May 15 - Family Day. history of the holiday

The family is the most important unit of society. Without it, the existence of the state is impossible. Therefore, those countries that are worried about their own development do not bypass May 15 - Family Day. Indeed, for civilization to develop, first of all, families must be strong.

May 15 family day

How it all started

The history of Family Day on May 15th dates back to the distant 1989, when the first attempts were made to create a tradition. However, the international community supported this initiative and took seriously the problems of families only after 5 years. And 1994 was proclaimed the International Year of the Family.

At the same time, the UN assembly joined in resolving the problems. The organization adopted a resolution on the appearance of a new red calendar day in the world - May 15 (Family Day), which should be celebrated annually. She hoped that on this day every year around the world will be a variety of conferences, forums, festivals devoted to pressing problems of the family.

2014 is a jubilee year, because Family Day was celebrated for the 20th time by citizens of the whole world. In Russia, they began to support this tradition a year later - in 1995. From that moment, our state began to pay more attention to the problems of families in the country. And 2008, by decree of the Commander-in-Chief of Russia, was proclaimed the Year of the Family.

Family significance

Adequate perception of the world and the acquisition of the right moral attitudes, certain character traits - all this in a person is embedded in a narrow circle of close people. A person only in the family can receive warmth, love and affection. Parents are primarily responsible for the entire process of personality socialization .

A strong family is the key to the welfare of the entire population of the planet. Therefore, the state needs to take great care of this unit of society. May 15 - Family Day - calls on everyone on the planet to think about the conditions under which today's families live, whether they raise their children well, and how they overcome life's difficulties that have got in their way.

Family Day Celebration May 15

Sometimes you need a reason to remember about the parental home, children, family values ​​and your family tree. For these purposes, a specific day was allocated. Ensuring the transfer of traditions from generation to generation is one of the main functions of the cell of society. Its significance cannot be understated in society. She must be nurtured on the basis of a complete family.

Why is this holiday special?

World Family Day May 15 is gaining popularity every year. Those issues that were raised on the day of the festival are then resolved throughout the year at the highest levels. This moment significantly distinguishes Family Day from many other holidays, which are remembered only on the day of the event.

Family Day is a very important and quite popular holiday. Any such event has a positive effect on the relations of its members and brings them together. And the celebrations dedicated to this very unit of society, all the more will contribute to its unity. We can safely say that the idea of ​​creating such an event was successfully implemented. Although the holiday is still young, it already has its own traditions.

family day story may 15

Family Day Traditions in Russia

Each year, May 15 - Family Day - is celebrated with a ceremony in the Kremlin. It presents the prize "Family of Russia". Families with many children are presented with the Order of Parental Glory. The corresponding decree approving the awards was signed in the Year of the Family and, accordingly, has been issued since May 2008.

Also on this day throughout the country are various festivals, discussions, conferences related to the institution of the family. And throughout the whole time (for several years already), the propaganda of the value of family and childbearing has been carried out, which is gradually bearing fruit. In many Russian regions over the past few years there has been an increase in the birth rate and an excess over mortality.

There is another wonderful tradition associated with Family Day - to celebrate the whole country another event. All in the same year 2008, the all-Russian holiday of Orthodoxy was officially proclaimed - the Day of Peter and Fevronia, which the whole country celebrates on July 7. This day also hosts many events aimed at maintaining the institution of the family.

world family day may 15

Family Support in Russia

Family Day celebrations on May 15, as a rule, are held quite loudly in civilized states, since the issues associated with it are important for the development of countries. In Russia, it has been celebrated for 19 years. Each year there is a burning key topic with which the plots of all the events held at that time are connected.

2008 was declared the Year of the Family in the Russian Federation, for which the government has developed a significant state program aimed at developing family support in our country. First of all, the state supports those families who are in difficult life situations. So, an important direction in the program is to help single pensioners and children who do not have carers.

The statesmen did not forget about the problems of motherhood and childhood. For example, there is an acute problem of mortality during childbirth, both for mothers and their babies. For these indicators to go to zero, it is necessary to ensure the proper quality of medical care for this category of citizens at the expense of the state, which the current programs are aimed at.

Also, the country has successfully implemented a policy to increase the birth rate and support large families. For example, the program “maternity capital” has been successfully implemented, in which a target certificate is issued for the birth of a second child, and this amount is indexed every year by the percentage of inflation (if the certificate has not yet been used). Or another - the provision of land for the construction of housing at the birth of a third child.

international family day may 15

Support for large families in Europe

The most important problem in European countries, discussed on International Family Day on May 15, is the birth rate. It is even more acute in advanced economies. How do European states solve this issue? Mostly through subsidies.

For example, in France, where the birth rate is at the highest level among the European community, there is a program called "Big Family". Thanks to her, at the birth of each subsequent child, the family receives tax breaks. So, a family with four children hardly pays taxes to the state.

In Germany, a mother with many children also receives a tax bonus for each child born. And a plus for each child receives a monthly payment of 154 euros. In Sweden, the benefit received increases with the advent of the next family member. In addition, if the family is recognized as poor, then the state accrues additional subsidies.

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