Statuses in "Contact" about life are the most common. After all, the concept of the meaning of existence, the search for happiness and the principles by which a person seeks it, excites everyone at a certain moment.
The best statuses in "Contact"
- "Only another person changes a person."
- "Stop worrying over trifles is easy. Just think how important this will be in five years."
- "Part with those who don't value you."
- "It is normal to make mistakes. No one is given instructions at birth."
- "A person feels alive not when he is loved, but when he loves himself."
- "To think broadly and not to go in cycles is my secret of happiness."
- "Fate gives us opportunities and food for thought. How to handle all this, we decide for ourselves."
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- " . ?".
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"" . - , . .
"" . , , . , .
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Statuses in “Contact” about life can be funny and sad, philosophical and everyday, but they are always a reflection of a person’s personality. Let such statements always be associated with happiness, optimism and hope for the best.