Signs of pregnancy at 2 months: what your stomach and feelings look like

A woman learns about her interesting situation when she has already passed the first month after conception. The first and most obvious symptom is the absence of menstruation. In addition, the accompanying signs of pregnancy at 2 months are amplified, or are only manifesting. What is characteristic of the new state of a woman, how is it manifested? What to fear and how to behave? More about this later in this article.

What changes occur in the body in the second month? Signs

Changes in the body occur from the moment the embryo attaches to the uterine wall. It is in the first 2 months of pregnancy that the hormonal background in the body of a woman begins to be rebuilt. According to new sensations, a woman can guess that she will soon become a mother.

2 months pregnant

The signs of pregnancy at 2 months are as follows:

  1. The health of a woman is changing. She begins to tire quickly, even at the slightest exertion. Constantly sleepy. This is due to the fact that the main forces now go to the development of the fetus. This is also the cause of frequent dizziness. But sometimes women, on the contrary, may complain of insomnia.
  2. The emotional state also changes. Constant mood swings. A cheerful mood can quickly be replaced by tears. During this period, a woman takes everything too close to her heart. She even feels sorry for a bug crushed by accident, or ordinary sunlight can bring joy. The hormonal changes in the body are to blame for these differences. To reduce the mood swings, the doctor may prescribe sedatives, since greater sensitivity or nervousness adversely affects pregnancy.
  3. The uterus, since the embryo is attached, grows every day, but does not reach large sizes in a month. Usually up to the size of a medium orange. This causes frequent urination. She presses on the bladder. In turn, an overflowing bladder also presses on the uterus, thereby adversely affecting the fetus.
  4. Due to the growth of the uterus, pain can occur from the sides of the lower abdomen and lower back. This is due to ligaments that begin to stretch due to the growth of the uterus.
  5. An increase in uterus in size provokes bloating, the appearance of heartburn and problems with stool. Constipation can adversely affect not only the health of the mother, but also on the future baby. Since feces that are not removed on time from the body begin to poison with their toxins. Therefore, with constipation, you need to contact the therapist, he will prescribe mild laxatives, which do not provoke a miscarriage.
  6. Of course, toxicosis at 2 months of pregnancy. A rare woman can boast that the pregnancy went without toxicosis. In some women, it manifests itself more in the morning. And there are mothers who can’t look at food all day. Previously favorite odors irritate and nausea. Typically, toxicosis disappears by the end of 3 months, but there are cases when it accompanies the entire pregnancy.
  7. The load on the veins increases. And if there are problems with veins in the legs or with hemorrhoids, then care should be taken to prevent the disease from progressing. The capillaries on the legs and chest become more pronounced. A capillary mesh may appear.
  8. Changes in the hormonal background cause strange tastes in women. Sometimes their strangeness surprises even people who have seen a lot. For example, after a salty herring, you may immediately want a cake with strawberries, or in the middle of the night in January, fresh watermelon.
  9. Another 1 sign of pregnancy at 2 months is breast enlargement and tenderness. Unlike pains before menstruation, these are stronger, sometimes it is simply impossible to touch the chest. And even a bra can be painful. In this case, you need to revise your wardrobe so that it does not cause inconvenience. Be sure to purchase a bra made of natural fabric and a larger size. The halo around the chest becomes darker and slightly increases in size. Enlarged breasts at 2 months of gestation are one of the clear signs.
1 sign of pregnancy

The second month of pregnancy. Other symptoms

Also in the second month, the following symptoms may appear:

  1. Some women have pigmentation on their skin.
  2. Perhaps a decrease (if severe toxicosis) or an increase in appetite. If a girl adhered to diets before pregnancy in order to be in shape, then during pregnancy the body is set to gain the weight that is inherent in nature. Therefore, the appetite can be constant. There may be a desire to eat even at night. Often in the stomach it boils, as from poor-quality food. This is a normal occurrence.
  3. At the beginning of pregnancy, an increase in body temperature (slightly above 37 degrees) is possible. But over time, it normalizes.
  4. Receptors (smell and taste) strengthen their work, a woman more sensitively perceives all smells and tastes are more clearly perceived.
  5. Sometimes there is a feeling of chills, which can quickly change the feeling of heat.
  6. Headaches can occur, often the cause of their occurrence is unpleasant odors.
  7. Already at this time, the first swelling of the limbs and face can begin.
  8. Acne is also possible due to hormonal changes in the body.
  9. Immunity significantly decreases, as nutrients go to the fetus. Therefore, the likelihood of a common cold increases. Thrush may also develop.
  10. Menstruation at 2 months of pregnancy are absent. They simply should not be. Any spotting is already a pathology.
signs of pregnancy at 2 months

All of the above symptoms usually go away by the beginning of the fourth month. Although some remain until the end of pregnancy. For example, breast tenderness. If the pregnancy is multiple, then some signs of pregnancy are more pronounced. And there are also lucky ones who may not even guess about the pregnancy due to mild symptoms and a malfunction in the cycle of menstruation. And sometimes they know already when the stomach becomes obvious, plus the child begins to make itself felt with his tremors.

Belly in the second month. Visible or not?

belly at 2 months of pregnancy

The abdomen at 2 months of pregnancy is not yet visible, the uterus is not yet greatly enlarged. Typically, an increase occurs closer to 12 weeks. Although people and relatives around you at work may note that the woman began to round up. And they can begin to guess about the onset of pregnancy.

At 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, only very thin girls can notice a small rounded tummy. But this is not caused by an increase in the uterus, but because of the accumulation of gases that are formed due to changes in the functioning of the digestive system.

Features in the diet and behavior of women

Pregnant women most often complain that they feel sick at 2 months of gestation. And they are looking for ways to reduce toxicosis. Indeed, there are several ways to reduce gagging.

First you need to monitor your diet. Do not overeat. It is better to eat more often and in small portions. And even if after eating there will be a strong feeling of hunger. You need to try to wait for time between meals. Do not increase the portions much. So you can reduce toxicosis, as well as not gain extra pounds, which are then so hard to drive. Yes, and the baby will be of normal physique.

Some pregnant women noted that breakfast in bed also reduces nausea. Lollipops, crackers, sour and salty foods help fight toxicosis. Only with salty dishes should not be abused. Otherwise, edema will come to replace toxicosis.

The diet should be varied and complete. Be sure to eat lean meat, fruits and vegetables. At this time, the rudiments of all the organs of the baby are laid. And if one or another microelements or nutrients is not enough, then the child may begin to develop problems. Therefore, if mom is a vegetarian, then during pregnancy you need to forget about it. If there is no meat in the diet, then the child will receive less iron and he will have problems with blood.

Sometimes women say that they are attracted to strange foods (I want to chew on chalk). This may indicate a lack of calcium. It is necessary to consult a therapist, he will prescribe the necessary vitamins.

What is good to eat in the second month of pregnancy?

It is advisable to remove junk food from the diet: fried meatballs, chips, soda and so on. But if you really want to, then a little bit is possible. And so, you can find analogues that replace these products. Chips can be prepared on their own, cutlets are cooked in a water bath. Soda can be replaced with fruit drinks.

When buying food, as well as fruits and vegetables, you need to pay attention to the release date or condition of the product. Expired or damaged, of course, not worth buying. Be sure to eat fish, eat dairy products.

Pay special attention to green fruits, vegetables and, in fact, greens. They contain folic acid, which the baby needs for proper and complete development. But it is better to refuse baking and flour products. This is harmful to the figure, and can cause an abortion. In addition, the fetus can be born large, and this can lead to gaps.

Gynecologists already at this time recommend that the expectant mother take special vitamins to strengthen health and immunity. Doctors also advise drinking as much clean water as possible (tea, juices as needed). Since the child needs water now, amniotic fluid should be renewed.

