Failure 0x80072efd (error code): common troubleshooting methods

, «» , . 0x80072efd. «» Windows, . , , .

0x80072efd ( ): ?

, , Store («»), «», - , . ? 0x80072efd? .

0x80072efd error code

, , Microsoft. ? , .

0x80072efd Windows 10:

, . . . : . , . . , . , , BIOS, , .

, . Win + X, « », . , . – . , . (cmd), «» (Win + R). :

0x80072efd error code


-Command «& {$manifest = (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsStore).InstallLocation + ‘\AppxManifest.xml’ ; Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $manifest}”

In the second option, the following is spelled out:

error code 0x80072efd windows 10

If the first option did not help, the second will work for sure.


That's basically all about the 0x80072efd crash . The error code after applying all these procedures will no longer appear on the screen. Naturally, the true causes of such a problem were not affected here. But, it seems, it is completely optional for an ordinary user to comprehend them, it is enough to know the solutions to correct the situation.

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