Many of us have encountered problems downloading from various resources of the World Wide Web. The fact is that sites offer to watch videos directly from their pages. But not everyone has such an opportunity, and then the download manager comes to the rescue. It is a utility that is able to download any video from virtually any portal. Some of these programs are paid, but in this article we will get acquainted with not very capricious and free products.
One of the free downloaders is the famous Download Manager. Its open source « ». , . . , . , . , , , . , . , , , HTML-.
It is worth noting that there is a better substitute for Download Manager. This is an IDM. It is an almost perfect download manager for Chrome, IE, Safari and Mozilla, that is, the entire popular browser four. It is a one-of-a-kind intelligent bootloader. IDM offers to start the download immediately after the user opens the video file. Perhaps the only drawback of the program is that it perceives advertising banners that pop up on many resources for videos that can be downloaded. Unfortunately, the developer does not distribute the free version, however, the craftsmen quite successfully crack this download manager. Therefore, users can find this bootloader in the free version. Its use can be limited only by moral principles.But even buying this software will make downloading enjoyable., , .
Since at the moment the dominance of the OS from the well-known Windows family has swayed noticeably, the developers actively set about creating software that would be compatible with others. Among others, you can highlight Folx. It is a universal download manager for Mac OS, is a great alternative to the built-in browser tools. The developers gave it a virtually unlimited range of functions, which is good on the one hand and bad on the other. Wide functionality helps to solve a variety of problems that the user can only face. However, it is he who is focused on engaging a large number of resources. One way or another, people with a non-standard OS do not have to choose much, and so far the range of products is not so large.Thus, with which bootloader the user should work, determine not only himself, but also his chosen operating system. In any case, in such a variety of programs for each person there is a suitable product.