HCG at the 5th week of pregnancy: a transcript of the analysis, norms, pathology and advice of gynecologists

For any woman, a long-awaited pregnancy will be a great joy in her life, and, being pregnant, she takes care of the health of the future baby in the womb. Throughout all trimesters of gestation, a large number of various studies are prescribed to all women to make sure that everything is in order with the fetus. In this case, the tests are submitted repeatedly, but if the treating specialist orders the delivery of one of the same more often than others, this will make the patient think about what can cause anxiety. Mandatory in this case is a study to determine the amount of hCG in the mother. In most cases, it is this analysis that speaks of the condition of the woman in the initial stages. In this article, we will take a closer look at what hCG should be at 5 weeks gestation, what this analysis is, and why it should be taken.

blood analysis

general information

HCG analysis stands for chorionic gonadotropin. In the field of medicine, it is called the hormone of pregnancy related to gonadotropins. Unlike follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, this one has a different amino acid sequence.

It is very unique. It begins to leave the chorion after the fertilized egg begins to be implanted in the uterus, approximately on the fifth day after conception. The presence or absence of this hormone in the blood will tell the specialist that the fetus has begun to develop in the uterus, that is, pregnancy has begun. As a rule, this analysis throughout the gestation period may indicate the presence of any deviations during the development of the baby, and may also indicate the normal course of pregnancy. That is why a woman should periodically take an analysis of hCG. At the 5th week of pregnancy, this procedure is also mandatory.

HCG at 5 weeks of gestation

Please note that an increased indicator of this analysis may not only be in women during pregnancy. In non-pregnant women and in men, a positive test will indicate the presence of a hormone-producing tumor in the body. In addition, an increase in this indicator indicates that an abortion has recently been performed.

This hormone consists of beta subunits and alpha subunits, namely the former have a special structure, which is why these particles are searched for in the blood of patients in order to establish an early pregnancy.

Why take an analysis

Using the indicator of this hormone, or rather its amount in plasma, you can set the exact date of conception. If there will be no menstruation on the third or second day, you can carry out this analysis, but if the period of conception was 6 days before the examination. In this case, the result will be positive. To verify pregnancy, experts advise re-taking this test a few days later, as well as making an ultravaginal ultrasound. During the test, you do not need to eat food 4 hours before the blood test. You should also inform your doctor about the use of hormonal drugs in advance. To determine the presence of any deviations during the development of the baby, the patients are sent for an analysis already at the 14th week of gestation.

Pregnancy tests, which are sold in pharmacies, work in approximately the same way. The main differences between the test and the analysis are that the hormone is measured in the urine and not in the blood, as in the case of a clinic visit. But if we compare a simple pregnancy test with a blood test for the detection of hCG, which is performed in the laboratory, we can safely say that the test is a more effective method not only thanks to laboratory tests, but also due to the high hormone content in the blood. To be more precise, twice as much is present in the blood of this substance than in urine.

Normal hCG at 5 weeks of gestation

When the chorion formed, an increased indicator in the body of this hormone indicates fertilization and the subsequent development of pregnancy. This happens very quickly. During the first trimester of gestation, the hCG level doubles over 2 days. This hormone will reach the highest rate at the 7-10th week of pregnancy. Then the amount of the hormone begins to decrease again, and it remains so until the second half of pregnancy. Thus, we can say that hCG at the 5th week of pregnancy still continues to increase. The exact indicators for this period we will consider below.

Based on the rate of increase in the indicator in the body of this hormone, it is possible to identify whether the baby is developing correctly in the womb, whether he has any defects. Starting from the 14th to the 18th week of pregnancy, the amount of the hormone will indicate the presence of any pathologies in the development of the baby. In other words, women take this test as a precaution. Therefore, it must be taken absolutely calmly. When a specialist conducts a series of studies, he will conclude where this analysis is given far from the last value. In non-pregnant and in men, the hormone index is approximately 5 mMU / L. As for women in an interesting position, this indicator is constantly changing. Let us now consider in detail what the level of this hormone should be, including hCG in the fifth week of pregnancy.

hCG level at 5 weeks of gestation

Weekly Indicators

Surely every woman is interested in the question of how this indicator should be normal, depending on the duration of pregnancy. Consider the hCG rate at the fifth week of gestation, as well as at other times.

