Biochemical blood test in dogs: a transcript. Veterinarian's home visit

You need to take your beloved pet to the veterinarian, even if he, as you think, is completely healthy. Often this opinion is erroneous. In order to be sure of the pet’s health, you need to take his blood for analysis, do all the vaccinations according to the schedule, and, of course, take care of him, comb out, walk, bathe and feed with quality food. But why take tests for a biochemical blood test in dogs, will be described in this article.

What is biochemical analysis and what is it for?

Test tube blood

A blood test is a very important factor in the health of a pet, because it is it that allows you to identify many diseases and abnormalities. But some owners neglect to examine the dog. Unfortunately, this leads to serious problems that could be eradicated at the beginning of development. Biochemical analysis allows you to examine the tissues and internal organs of a dog for various diseases and abnormalities. Basically, the area of ​​the liver, heart and kidneys is examined. As a rule, this procedure is prescribed by a doctor. However, you can come and order it yourself to observe the pet. If there are no deviations, then it is recommended to bring the dog to check no more than once a year.


Laboratory Assistant

It’s very difficult to clearly name the norm. With a biochemical blood test in a dog, different indicators can be the norm, therefore, they are mainly averaged. In order to accurately say whether there are any abnormalities in the pet, a veterinarian should monitor it. Because for different dogs the same indicator can be both the norm and the deviation. Observation takes place both in a healthy state and in a painful one. But each result can be deciphered, because for each indicator, one way or another, there is a certain gap indicating the norm. Therefore, the owner of the dog should at least roughly know what condition the pet is in.

Neutrophils and Eosinophils

Neutrophils and eosinophils are an important component of the dog’s brain. These are small white bodies that circulate with the flow of blood, performing a protective function. But these two white blood cells are still slightly different:

  • Neutrophils. These cells are the first to respond to danger. They capture harmful cells and destroy them. There are three types of these leukocytes: juvenile, stab and segmented.
  • Eosinophils. Foreign cells are also neutralized, but in allergic formations.

Neutrophils and eosinophils are very important cells and are included in the study of biochemical blood tests in dogs. LDH is also an important part of the survey. This is an enzyme that is involved in the breathing process and is also found in the liver and heart. If the enzyme is not enough, the pet feels tired and lies a lot.

The reasons for the violation of the norm

Lab tubes

The main reason for exceeding the norm is inflammation. However, only neutrophils and eosinophils cannot distinguish where the disease is localized. It is for this that a complete biochemical blood test is performed in dogs. Without it, it is impossible to find out where the inflammation has lurked. Eosinophils indicate allergies or the presence of worms, but also do not help in localization.

Veterinarian's home visit

vet call

If you do not have the opportunity to go to a veterinary clinic, then you can take a blood sampling for a dog for biochemical analysis at home. The cost in Moscow of this procedure varies from 300 rubles and above. This will save time, but not money, since laboratory testing will have to be paid separately.

But the price of a biochemical blood test in dogs starts at 1000 rubles. Separate blood tests can be done for different organs. But most often they do just an extensive blood test, which includes 10 research positions. The veterinarian’s departure to the house is very convenient, because you don’t have to spend money on the road and torture the pet in traffic jams.


Two dogs

Since the biochemical analysis of blood in dogs is quite extensive, there are a lot of studied parameters in it. Below is a table indicating the name, norm and units:

Name of indicatorNormUnits
Glucose4.3-7.3mmol / l
Protein59-73g / l
Bilirubin0-7.5μmol / l
Urea3-8.5mmol / l
Alanine aminotransferase0-65units / l
Aspartate aminotransferase10-42units / l
Alpha amylase550-1700units / l
Potassium3.6-5.5mmol / l
Calcium2.25-3mmol / l
Creatinine70-165μmol / l
Cholesterol2.9-8.3mmol / l
Alkaline phosphatase39-55units / l
GGT1-10units / l

Dangerous deviations

Labrador dog

Deciphering the biochemistry of blood in dogs is impossible without a description of each indicator:

  1. Glucose. It is most often exceeded due to diabetes. But do not panic, perhaps the norm is exceeded due to great physical exertion or overexcitation. Glucose can say a lot about the kidneys and liver, as well as the pancreas. Glucose tests can alert you to diseases of these organs. But a lower level definitely indicates a tumor, poisoning or a lack of food in the body.
  2. Protein. If the indicator is exceeded, then the dog is dehydrated. If, on the contrary, it is exceeded, then this indicates serious problems in the body, such as damage to the intestines, starvation or impaired renal function. Protein can fall due to burns or large blood loss.
  3. Bilirubin. The indicator rises with hepatitis or obstruction in the gallbladder.
  4. Urea. Based on the name, it can be understood that an excess of indicators occurs with problems in the bladder or in the urinary organs. May also indicate a kidney problem. If you give your pet a lot of protein food, then this indicator can grow above normal. Urea deficiency may indicate a lack of protein in the body or a pregnancy in a pet.
  5. Alanine aminotransferase always indicates problems with the liver or tablets that cause problems in it.
  6. Aspartate aminotransferase also indicates kidney disease. However, these indicators may speak of other reasons. For example, a dog’s physical fatigue or heart problems. But if the indicators are below normal, you should be wary, because, most likely, tissue death has begun.
  7. Alpha amylase. Here you can talk about inversion of the intestine or pancreatitis. The lack indicates problems with the pancreas.
  8. Potassium. Exceeding the norm indicates dehydration, renal failure, or cell destruction. A level below normal indicates poisoning or starvation.
  9. Calcium. Exceeding the norm of this indicator indicates problems with the heart of the animal. The owner should immediately conduct additional oncological examinations. Calcium grows in malignant tumors and dehydration. A deficiency of this indicator indicates a lack of vitamin D, kidney problems.
  10. Cholesterol. An increase in the level of this indicator indicates heart disease, kidney disease and hypothyroidism. But the deficit speaks of malignant tumors or poor nutrition.
  11. Elevated creatinine indicates kidney problems, and elevated creatinine indicates starvation.
  12. Alkaline phosphatase. The indicator above the norm indicates the pregnancy of the animal or that the dog eats fatty foods. It may also indicate intestinal infections. But a reduced level is observed with anemia and a lack of vitamin C.
  13. GGT, or in another way, gamma-glutamyltransferases. Indicates stagnation of bile or damage to the liver.

How to take a biochemical blood test in dogs?

You should not take your pet to a veterinary clinic, it is best to call a veterinarian at home. But, if there is no possibility, you can take the blood yourself. You just need to buy the necessary items at the nearest pharmacy. Before taking blood from a dog for biochemical analysis, you need to ensure that it is completely calm.

In small amounts, blood can be taken from the ear or the soft part of the pet's paw. Of course, before stabbing, you need to disinfect the area with alcohol or iodine, if desired.

For accurate analyzes, you should limit your pet to food from 8 to 12 hours. The veterinarian should prompt the necessary time for analysis. If the dog uses any medications, then you need to inform the doctor about this for accurate analysis results.

Below is a video that shows how to take blood for biochemical analysis in dogs and cats.

Other indicators of biochemistry

There are other indicators of a biochemical blood test in dogs:

  • Albumen. This is a protein that is produced in the blood and liver of a pet. The norm is from 45 to 67 percent. If the indicator is higher than normal, then the animal is dehydrated, but lowering is much more dangerous. It can be various liver diseases, and malignant tumors. Also, a decrease could occur due to burns, injuries or an overdose of drugs.
  • Globulin fractions can be of three types: alpha, beta and gamma. Moreover, for all three species has its own norm. For alpha - 10-12 percent. An increase occurs with inflammatory processes, and a decrease - with problems with the thyroid gland or pancreatitis. For beta - 8-10 percent. If increased or decreased - liver damage. For gamma - 15-17 percent. With a decrease and increase - problems with the liver.
  • Phosphorus. It is very important for the nervous system of the animal, and is also part of the skeleton. The norm is from 6 to 7 mg. So, the norm can be exceeded due to a tumor or destruction of the bone marrow, due to problems with the kidneys and thyroid gland, due to an excess of vitamin D and after fractures. But the level below the norm may be due to rickets, diarrhea, vomiting, or even a lack of growth hormone.


Happy dog

So, as could be understood from this article, biochemical analysis for dogs is very important and useful. Thanks to him, many dangerous and not very diseases of a beloved pet are revealed. Of course, not all indicators clearly speak about a particular disease, but they give an idea of ​​the area of ​​education of the problem. It is very important at least once a year to bring the pet to the veterinarian for examination and examination. And do not forget to look after him, feed healthy food and always be on the lookout. Observe behavior and draw conclusions.

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