Normal stool in infants: when and what to pay attention to, expert advice

The family has a long-awaited replenishment, and from that moment on, the mother is more concerned about the condition of the child. And it, first of all, depends on its nutrition. Colic, problems with stools are the first problems a young mother faces. And, of course, she cares what normal stool should be in an infant, what regularity and amount of feces. How nutrition or illness affects a baby’s stool. This article is suitable for young parents. Here they will find answers to all questions.

What are the changes in stool in a baby in the first week of life?

What is normal stool in infants? Photos of feces help moms determine what is considered the norm. For example, feces in children from the first day of life to one year are constantly changing, as the diet of the child is changing. A large role is played by the baby's nutrition, that is: breastfeeding, artificial or mixed. With the introduction of complementary foods, changes in stool also occur.

normal breastfeeding stool

How does the chair change in the first week of the baby’s life:

  1. In the first three days from the moment of birth, feces in a child are quite unusual condition. It has a dark, almost black color, thick and viscous in appearance, the smell is practically absent. This first stool (meconium) is very important for the baby. He talks about the normal functioning of the intestines.
  2. From the third day, the stool begins to change the consistency, it becomes more fluid. The color also changes - a shade of green is acquired.
  3. After a week, the chair returns to normal, it becomes a yellow tint. By smell and consistency it may resemble thick kefir or yogurt. The presence of undigested particles of milk and mucus is possible.

Normal stool in an infant. What is its color and consistency?

The normal color of the stool in the baby from the moment of withdrawal of primary feces and until the introduction of complementary foods should be yellow, similar to liquid porridge and with a sour smell.

The regularity of the stool in children is different. But usually it should be present after each feeding or during a meal, since it is at this time that the intestines work well, and it is easier and easier for the child to free him.

baby stool

If the baby has problems with the original feces, you should immediately tell the pediatrician in the hospital. There may be problems with the bowel.

After the birth of the baby, the main concern of the mother becomes the baby's stool. The norm for each child is different. But there are average data that you need to pay attention to. Although it happens that a child has a rare stool, twice a day or a week, but at the same time the baby does not have a feeling of discomfort, and if the feces are considerable, then you should not worry. So, this is how the digestive system of a child works.

When is loose stool in the infant normal?

Liquid stool for children can also be the norm, but if it is not of a permanent nature, but wears isolated cases per day. The digestive system of the child is only developing, therefore, malfunctions are possible.

Breastfeeding chair

What is normal breastfeeding stool? For a baby who is breastfed, the consistency of a chair is in the form of yogurt, and the color is usually yellow with white lumps. The smell is similar to the smell of kefir and the same yogurt.

  • In the first month of life, the chair is up to eight times a day. It is important for every mother to know.
  • From the second month, the number of bowel movements can be reduced to five times.
  • Starting from the third month, the stool becomes thicker, but still gruel. The color may turn yellow-brown or yellow-green.
  • By the fourth month of life, the baby's stool is already normal. Typically, bowel movements occur once at a time (morning or evening). Usually in the process of feeding.
  • With the introduction of complementary foods, the stool gradually turns brown. The smell of feces will also change to a sharper and unpleasant. Consistency will depend on complementary foods. Bread products will fix the feces. Mashed potatoes, on the contrary, can cause loose stools.

Tips for young mothers about stool of the baby

After birth, the stool may be irregular in the early days. This is affected by the fact that the baby’s digestive tract is just adapting to nutrition. The stomach first begins to work and digest food, which contains not only nutrients, but also bacteria.

Mom needs to take care of her diet, of course. Do not eat foods that can cause constipation or diarrhea in a child. After all, normal babies' stools on hepatitis B completely depend on their mother. Mom ate starchy foods, the baby will have problems.

White lumps and green mucus in the feces of an infant

stool in the baby

The presence of white lumps in the feces usually indicates that the digestive tract is not yet fully developed. Over time, they should become smaller. If green feces appeared in the feces, then this may indicate that the enzymes in the liver have not yet fully matured. If such feces do not cause inconvenience, and there are no additional symptoms, then you just need time for the development of the digestive organs, then everything will soon return to normal.

If in doubt, the normal stool in the baby on breast milk or not, it is better not to guess, but consult a pediatrician. Since dysbiosis in young children is a common disease. The consequences of it can ruin the life of a baby.

Normal breastfeeding stool

normal stool in infants

In artificial children, stool begins to change faster than in natural scientists. By 1.5 months, the stool may be in the form of thick porridge and be pale yellow.

  • in the first week, feces can be up to five times a day;
  • from the second week until the baby reaches the age of two months, the stool can be up to three times a day;
  • after two months, the baby can walk mostly only once a day or for two days.

