International Women's Day March 8 - a holiday of spring. Traditions, history and features of the celebration of March 8

Now the celebration of such a wonderful holiday as March 8 is, for the most part, familiar and does not bring any surprise. However, if you recall what is the history of the International Women's Day, then most modern women should especially enjoy him. After all, few already remember how hard the struggle was for many of the rights that we now have. But once women could not afford to think about something more for themselves. In those days, they had neither the right to vote, nor work in state institutions. Let’s remember everything and understand, and what is the meaning of the holiday of March 8?

holiday international women's day

Gender differences

A woman is a creature fragile by nature, designed to support her man, continue the human race, preserve the family hearth and raise children. Of course, from primitive times, the position of women in society has changed significantly. A modern woman works on a par with a man, moreover, in all areas: heavy and light industry, science and business, politics and culture. And many of them are very prosperous in this field. However, to achieve their current situation, women had to go through a lot. So let's plunge into the past (when International Women's Day has not yet been announced) from the very beginnings to the present day and find out how the holiday came about and how it is celebrated in different countries.

The suffering of women in society

For dozens and even hundreds of years, the beautiful half of humanity was oppressed and humiliated both physically and mentally. Thus, almost a third of women were abused by their partners or criminals: beatings, sexual harassment and other forms of abuse. Also, more than 130 million girls went through such a disgusting procedure as female circumcision, during which they removed the external genital organs. And only recently have these unfortunate people been given the opportunity to free themselves from this. Countless women and girls have been sold into slavery, including sexual slavery, married in early childhood - up to 8 years. If we talk about the labor and political sphere, the struggle for rights is still ongoing, since the average salary of women is still less than men's, and they occupy less than a third of managerial posts. In Muslim countries, there are many bans for ladies due to religious canons. Thus, gender differences have existed from ancient times to the present day, so it is not surprising that women are so actively fighting for rights along with the stronger sex.

The origins

If we say how the International Women's Day appeared, then you need to start the conversation from the dawn of the human era. From ancient times it was believed that a man is a breadwinner, he is the head of the family, and therefore must make all decisions, be responsible for his wife and children.

International Women's Day holiday history

However, over time, this state of affairs ceased to suit women, and they began to actively fight for their rights in all spheres of activity. It is believed that International Women's Day began on March 8, 1957, when the so-called "empty pot march" passed through the central streets of New York. It was carried out by textile workers, employees of local sewing factories, because of disagreement with the conditions of their work. With their speech, they wanted to draw attention to themselves, to fight for their rights in the work sphere and to achieve the fulfillment of their requirements: namely, improving the quality of conditions and raising wages. In this International Women's Day was also politically motivated. After all, women were eager not only for production, they wanted to have the right to vote and their representatives in state institutions and government. And they achieve this through hard work, albeit gradually. And they can already boast that thanks to their efforts, a bright and joyful International Women's Day appeared (although the history of the holiday was not so happy).

Holiday symbols

Despite the fact that there were many other protests by women, the holiday was officially approved and registered by the UN only in 1975. However, for millions of beautiful creatures, this March 8, International Women's Day, became their great victory, and therefore even divided by oceans and thousands of kilometers of land, ethnic, cultural and political differences, they now have a legitimate opportunity to celebrate this exciting day. The holiday has become the personification of justice, equality and courage. And also all the qualities that every woman is endowed with - kindness, tenderness and love. Now this holiday is truly international, and in many countries it has also been declared national. And all this is the merit of those brave women who were not afraid to fight for their rights.

March 8th traditions

Modern festival

In modern society, this holiday is perhaps one of the warmest. On this day, in many countries of the world, women dress up in their best dresses, invent amazing hairstyles, and apply spectacular makeup. Husbands bring coffee to bed and organize dinner in a restaurant, boyfriends give fragrant flowers and delicious sweets, and sons visit their mothers and spend the day with them. It is worth recognizing that International Women's Day is, first of all, a day of attention to all women. Therefore, they simply glow with happiness, congratulate each other, and boast of gifts. After all, small female joys also lie in this.

From city institutions

It should be noted that nevertheless, in most cases, states actively encourage the holding of such a wonderful holiday. Therefore, congratulations on International Women's Day also come from them, manifesting themselves in large-scale street decorations, beautiful illuminations, many concerts and performances. In addition, discounts are announced in theaters and cinemas, and various promotions are offered in clothing stores and even household appliances, and therefore there is a kind of shopping boom. But in the field of restaurant activities and flower sales the reverse trend is not a secret that the prices of fragrant buds for beloved ladies and a romantic dinner in a wonderful place on this day are very expensive for men, but you can’t do anything for a smile on the faces of beautiful ladies. ..