Before a woman has become pregnant, many do not even have an idea about what the hCG hormone is, and what role this indicator plays in bearing a fetus, what effect it has on the baby’s development.

Depending on the gestational age, this level will vary. For example, the hCG rate at the 5th week of pregnancy can be from 2000 to 83,000. Therefore, we can say that this indicator will be strictly individual. Depending on the characteristics of the body, hCG at 5-6 weeks of gestation will be different. If the patient in an interesting position is going with her friend to take tests to identify this hormone and at the same time they receive completely different data, then do not panic. HCG at 5-6 weeks of gestation can only begin to be produced.

Due to the increase in this hormone, the expectant mother externally begins to transform. It was at this time that many began to notice the beauty of a pregnant lady, when her eyes began to glow, and a blush appeared on her cheeks.

So, we figured out that the level of hCG at the 5th week of pregnancy can be completely different in different patients. But what will be the norm at a later date?

  1. At week 7-8, this indicator can range from 7650 to 229,000 mIU / ml.
  2. At 9-12 weeks, the indicator is from 25,700 to 288,000 mIU / ml.
  3. From the 13th to the 16th week, the level of hCG can range from 13,300 to 254,000 mIU / ml.
  4. In the period from the 17th to the 24th week, this indicator is from 4060 to 165,400 mIU / ml.
  5. From the 25th to the 40th week, the amount of the hormone is from 3640 to 117,000 mIU / ml.

As you can see, indicators can be completely different. Therefore, if your hCG level at 5 weeks gestation is very different from other patients, then there is no reason for concern. These figures are only a general guideline. What is important in this case is not the indicators, but the very trends in the change in the given level of the hormone.

hCG level at 5 weeks

What does the hCG level at the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy indicate?

Until a woman has become pregnant, many don’t even know what this hormone is, or what role it plays in a woman’s body. Depending on the term, this indicator will be different, as we have already found out above. For example, the hCG level at the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy, as you already know, can range from 2,000 to 83,000. However, in greater quantities, it begins to be produced at the sixth week of pregnancy. This hormone stimulates the formation of other female hormones, which are necessary for the development of the fetus, as well as the general well-being of the mother.

An interesting feature of this indicator is that the longer a woman who is expecting a baby has a term, the faster the level of the hormone begins to drop. Currently, specialists in this indicator can easily diagnose pregnancy. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that if the patient has multiple pregnancy, then this indicator will increase depending on the number of fertilized eggs. For example, if during the bearing of one child this indicator was equal to 5000, then hCG at 5 weeks with multiple pregnancy will be equal to 10,000.

5 week of pregnancy

On the 5th week

Having studied all the features of this indicator, almost any woman may be interested in the hormone norm. HCG at the 5th week of pregnancy, as mentioned earlier, can be individual. Any norm is subjective, and the level of hCG will not be an exception. Therefore, the exact norm of hCG at the 4th and 5th week of pregnancy cannot be called. In addition, other factors will influence the indicators. For example, the hCG rate at 5-6 weeks of gestation may differ depending on the laboratory in which the study was conducted. As a rule, each medical institution sets its own normative indicators. You should also pay attention to the fact that hCG at 5 weeks with an ectopic pregnancy will be completely different. Thus, we can conclude that the course of gestation itself has a huge influence on this indicator.

If the expectant mother is interested in the question of what should be the norm of hCG at the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy, then you can study the information below.

