As a rule, a woman during pregnancy is surrounded by care and attention, and she herself is in awe of the birth of a small miracle. It would seem that nothing can overshadow the happiness of future parents. But many women face the problem of miscarriage already in the first trimester, and for some it becomes a real loss. A woman can enter a state of depression, which she can only manage with the help of a specialist. So, let's look at the reasons for a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy.
No matter how scary it may sound, a miscarriage may be the result of natural selection. That is, if the genetic connection of germ cells is obviously unsuitable for survival, then the fetus is rejected. Many women have already learned bitter experience and are aware of such a problem in the family, so they try to carefully prepare for the next conception. Precautions include some drugs with a mutagenic effect, as well as radiation exposure. And of course, if a woman works in harmful production conditions, it is worth thinking about replacing a job, at least temporarily.
It is necessary to monitor your health throughout your pregnancy. The threat of miscarriage exists especially in the presence of diseases of the female reproductive system. There are times when the amount of male hormones significantly exceeds the proportion of female ones. And this can lead to a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. So, do not neglect the examination, because it can save the life of an unborn child.
In addition, other diseases that are not associated with an internal disruption of the body can be the causes of a miscarriage. Often, only serious diseases can provoke a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, for example, diseases of the cardiovascular system, pneumonia, hepatitis. Infectious diseases such as flu or sore throats are no less detrimental to fetal development. If they are ignored and hesitated with treatment, then the viruses will completely weaken the immune system, which is not permissible for an already weak pregnant body.
A common problem present in many families is conception with a Rh factor conflict. If the mother has blood, the rhesus of which is negative, and the father, on the contrary, the rhesus is positive, then when the sperm enters the egg, the conflict occurs. That is, the woman’s body perceives the male protein as foreign. After such fertilization, the female body regards the fetus as something harmful, and begins to actively fight it by producing antibodies. As a rule, such a pregnancy can be successful for the first time. But if the family wants a second child, then in this situation a Rhesus conflict is possible and, as a result, a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy.
The expectant mother is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol or smoke. An incorrect diet can create a risk of miscarriage, not to mention bad habits. The psychological state of a woman in this period is quite stressful, so she must create for herself the most positive emotions. Permanent nervous breakdowns negatively affect the development of the future baby.
If this unpleasant moment happened, in no case should not despair! It is simply necessary to carry out careful pregnancy planning after a miscarriage. Firstly, you should not immediately work on conceiving a baby, since a woman's body needs to recover from such severe stress. Doctors recommend starting planning no earlier than six months or a year after a miscarriage. It must be understood that the next pregnancy should take place under closer supervision. And then a healthy baby will be born!