A baby with artificial feeding with a chair can have problems more often than children who are breast milk, although the advertisement says that the composition of the mixtures is close to breast milk. It cannot completely replace him. Sometimes simply the process of breast sucking has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

What is worth paying attention to? What signs should bother a young mother?

normal baby stool on gv

It is important to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  1. The baby became restless after feeding.
  2. Sleep problems started.
  3. During bowel movements, the baby makes an effort, presses legs to his stomach.
  4. The abdomen can become tight and even inflate.
  5. Decreased appetite.

If these symptoms are not present, the baby is active and cheerful, then feces once a day and dense are normal stools in infants. But if one of the listed symptoms is detected, it is necessary to change the mixture. You can do it yourself. A better consultation with a pediatrician.

Stool with the introduction of complementary foods. What changes are occurring?

What is the stool of infants with the introduction of complementary foods? More on this later in the article. It is allowed to introduce complementary foods to a baby from four months. But here it all depends on the characteristics and health of the child. If the baby has enough breast milk, there are no problems with the stool, then complementary foods can be started from six months.

But, if there is a problem with the bowel movement, weight gain, or there is anemia, then the pediatrician will advise you to introduce complementary foods from four months. Mashed potatoes, juices weaken the intestines, replenish the body with a supply of useful substances.

Introducing a new product must be careful. Do not let the baby eat the whole jar of mashed potatoes at once, because he liked it, otherwise the child is provided with diarrhea and stomach pains.

When a child begins to eat “adult” food, his stool begins to change. But not immediately there will be dense feces. After all, the child still consumes mother's milk or a mixture. First of all, the change will affect color and smell. Over time, the greater the proportion of complementary foods, the closer the structure of feces will be, like an adult.

Examples of changes in feces in infants with the introduction of various foods

Here, the color will depend on what the child ate. If there was puree from a green apple, then yellow-green gruel is possible. And if there was boiled beets, then the feces will be red. Now, normal stool in the baby or not, it will be more difficult to determine.

What may be the deviations in the stool of the baby

Disorders in the work of the intestines in a child are far from uncommon. In what cases you should immediately begin to sound the alarm, and when you can do without the help of a doctor:

  • If there are lumps of undigested food or mucus in the feces, but the baby is active and cheerful, then there is no reason for concern. Although the constant presence of undigested food may indicate malfunctioning of the intestines. Here you need a pediatrician consultation.
  • The appearance of blood streaks in the feces, a color change to black can indicate a violation of the integrity of the integument of the digestive tract. Urgent need to go to the hospital.
  • Fluid and frequent stools in babies is the norm. But, if the feces became almost watery, the child became lethargic, lost his appetite, infection may enter the body. It is necessary to call an ambulance.
  • Very thick and dark stool, accompanied by constipation. It is necessary to change the diet of the child. If complementary foods have not yet been introduced, then the diet should be changed to mom or to change the mixture.
  • Green feces and foam can cause malfunction of the digestive tract, or the child eats only liquid (first milk), and normal does not enter the body. Here you need to express the first portion of milk.
what is normal stool in infants

What are the known causes of problems with stool in an infant

The reasons for the deviation of feces from the norm can be the following:

  1. The incorrect introduction of complementary foods immediately in large portions, there was no adaptation of the body to new products.
  2. The baby was breast-fed with water, although the body did not require it.
  3. Taking medications, especially antibiotics. The stool can change in any direction, from diarrhea to constipation.
  4. Teething is often accompanied not only by temperature and moods, but also by the appearance of diarrhea.
  5. Mom does not follow a diet, or the mixture is not suitable for the baby.

Normal stool in a baby is the joy of any mother. And, if you follow the correct feeding regimen, do not violate the diets of the nursing mother, choose the mixture wisely, do not rush with complementary foods, then problems with the stool can be rare or even absent. Every mother needs to know this.

But sometimes feces can cause panic even for a mother with many children.

What is worth paying attention to? When to call a doctor?

normal stool color in infants

What kind of stool should a baby have? There are cases that feces can talk about a serious illness in a child. Sometimes it is necessary not only to call a doctor, but also, without delaying time, to call an ambulance.

  • Liquid (like water), foamy and frequent feces. This is most likely an infectious disease. An ambulance, of course, must be called. This must be done quickly so that severe dehydration of the body does not occur.
  • A sharp and sudden change in the smell of feces, such that it is impossible to bear.
  • Severe constipation, more than five days a child can not empty itself. Do not run after an enema. It’s better to go to the doctor right away. Since an improperly set enema in this case can damage the walls of the rectum.
  • The baby's feces is accompanied by mucus (insignificant or, conversely, a significant amount). This does not mean isolated cases, but constant ones.
  • Strong redness of the anus.
  • The appearance of red veins or blood in the feces.

Little conclusion

When dangerous symptoms appear, you can not postpone a visit to the doctor, you must immediately seek help from specialists. Normal stools in infants can be of different types and character, but, nevertheless, there is a restrictive framework.

And if there are deviations, do not guess, call mom or girlfriend. No one can provide better help than a qualified doctor. It is better to treat all deviations in the initial stages of manifestation, then the disease can be completely cured.

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