Events for International Women's Day are actively pleasing to the population, especially the young. Since the bulk of the concerts are held on the main streets of the cities, a large mass of people gather there. People walk, listen to songs and sing along, eat different goodies in local cafes, take pictures, go to parks and entertainment venues. And in educational institutions and various organizations on the last working day before the holiday, congratulations are also given to ladies of any age. So, schools and universities decorate inside and out, organize concerts with music and dance numbers. And men, boys and boys collectively give gifts to their companions, read poetry and prosaic greetings, and pay attention all day. However, this is happening in most European countries and in the post-Soviet space, but how is the International Women's Day celebrated in individual countries?

In Armenia

how did international women's day

As we know, in countries such as Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, March 8 is marked with a red number in the calendar, which means that the whole population has a guaranteed day off, and in fact it comes out, on average, about three. Armenia can only boast before them, where the celebration of International Women's Day has turned into a "month", which lasts from March 8 to April 7. However, they got it after a difficult struggle with gender differences. Here is how it was. The fact is that when Armenia was still part of the USSR, the holiday lasted one day and was state, but after the collapse of the Union, the new government of the country canceled March 8 and instead declared it April 7 as Beauty and Motherhood Day . Women opposed the changes and achieved restoration of the previous date, and now Caucasian women have been celebrating Armenian women a whole month! And this is the best manifestation of justice.

In Turkmenistan, Lithuania, Poland and France

This wonderful holiday was canceled in many other countries after the collapse of the Union. Thus, in Turkmenistan it was combined with Navruz, turning it into a general concept of spring and joy, but women nevertheless achieved his return, and even re-holding in the year. In Lithuania, he was either expelled or restored to the list of state holidays, but now he is still celebrated with demonstrations, concerts and other events. In Poland, the celebration of International Women's Day was declared a relic of the socialist system and banned from being held. However, fortunately, traditions have been preserved, and ladies still receive their long-awaited special attention from the male side. But in France, on the contrary, even though the holiday is on the calendar, it is celebrated only in communist families, however sad it may be.

International Women's Day

In Italy and other places

In the countries located closest to the border with Asia, March 8, International Women's Day is still not so loud and bright, on the contrary, it is treated quite restrained. And now they have only Mother's Day, and therefore, alas, congratulations go only to parents and pregnant women. But in Italy, March 8 is radically different. So, if in Russia men give attention and colors to their women and spend time with them, then in this country ladies are isolated and celebrate inside the circle exclusively without partners. A mimosa twig is considered a symbol of the holiday as the first gift of spring.

In the countries of Asia

March 8 International Women's Day

In Vietnam, the history of International Women's Day is also not simple, but later it was combined with another important day for the state - the memory of the Chyng sisters, who more than 2 thousand years ago courageously led the fight against the Chinese invaders. Therefore, in this country, in addition to congratulations from men, the state is also presented. awards from governing organizations. But in China, this day is rather belittled, since it is believed that this is a celebration of exclusively married women. However, the student students nevertheless honor the traditions of the celebration of March 8 and in the morning they gather under the windows of their girls' dormitories with posters and colorful balloons, publicly shouting declarations of love, gather together at the venues for public festivities.

Home holiday

Of course, on this wonderful day, all men try to surprise and please their women as much as possible. This is manifested primarily in the search for interesting ideas for this event. Most, of course, are limited to even standard, but still extremely pleasant things, namely they wake your beloved with a kiss, bring breakfast and fragrant beautiful flowers to bed . Then a home celebration is held, guests are invited, a wonderful table is set with sweets. And in the late afternoon, while the ladies were putting on a marathon, men put on ironed suits with a shirt and even a tie, take their only ones to dinner at the restaurant, and give them the long-awaited gifts.

Holiday Ideas

International Women's Day

Those men to whom affluence allows them to devote special attention to their lady, of course, arrange real demonstrations. So, they give their beloved jewelry, furs, cars and expensive cell phones, post congratulations on billboards in the city, and prepare corporate parties. If the abundance is small, then men act more creatively. So, for example, young guys can collect a real flash mob for their girls or independently arrange a romantic dinner at home, as expected, with flowers, candles, where they can boast of their culinary abilities and give their only ones a rest. But men can safely give their partners various gift certificates, coupons or discount cards to beauty salons, shoe and clothing stores, perfumes, spas, massages and other women's amenities. Fortunately, commercial organizations are actively trying to facilitate the ideas of men by issuing such shares.

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