Shockwave Flash not responding - what to do? Tips & Tricks

Shockwave Flash - . . , , ""- . , "Shockwave Flash ."? ?

, , - "" . - .

Settings in Mozilla

"" . .

Shockwave Flash ? .

, - " " . - "" (Chrome/Yandex). Shockwave Flash . .

, . "":

  1. Google Chrome.
  2. chrome://components. .
  3. "".
  4. .
  5. Disable. "". "".
  6. Shockwave Flash.

. . Shockwave Flash ?

- . , .

Where to find Shockwave Flash

- :

  1. . "" , . , .
  2. "". "" "".
  3. "" "...".
  4. " ".
  5. ( ) , . , " " " ".
  6. Ok.

Shockwave Flash ? , . .

"" :

  1. " " "".
  2. . . "".
  3. " ...".
  4. .
  5. , .

. Shockwave Flash , -.

? "". , .

Shockwave Flash , :

  1. - , "".
  2. " ".
  3. "" "" .
  4. " " " ".
Shockwave Flash quick start

In some cases, Shockwave Flash is not responding due to the heavy load on the browser and operating system. To get rid of problems, you can:

  1. Close all background applications in the OS.
  2. Close extra pages in the browser. The more they are open in one window, the higher the likelihood of a Flash failure.
  3. Check your computer for viruses and cure the operating system.

Now it’s clear what to do if the Shockwave Flash module is not responding.

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