If 5-6 obstetric weeks have passed since the conception of the baby, then the indicator is from 1110 to 31 500. Due to this difference in the indicators, it will be very difficult to say what HCG should be at 5 weeks of gestation from conception.

At the 6-7th obstetric week, the amount of this hormone can be from 2560 to 82 300.

Analysis for the detection of hCG can be taken already from the first days of delayed menstruation. But if conception occurred in less than 2 weeks, then one should not expect reliable results. However, if we talk about which hCG at the 4th and 5th week of pregnancy, it should be noted that here the numbers will be more accurate.

The principle of increasing hCG

Since the hCG indicator has a special effect on the health of the mother and the development of the fetus, it will be extremely important to know how the hCG is calculated. It should be noted that during the first 5 weeks of pregnancy, low hCG begins to double every 2-3 days. Later it increases once every 4 days. After 9 obstetric weeks, this indicator is no longer growing so actively, it begins to gradually decrease. The decrease in hormone levels occurs rather slowly.

How does a child develop?

As you understand, the level of hCG at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy continues to grow. In parallel with this, it contributes to the successful development of the fetus. At this stage, the fetus can already see noticeable outlines, despite the fact that it is still very small. An experienced specialist will be able to easily determine the features of further development. A further prognosis is made only depending on which hCG at 5 weeks of gestation.

Does mother feel hCG?

Some future mothers do not feel their own state of pregnancy, which occurs already in the fifth week. What then to say about the sensations of the hCG indicator ?! Nevertheless, the fair sex on themselves can notice external changes. Thanks to the active production of hormones, women become more attractive. In addition, at the 5th week a woman can gain weight, and this will not always be due to the fact that she has deviations in the hCG indices. First of all, this should include the appearance of appetite and new taste preferences.

It should also be noted that at the 5th week of pregnancy, the baby becomes most active, as vital organs begin to form in it. At this time, it is important for the expectant mother to monitor her condition, as well as the health of her unborn child. Thinking about hCG indices should be done by specialists who will introduce monitoring of pregnancy success.

Low Reasons

Rarely, but still it happens that the hCG index drops below normal. The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

  1. Antenatal death of the child.
  2. Threatening abortion and missed pregnancy.
  3. Chromosomal abnormalities.

Prenatal Screening

To control the development of her baby, any pregnant woman must undergo the so-called prenatal screening. It consists of predefined stages, which include an assessment of ultrasound, hormone levels, including the hCG hormone. During the first trimester, at about 10-14 weeks, specialists will examine two main biochemical markers, which include hCG, as well as PAPP-A.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, approximately at the 16-18th week, a woman should undergo a triple test. It includes hCG, AFP, estriol-A.

The indicators of these screenings, together with the results of ultrasound, help to assess the risk of having a baby with any chromosomal abnormalities, as well as malformations. These risks are calculated taking into account the mother’s age, her weight, and the health of the children that she already has.

At the end of the 20th century, experts noticed that in the blood of expectant mothers who have babies with Down syndrome, hCG indicators increase two or more times. The mechanism of the increase in the hormone has not yet been clarified, but it is he who is considered the most sensitive marker in the case of trisomy 21 chromosomes.

Fetal abnormalities that lead to a change in hCG indices include the following:

  1. Down syndrome (in this case, high hCG, as well as a low rate of other markers).
  2. Turner syndrome (in this case, unchanged hCG, but there is a decrease in the remaining markers).
  3. Edwards syndrome, as well as Patau syndrome (in this case, low levels of hCG, other markers).
  4. Severe defect in the neural tube, heart.
hcg norm

If an increased risk of developing any anomalies is identified, then the woman is required to undergo additional examination by a specialist. In order to prevent violations in the development of the fetus, invasive diagnosis is very effective. A variety of methods are applied, which will depend on the duration of pregnancy. Most often, a chorionic biopsy, cordocentesis, amniocentesis are used for this.

