg more than usual. At this time, it is important to purchase comfortable underwear that matches the new bust size.
Sensitivity change
Pain in the mammary glands is another important sign of pregnancy. Chest pains, as a rule, from the moment of conception to 12-14 weeks. This condition is explained by the changes that occur with it. The chest swells, becomes heavier due to an increase in blood flow. Because of this, painful sensations arise in it.
Many women experience severe discomfort even from the slightest touch to the chest; it itches and itches. In some pregnant women, the sensitivity of the nipples is greatly increased. For this reason, the doctor may recommend a woman not to remove her bra, even during a night's sleep.
Darkening Areoles
During pregnancy, changes in the breast affect not only an increase in its size, but also in color. This is a darkening of the areoles and nipples. And their size also changes. So, the nipples grow up to 1.2 cm in length, and the circumference of the halo reaches 5 cm. Thus, the nipples as part of the mammary gland are prepared for breastfeeding, and the darkened areoles signal to the baby that this is the source of nutrition. The so-called Montgomery glands located on the nasal circle perform the same function. When feeding, they emit a specific smell, perceptible only to infants. That is why the baby who was just born, who was immediately placed on her stomach after giving birth to her mother, easily finds her breasts.
In order to prepare the mammary glands for natural breastfeeding, a woman is recommended to perform daily dousing of the breast with water at room temperature, and from the second trimester take a contrast shower.
Venous mesh
Due to increased blood flow, many pregnant women can show veins. This symptom is most often observed in thin, with thin white skin. The venous network becomes especially noticeable by the third trimester. Worry about this is not worth it. When pregnancy comes to a logical conclusion, everything will fall into place.
But on the prevention of the appearance of stretch marks, you should worry in advance. To do this, increase the elasticity of the skin. If the breast itches during pregnancy, severe itching appears, this indicates skin stretching. At this time, it is especially important to pay attention to its hydration. For daily breast skin care, rubbing in coconut or other neutral oils is recommended. Wheat germ oil is perfect.
Can I consider the norm of discharge from the nipples during pregnancy?
Breast milk begins to be produced in sufficient quantities only 2 to 3 days after birth. The first food of the baby is colostrum - a yellow liquid of a viscous consistency. It contains much more nutrients than in mature milk, and therefore even a few drops is enough for the baby to eat.
It is worth noting that colostrum does not appear after childbirth, but long before this event. By the end of the second or third trimester, a thick liquid begins to stand out from the woman's nipples. This is the same colostrum. Usually it stands out a little, so the woman does not feel any discomfort. If wet spots are noticeable on underwear, you can use special pads for the chest. They will protect outerwear from getting wet. You can buy them at a pharmacy or in a supermarket in the department with baby hygiene products.
Dangerous symptoms
In addition to the symptoms characteristic of all pregnant women, there are a number of symptoms that should alert a woman:
- chest pain is accompanied by unpleasant, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge from the vagina;
- a sharp deterioration in well-being, weakness;
- asymmetric changes in the chest, when redness, tubercles and depressions appear on one of the mammary glands.
If one or more of the above symptoms is found, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately. Each of these signs can be a signal of premature termination of pregnancy or the onset of the inflammatory process in the mammary glands.
Many women are frightened when at first during pregnancy the breast is swollen, and then it ceased to be sensitive, painful sensations disappeared. This does not always indicate anembryo, but it is necessary to consult a doctor. As a rule, up to 8 weeks, breast sensitivity is always maintained.
What to do if there are no changes in the chest?
Thus, the mammary glands grow and mutate throughout pregnancy. But the most severe changes with them, accompanied by pain, itching and weight gain, are observed in the first trimester. As pregnancy increases, breast sensitivity decreases.
However, all the features discussed in this article are characteristic, but not required. Their absence does not yet indicate pathological processes in the body. Since each organism is individual, then changes in it in each woman can occur in different ways. For example, the breast may not swell during pregnancy due to the fact that there is not enough space for it to grow. There are frequent cases when a woman found out about conception, having missed 2 - 3 menstruation. Moreover, no changes in her breast during this period completely bothered her. Sensitivity and pain are purely individual, rather conditional signs of pregnancy.