Anthelmintic for cats and kittens - selection and application

Which anthelmintic for cats to choose? Everyone who has acquired a kitten faces this problem. Alas, in most forums and in many veterinary hospitals the answer to this question is given standard: "Buy" Drontal ". This drug is really popular. Perhaps that is why fakes so often began to appear that at best do not show themselves, at worst - the animal has to be treated for poisoning. Drontal is an excellent anthelmintic for cats, and with a wide spectrum of action, which is very convenient. However, it can only be purchased in clinics, from veterinarians. This rule applies to all drugs (vitamins, immunostimulants, anthelmintics, shampoos, etc.).

Anthelmintic for cats

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Anthelmintic tablets for cats

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All of these drugs belong to anthelmintic with a wide spectrum of action, but differ in application. Suspension is considered more convenient, and drops in one fell swoop kill several birds with one stone: they will also get rid of helminths, and fleas will be etched, and even for a couple of weeks they will protect against reinfestation. Anthelmintic tablets for cats are more convenient in dosing. A dozen of these funds are worthy of attention, the choice is yours.

Anthelmintic for cats

Now about how to give a cat an anthelmintic. To begin with, the drug must be normalized strictly according to the weight of the animal. Not every anthelmintic is suitable for cats: it is necessary to take into account both the age of the pet and its condition (it is contraindicated in sick animals).

Preparations in the form of drops (in a pipette usually contains one dose) are applied strictly to the withers, gently lifting the coat. It is very important that the product gets on the skin. The drug begins to act after absorption, so only the correct application can guarantee the result.

In order to “feed” the cat with pills, skill is needed - the animal often behaves inappropriately: it turns its head, clenches its teeth tightly, breaks loose and can even bite or float its reverent claws.

How to give a cat an anthelmintic

Some veterinarians advise crushing anthelmintic and, adding to the meat, give the animal in the form of a meat treat. Well, if this option really passes. And if your beauty refuses to poison worms voluntarily?

Perhaps it is worth immediately accustom the pet to the correct intake of drugs in the form of tablets.

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How to give a cat an anthelmintic

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