Studying this “adult material” at a school desk teaches junior high school students identity. National identity is necessary to cultivate an ethnic community with the people, the ability to accept their history. Maternal love, and in our case love for the motherland, is unconditional, and craving for it is the strongest feeling of a person, according to the notorious German philosopher Fromm.
Proverb value
They are based on whole lives. They jokingly warn about everything that we someday would have thought of ourselves, having lived life.
Proverbs are a unique phenomenon when all the wisdom of a generation is passed on to descendants. And the theme of the Motherland is a special segment of folklore.
She always occupied an important niche in Russian creativity. They sang about it, composed epics. She nourished her strength, inspired her exploits.
First acquaintance with a proverb
Already first-graders, not knowing the words “state” and “country”, we heard our first proverb about the place where we were born. Due to the richness of the language, it uses different methods of transmitting information. For example, compares his attitude to the place of birth with the look of people born in other places: "To the Far East, and to us - dear." Shows his native land as living: "His side strokes the wool, the alien side is opposite." The homeland becomes a metaphor for the native home, which brought together children under its roof: “Houses and walls help.”
Also, the home side is presented as something beautiful, something that you can enjoy enjoying. The capacious saying of the following proverb about the homeland for children remains in memory for a long time. As if it was a question of the beauty of nature or of a beautiful peasant girl: “There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our homeland.” Proverbs about the homeland for children are an important element in the formation of an integral personality.
The feeling of patriotism is an adult feeling. Only having matured, we realize how close our Motherland is to us, how much it pulls there. The feeling of the land on which you were born, how the homeland unites the citizens of one state, the sons of one mother country. And the sooner a person realizes this, the more blessed he becomes to live. Teaching such proverbs to children helps them to realize themselves earlier, to understand the importance of their homeland.
Proverbs about Moscow
Proverbs about homeland for children reveal love not only for the whole country as a whole. One of the most striking symbols of our country is the capital. Much has been written about her: "Mother-Moscow Road: you won’t buy gold, you won’t take it by force." A comparison of the city with something broad and necessary is used: "All rivers flow into the sea, all roads lead to Moscow." Often it is presented in a warlike vein: "Moscow is granite: no one will win Moscow." Mentioned in the proverbs and the theme of death: "For Moscow, the mother is not afraid to die."
Foreign analogues
In the countries of the former USSR there are also such proverbs about the homeland for children. Each of them has its own flavor, in it the native side is compared with what is valuable in a particular area or at a certain time. In Kazakhstan, the homeland is compared with gold: "El Ishі - Altyn Besіk" ("Native Land - the Golden Cradle"). Gold in this country was not just a valuable metal, but also a designation of something different from another, high-quality. Something beautiful and shining could also be called golden.
The Belarusian counterpart is very similar to Russian sayings, where the love of the homeland is opposed to staying in another locality. For example, "Good on the Don, but better in your home." The river is valuable, it is the guarantee of the harvest, but without the home side, even a pond does not bring joy, ” the proposal reads . The Uzbek proverb is simple to understand and concise, it sounds like this: "It is better to be a shepherd in the homeland than in the foreign land the sultan."
Neither the noble rank, nor the wealth of the family matter where you are torn from the side dear to the heart. Russian proverbs about the homeland confirm this. The native side is the soul, separation from it is the feeling of alienation: “There are no relatives, but the heart aches along the darling side”. These proverbs are the richest by comparison, they have a lot of metaphors, epithets, some need to be "grown up".
Abroad, there are similar proverbs. So, for example, the Arab people have an analogue like this: "The most valuable thing for a person in a foreign land is his homeland." Each grain of folklore teaches young citizens to understand what the motherland is. A proverb as an educational material is very important for learning in childhood. It is simple in structure, but nothing better than it will bring such a big idea in short form.