When is boss day? Find out!

Leaders of all levels are people who deserve all respect, because they have a lot of responsibility for fulfilling the tasks set, the achievements of the company, and they are also responsible for each individual employee. And therefore, on October 16, do not be too lazy to tell your boss at least a couple of kind words, because it is on this day that the professional holiday of all bosses is celebrated - World Boss Day.

Where did the holiday come from?

when is boss day

The history of its occurrence returns us to the middle of the last century. When the Day of the boss was first even voiced by the general public, 1958 stood outside. And it happened through the efforts of a single woman who lived in Chicago. Her name was Patricia Base Haroskey, and she served as secretary in a company called StateFarmInsurance. This company was run by the girl’s father, and the date on which the boss’s Day, in her opinion, should be celebrated, coincided with her dad’s birthday. So Patricia decided to express her love and appreciation for him - as a person and as a talented leader. In her opinion, such a holiday was simply necessary for all the United States of America, because a large number of people are engaged in business in this country, and many of them are chiefs or directors.


Then, four years later, Miss Haroskey’s initiative was taken by Illinois Governor Otto Carner. He heard from the girl about the holiday she proposed and became interested in this idea. And soon he officially approved it. And therefore, sometimes in encyclopedias, the date when the Boss Day began its existence is called 1962. Governor Carner proposed approving the following holiday format: on this day, in his opinion, subordinates should congratulate their superiors and thank them for their honest and friendly work and management over the past year.

boss day 2013

The idea of ​​a professional day for all bosses, originally invented in the USA, was picked up at the speed of light by other countries. The very next year, it began to be celebrated in the UK, Australia, and the South African Republic. And everywhere the date for this celebration was October 16th.

Do you know when boss day is celebrated in Russia?

It turns out that on September 28, in our country, general directors celebrate their professional holiday, and according to statistics, there are as many as 800,000 people in their entire territory.

world boss day

But the October date is also not forgotten by employees of many companies. There are many books dedicated to the wishes of dear bosses, because sending holiday cards in paper or electronic form is an indispensable attribute of such a celebration as Boss Day. 2013 was no exception in this regard: employees of many large and small companies congratulated their superiors, wished prosperity and success in their work, because the boss is not only a position, for many it is a vocation.

Little conclusion

So, with the question of when is Boss Day, we already figured it out. And therefore, on October 16, do not forget to go to your immediate supervisor and tell him how pleasant it is for you to work under his supervision.

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