Falabella mini-horse: breed description, content features

Decorative animals can be different. In our view, these are usually rodents. But this is not so, because now you can meet more original animals. For example, it can be mini-pigs or mini-horses. It is about the latter that we will talk further. In our article, the breed of the Falabella horse will be examined in detail. This is a very interesting and beautiful animal.

Description of appearance

We begin to write a description of the Falabella horse with its appearance. On average, the height at the withers is 65 cm. The weight of such a horse ranges from fifty to sixty kg. And if we talk about the smallest horse, the Falabella in the world, then it weighs only 13.5 kg with a growth of 50 cm. The physique of such an animal is proportional. The head is neat, small, the legs are thin with small hooves. If we talk about the skeleton of a Falabella horse, then it is slightly different from the usual skeleton of a horse. This animal has one vertebra and a smaller rib. The hair of representatives of this species is soft, and the skin is thin.

mini horse

The color of the horse may be different. There is even a speckled Falabella horse. Of course, that this breed belongs to decorative horses. Such a beast is quite expensive as well as rare. Currently, there are only a few hundred goals. Breeding of this breed is carried out in the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, America and Australia.

The first version of the appearance story

Where did these mini-horses come from? To find out, consider their history. This species stands out from the equine family with its brilliant mind, constitution and beauty. Now there are several options for the appearance of this species. The basic theory of appearance is as follows: due to landslides, a herd of horses fell into a trap, animals were stuck in a fairly deep canyon. So they were for a long time, they ate only cacti. Because of such a diet that is poor in vitamins, the growth and development of the animal has changed.

decorative animals

In the canyon, these horses have existed for more than one millennium. And new generations became smaller and smaller. As a result, the pedigree survived serious genetic changes. The pioneer of this species was a farmer from Argentina. His name was Falabella. He was a noble breeder and horse lover. It was he who saw a small foal in the canyon. The breeder personally took out the animal from there, after which he began to actively breed these mini-horses at his ranch. He named animals in his honor.

Second legend

There is another story of the emergence of Falabella horses. According to this legend, the Irishman Patrick Newall was engaged in the breeding of such animals. He lived at that time in Argentina. He had a whole herd of horses about 75 cm tall. It took many years to form this species. At the end of the 19th century, the breeding of miniature horses passed into the hands of the son-in-law of Juan Falabella. As a result, the horse lover created a standard mare with non-standard dimensions.

The third version of the breed

There is a version that the Indians brought a stunted horse. They knew the main secrets of breeding, but now they do not recognize this in modern society. And all because the lifestyle of the Indians does not imply the use of horses of this size. Their tribes needed strong and large specials who would be able to save them in battles with white people.

Summing up the above, we can conclude that all the stories of the appearance of these horses are united by one fact, namely: the size of the animal was affected by lack of food, adverse living conditions, and climate.


mini horses

Currently, these horses are in great demand among lovers of unique, purebred according to external data breeds of horses. To understand why these animals are so popular, you should take a closer look at their character, habits, and also the conditions of detention.

Let's start with habits. This breed of horse is considered an excellent jumper. These animals with enthusiasm and great pleasure overcome difficult barriers and obstacles. The horse easily rides over rough terrain. They withstand a high speed of movement, without difficulty they can spend quite a long time on the run. Such animals demonstrate diligence and devotion to the owner. They are happy to follow all the instructions and wishes of the owners. Such humility played into the hands of animals. Many horse breeders possess these horses and breed them as domestic decorative animals for aesthetic pleasure.

The nature of the breed

Now let's talk about the nature of the representatives of this species. These animals are friendly, good-natured. Especially miniature horses like small children. It is due to this that such animals are used to teach children to ride. To train such an animal does not require special skills and efforts. Even an inexperienced horse breeder can teach a horse tricks. Psychologists believe that mini-horses can be great friends for young children. They recommend babies contacting these animals as often as possible.

Keeping animals

miniature horses

How should such horses be kept? There are no surprises in this matter. All the rules and regulations of ordinary horses apply to these miniature animals. Although there is one difference in the content. Such miniature horses should be protected from the cold. In the winter season, a horse needs a stable, which is insulated with blankets and infrared lamps. For these animals, day and night blankets should be used.

Horse Care

These horses need daily walks. It is advisable at this moment to give the animal the opportunity to jump, run and frolic. He needs a regular vet checkup. There should never be drafts where the horse lives. Each animal needs to be vaccinated annually against tetanus and flu.

smallest horse falabella

Food. What should be in the diet of such a horse?

Now let's talk about the nutrition of these horses. There is no particular difference in diet between this species and an ordinary horse. The only thing worth watching is the amount of food consumed. Such horses are prone to tradition. And if the animal goes too far with oats, then he may have an allergy. It will manifest as eczema, rash, and itching. In the morning, horses should be given hay, as well as vegetable feed enriched with vegetable crops.

Breeding Features

Now let's talk about breeding. The main difference between this species and other horses is the period of draw. He has a Falabella at 11 months. In ordinary horses, this period falls to the age of thirteen months.

horses falabella

Already in the first year, the foal grows to the desired degree of independence and growth. By the age of three, such a horse is considered fully developed. The growth of a newborn baby of this breed is 40 cm. Usually foals are born from mid-spring to mid-summer.

In the first minutes of life, the baby learns a new habitat, the mother begins to search by smell. If in this period there will be a person next to him, then in the future he will perceive him as a member of his family. Passing horses can easily interest the baby. The foal will drop everything in order to follow them. For this reason, an alert mother is always nearby. She scares away all the animals that approach her cub. To meet a new resident, adult horses begin to play with the baby. The watchful care of the mother for the baby lasts only thirty days. After about eight to ten months, she already ceases to feed the foal. Then she already hooves pushes him away from her udder.

mini horses falabella

Little conclusion

Now you know who such a Falabella horse is, how it differs from ordinary mares. We also examined the features of the content. care and nutrition of such animals. In addition, we considered some features of breeding this type of horse. We hope that this information was interesting and informative for you.

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