It can also be noted that in case of an unsatisfactory screening result, including the level of hCG, a consultation with a geneticist will be required. It happens that screening can be very difficult, and sometimes even impossible. This happens in the case of multiple pregnancy. In this situation, the level of hCG increases in proportion to the number of fruits, as mentioned earlier. However, calculating the individual risk for each fetus will be very problematic.

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a condition during which a fertilized egg is attached anywhere except the endometrium. In most cases, it is located in the fallopian tubes, rarely on the ovaries, in the uterus, and also in the intestine. The danger of such an ectopic pregnancy is that without fail it is interrupted, with the exception of only a few cases. A woman as a result of this can die from severe internal bleeding, which is quite difficult to stop. However, there is the so-called gold standard in diagnosis, thanks to which you can make this diagnosis, and then take appropriate measures in time. These methods include ultrasound, which is combined with the determination of the level of hCG in the blood of the patient.

In the case of ectopic pregnancy, the conditions for the attachment of an egg are extremely difficult, due to which the trophoblast begins to secrete much less hCG than in the case of normally occurring gestation.If the amount of this hormone grows very slowly, and at the same time does not correspond to the norm by weeks, then ultrasound should be done with a vaginal probe, thus finding the fetal egg outside the uterus or in it. This is possible with a high degree of probability in the case of an hCG index of 1000. If, however, an embryo is not detected with a given amount of hormone, then a laparoscopic operation should be performed during which the fetal egg is located. Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are as follows:

  1. Soreness in the abdomen after delayed menstruation.
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hCG detection

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Expert Advice

The use of this hormone inside can affect the result of the analysis of hCG. As a rule, he is appointed by specialists in case of infertility, as well as as a preparation stage for IVF. Very rarely take it in case of threatening abortion on a short term. In any case, if you take this drug or any other hormonal drug, you should necessarily notify your specialist about this fact.

Some experts say that the use of oral contraceptives can affect the evidence of this analysis. However, this information is incorrect. The use of contraceptives does not have any effect on the amount of hCG in the blood. The result of the analysis is influenced by the administration of medications of chorionic gonadotropin.

After delivery or abortion, the level of hCG, as a rule, decreases to normal within 1 week. Sometimes, some patients wait up to 42 days before they are diagnosed. If the indicator did not fall, on the contrary, it began to grow, then this may indicate the development of a trophoblastic tumor. Other neoplasms can provoke an increase in the hormone in the case of metastases or chorionic carcinomas.

There are also other tumors from the tissues of the embryo, but they rarely provoke an increase in hCG. That is why, if there is an education in the lungs, brain, stomach, and also an increased level of hCG, then first of all, you should think about the presence of metastases from a trophoblastic tumor.

Specialists strongly recommend that women who find out about pregnancy periodically donate blood to detect hCG levels. Thus, they will be able to control the development of the fetus, as well as the general condition of the woman.

Hormone Immunity

Sometimes the female body produces immunity against the chorionic hormone. The resulting antibodies to this substance do not allow the fertilized egg to attach normally to the uterus, and then develop normally. That is why, if a woman 2 or more pregnancies ended in a spontaneous early abortion, it is necessary to take an analysis to detect antibodies to hCG.

In the case of a positive result during the first trimester, the specialist prescribes the appropriate treatment. As a rule, it includes the use of low molecular weight heparins and glucocorticoids. It is also worth remembering that such a pathology is rarely diagnosed, therefore, before conducting therapy, it is necessary to exclude the remaining causes of infertility, as well as the problems of miscarriage.


Detection of the level of hCG hormone is the most important step in monitoring the health of the baby and woman. But this analysis should be assigned only by a specialist. Speaking about the level of hCG at the 5th week of pregnancy, it can be argued that the hormone norm for gestational weeks will be different depending on the individual characteristics of the woman's body, as well as other factors. Incorrect interpretation of this indicator can lead to various kinds of unrest for no reason. This is highly undesirable during pregnancy.

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