Weight gain and body shape changes in the second month

breast at 2 months of pregnancy

Another 1 sign of pregnancy for 2 months is a quick weight gain (if there is no severe toxicosis). It is considered normal for the first time to gain 0.5-0.6 kg per week. As much weight can decrease. If you follow the correct diet, you can avoid weight gain, as well as reduce toxicosis. This is the preservation of the figure. And if there is no excess weight, then there will not be a strong increase in the load on the heart. Since the load increases during the bearing of a child, and even if you add your excess weight, heart problems and other diseases can begin.

Already from this time you need to monitor your behavior, you should not work hard, you need to remember that now the health of the future baby depends on the health of the mother. Need more time to rest. Take walks, preferably not in the city, but in forested areas. If possible, organize a nap.

If the expectant mother was involved in sports, then the load should be reduced, and over time, you may have to refuse them (especially if there is a threat of miscarriage).

7-8 weeks of pregnancy. How does the fetus develop?

The future mother, of course, is interested in what her future baby looks like at this time. In the second month of pregnancy, doctors can prescribe an ultrasound. This is done in order to determine: multiple or not pregnancy; is there a risk of miscarriage; one can already discern whether or not the fetus has begun to develop.

By the end of the second month of pregnancy, the fetus has developed:

  • nose, lips, eyes, jaw;
  • formation of the placenta is completed;
  • handles and legs grow in length, but there are no fingers on them yet;
  • the brain is formed and grows;
  • the heart becomes four-chambered.

The baby begins to make the first movements, but they are so weak that the mother does not feel them. It is at this time, when the whole body is laying, that special attention should be paid to the mother’s diet and loads. Otherwise, the child may have heart problems, cleft lip, underdevelopment of the brain, and so on.

2 months of pregnancy - how many weeks? What size has the fetus already reached? The end of the second month of pregnancy is 9 weeks. At this time, the fetal growth is 3 cm. At this time, the sex of the unborn child has already been determined. But on ultrasound this is not yet visible.

How to accurately determine the presence of pregnancy?

Delayed menstruation is not always an indicator. This may be a malfunction in the body, a tumor in the uterus, or the onset of menopause. There are several ways to determine pregnancy.

The simplest that grandmothers used was to pay attention to signs of pregnancy at 2 months. These symptoms include: toxicosis, weight gain, breast poured, and so on.

signs of pregnancy in the second month

Now it’s much easier to determine pregnancy. You can buy a test for 2 months of pregnancy, the presence of two strips will indicate a positive result. If there is an assumption, but the period is still very small, no more than a week, then you can determine using a blood test for hCG. At the same time, you can determine the presence of pregnancy by temperature in the rectum. If it is elevated within five days, then pregnancy is.

Doctor and ultrasound examination

A gynecologist can also determine pregnancy. If the uterus has changed color, increased in size, then pregnancy can be recorded. The most interesting and many favorite method is ultrasound. On it you can accurately determine the period and for the first time see your future baby.

What should I look for in the second month?

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman should take a closer look at her health. And if changes are noted that are not characteristic of the normal course of pregnancy, then you should immediately inform your doctor about this.

What could be dangerous? Discharge at 2 months of gestation. This may indicate the beginning of an abortion. And what else can fall? The following situations:

  • suspicion of infection, both in the vagina, and the common cold;
  • if the stomach hurts at 2 months of pregnancy;
  • fever and thrush can also harm the fetus and cause a miscarriage;
  • bleeding, they can talk about an ectopic pregnancy or the onset of a miscarriage.

If you see a doctor in time if these signs are found, then you can save the pregnancy. Therefore, you should not postpone the visit, but it is better to immediately call an ambulance.

stomach ache at 2 months of pregnancy

It is also not recommended to have sex if previous pregnancies ended in a miscarriage or the doctor posed a threat. There must be complete sexual rest.

Little conclusion

If signs of pregnancy at 2 months have confirmed guesses about an interesting situation, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor and register. After that, it is worth following all the recommendations of the gynecologist, eating properly, not overworking. If you detect the slightest deviation, immediately seek help at the hospital. Then in a few months it will be possible to get acquainted with your baby.

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