How long does a rat live? The question is rhetorical

Many people treat different rodents with fondness, but for some reason rats do not get on this list.

how long does the rat live

Is it true that rats are the most harmful animals?

Probably, the image of an evil creature was given to these smartest rodents thanks to television, films and books. To this list can be added the fact that rats are frequent carriers of terrible diseases, because they are regulars in garbage bins. However, no less than infections spread pigeons - symbols of peace, kindness and happiness. But if the boys on the street throw stones at pigeons, the whole yard rushes to scold them. But at the sight of a rat moving along the road, almost all people fall into a panic. And certainly no one will try to protect her from attack.

Rat disease

Perhaps the reason for the strange attitude towards rats lies in their outstanding abilities, in their mind, resourcefulness, sense of danger? They say that if rats lived as much as humans, they would be able to surpass him in many ways and take a dominant place on the planet. And then a fair question arises: "How long does the rat live?" Veterinarians answer that her life is limited to 1.5-2 years. And most often, domestic rats die from diseases: tumors, mycoplasmosis, pneumonia, heart failure, various diseases of the central nervous system. It is also worth ranking here as a stroke, diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system, asphyxiation ... An interesting list is obtained, as if it was not about rats, but about people. That's it! Due to some features of the body, these animals help to study human diseases.

domestic rats

Long-lived rats

Why is the life span of domestic rats so short? Why, in response to the question of how long a rat lives at home, do vets call such a small figure? Apparently, the fact that they are removed artificially by changing genetics plays a role in this. Yes, and most of the owners of their pets are kept incorrectly, bringing a lot of harm to their health. But if you take good care of the rodent, feed it correctly, organize excellent maintenance and medical care for it, then the question of how long the rat lives, the owner will be able to give a decent answer. In such conditions, the rodent is able to live for about four years or even longer. There are amazing facts about the longevity of these amazing creatures. The record recorded in the Guinness book gives its answer to the question of how much the rat lives. Seven years and four months - this is an achievement!

rat care

Rats: care and proper nutrition

The more serious the owner is about the health of his pet, the longer the animal will be able to please him. The most common cause of disease and mortality in rats is considered to be improper feeding. Although they are considered omnivorous, it is worth remembering that you should not give them fatty, fried, spoiled, alcohol-containing and spiced foods. Pampering a pet with chips and crackers that contain chemical ingredients means irreparably harming the animal. They should be given no more than 50 grams of feed per day, dividing the serving by half. Moreover, more than half of the diet should be in carbohydrates, a third in proteins, and only a tenth in fats. Be sure to rats should be given greens, vegetables and fruits, fish, lean meat, dairy products. Berries are preferably offered to seedless animals. But raw potatoes are completely contraindicated for them. Daily cleaning of the cage also has a positive effect on the health of the pet. And they consume water best from special ball drinkers. So she does not stagnate and does not fall on the litter.

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